Hey all. Circling back on this as I was able to source one of the last brand new complete genuine retrofit kits for the sedan left on the globe. Was looking to finish the install up this week but am running into a few issues:
1) For anyone who has done this retrofit on a sedan, can you confirm whether you had to drill out the pdc hole provisions on your zhp bumper or are they already cut out?
2) It appears there are two part numbers for the pdc center strip on realoem with the sensor cutouts.
-51127893306(this one has the cutouts and mounting brackets to hold the sensors)
-51127030606 (this has just the cutouts and no brackets so the sensor does not secure solidly)
I initially ordered 606 and I don't see how that is going to mount the sensors securely but its listed on realoem as the "install kit." Anyone else run into this problem?
I think 606 is the one if you are planning to drill holes in the bumper while 306 will mount through the 4 squares behind the trim if you want a more plug and play option. Can anyone confirm?
3) Lastly, the instructions state to use fuse slot 24 to insert the green/white wire terminal into the back of the fuse box for pdc but on my car both the upper and lower slots are already in use with an existing fuse. Should I just tap into one of the existing wires on fuse slot 24 or should I use a different slot like 25?