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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ocean County, NJ

    Hidden OBC Access/Codes

    For those who are interested:

    Instructions to access the hidden OBC functions:
    1. Hold Trip Reset while turning ignition key to on position
    2. OBC should show "Test"
    3. Repeatedly press Trip Reset to select function 19.0 to unlock all of the features
    3. Wait for display to show "Off"
    4. Depress Trip Reset for 1/4 second and release it
    5. With no delay press Trip Reset several times to select one of the following functions:

    Example description
    1 Car Engine and cluster data
    1.0 46nnn Chassis nr/VIN serial number (last 5 digits)
    1.1 4nnn K-number
    1.2 690236 Cluster Part #
    1.3 045210 Coding (04)/diagnosis (52)/bus index (10)
    1.4 1200 Week (12)/year of manufacture (2000)
    1.5 09_160 Hardware (09) and software # (16.0) of cluster
    1.6 Not used
    1.7 04__44 CAN-version (04) KI-revision index (44)
    2 (test) Cluster System Test - Activates the gauge drivers,
    indicators and LEDs to confirm function
    3 SI Data
    3.0 1098 Used fuel in liters since last SI (Service Inspection)
    3.1 0231 Periodic inspection days; elapsed days (since last SI)
    4 Momentary Consumption
    4.0 0145+ Instant fuel consumption - 0145=14.5 liters/100km
    4.1 0018 Instant fuel consumption - 0018=1.8 l/Hour
    5 Distance Gone Consumption
    5.0 082 Average mileage; 082=8.2 liters/100km
    5.1 0536 Calc. km to refuel (momentary distance to go)
    6 Fuel Level sensor inputs in liters
    6.0 109330+ Fuel level averaged; Left half sensor input=10.9 liters; Right sensor input=33.0 liters
    6.1 0439+ Total tank level averaged; vlgs 6.0: 10.9+33.0=43.9 liters
    6.2 0442+ Indicated value (44.2) and tank phase
    7 Temperature and Speed
    7.0 021+ Coolant/Engine temperature (2.1C)
    7.1 130 Ambient/Outside temperature - chg met 5 pts. 125/130/135
    7.2 + Engine speed / Current RPMs 1/min
    7.3 + Vehicle speed / Current Speed in km/hour
    8 Input value in HEX form
    8.0 1d0+ System voltage ADC-Value Hex code
    8.1 26C33C+ ADC Values HG left/HG right
    8.2 0000 ADC Value brake degradation sensor (000=o.k.)
    8.3 18C ADC Value outside temperature
    9 Battery
    9.0 140 Battery Voltage - 140 = UB 14.0v
    9.1 242013+?
    9.2 074_78+?
    9.3 0011+?
    10 Not used
    11 Not used
    12 Not used
    13 GonG Gong Test
    14 Not used
    15 Status cluster I/O-ports (bit codes) 0=low; 1=high
    1st-belt contact, seat belt fastened=0; 2) ignition lock contact, key inserted=0; 3) door contact, door open=0; 4) clock button pressed=0; 5) SI reset=0, for reset=0; 6) EGS transmission failure=0
    Status Digital Outputs (bits) 0=inactive, 1=active
    1) Gong output; 2) Brake warning lamp; 3) Low fuel warning lamp; 4) EGA lamp; 5) seat belt lamp; 6) manipulation dot
    16 Not used
    17 Not used
    18 Not used
    19 Lock Status; unlocks functions in range 3-18
    19.0 L-On/L-Off Unlock: press button when "L-Off"
    20 Not used
    21 Software Reset; reset OBC settings
    00 End of test
    -Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
    ZHP Pre-Ride Briefing

    2005 ZHP, Alcantara, Silver Cube, Nav, Sharked, BMW Perf Intake, BMW Perf CF Strut Brace, CF Valve/Fuel Rail Covers,
    Shadowline Grills, CF Splitters, Fog Light Inserts, Euro-mirrors, CDV Delete, Beisan vanos, GAS DISA, BP Coded

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Branford, CT
    I move to sticky this thread...
    2005 330i ZHP / 6MT
    Imolarot / Naturbraun
    2003 330iT / 6MT
    Orientblau / Naturbraun

    It's not the car you drive, it's how you drive it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ocean County, NJ
    Ask and ye shall receive.

    Droid X. Tapatalk. Use it.
    -Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
    ZHP Pre-Ride Briefing

    2005 ZHP, Alcantara, Silver Cube, Nav, Sharked, BMW Perf Intake, BMW Perf CF Strut Brace, CF Valve/Fuel Rail Covers,
    Shadowline Grills, CF Splitters, Fog Light Inserts, Euro-mirrors, CDV Delete, Beisan vanos, GAS DISA, BP Coded

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Branford, CT
    Thank you sir.
    2005 330i ZHP / 6MT
    Imolarot / Naturbraun
    2003 330iT / 6MT
    Orientblau / Naturbraun

    It's not the car you drive, it's how you drive it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Fist City
    can someone clarify what the possible need for any of these would be.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lexington, KY
    Not much except its pretty cool to access all this stuff.

    I knew I needed new brake pads and thought this line:

    8.2 0000 ADC Value brake degradation sensor (000=o.k.)

    would tell me a little bit about how much longer I had.

    But as you can probably surmise from the 000=o.k. statement, even though I had very little brake pads left, my OBC displayed 000!
    325i, 2005, 5MT, Silvergrey, leatherette, Sport package; CDV delete, KONI STR-T & KYB Excel-G, Weisslichts, Stewart H2O pump

    328i, 2010, 6MT, Spacegrey, dakota leather, M-sport packages; has a 330 intake but no tune - yet][IMG]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Middle River, MD
    I figured it out haha
    Last edited by llll1l1ll; 08-08-2011 at 01:09 PM.

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