Central US ZHP Meet-Up !!!

On Sept. 4-6 (Labor Day Weekend), Near Tulsa Oklahoma at a track called
Hallett Motor Racing Circuit there is a Driving School called "No Excuses".
I would like to invite all interested ZHP owners to attend. We already have 6
registered, with another 2-3 stragglers who need to still register. If you
participate in Driving Schools, or are an instructor and have not been to Hallett, this track
doesn't disappoint. Freshly resurfaced last year, it is high on grip, easy
on tires and has lots of elevation changes. If you don't want to drive
your car on track, come hang out with us. You will have an opportunity to
drive your car on track during the lunch hour "parade laps" or hitch a ride
with me or another of the many instructors for a real taste. Our group
will be on track all day Friday for an Instructors and advanced student only day
with the School running Saturday and Sunday. **Don't forget, Monday is a
Again, you are welcome to come hang out. After the track goes cold, we
will be heading out for dinner Fri-Sat and then hanging at the Host Hotel
checking out all the cars and socializing. If you want registration
information check out this link http://www.noexcusesdrivingschool.com/.
Please post questions here and let me know if you are coming, or thinking
about coming.