PURPOSE: Each member provide a list of failures, they have experienced with the above mentioned vehicle. I am only interested in compiling a list of entries for someone doing research on E46. Lets all try to use a similar format, for ease of review.
INCLUDE: In addition to mechanical type failures, please list failures in electronics, trim, bodywork, etc. If you can include the approximate mileage at time of failure, that would be great but is not necessary.
DO NOT: List aftermarket (MOD) type failures.
DO NOT: List 3 Series ///M model vehicles. I am not interested.
Only one post per member...typically
2012 data begins on Page 8.
I will go first.
1. DISA ~ 98k - Found butterfly valve broken while inspecting ICV. Found upon purchase. Trip wire - CEL
2. Lower Intake Boot ~ 98k - Found during ICV clean and inspect. Found upon purchase. Trip wire - CEL
3. Battery ~ 98k - Found upon purchase.
4. Drivers side, side mirror glass ~ 98k - Found upon purchase.
5. Rear Shock Coil Cracked at lower Spring Perch ~ 100k - Found during coilover install.
***Where I say "Found upon purchase" = This implies I do not have exact mileage of failure as it was that way when vehicle was purchased.***