Quote Originally Posted by Sockethead View Post
I'm pretty sure those are dry filters on there. We got them from Injen. We did have an Injen cleaning kit for the oiled filters... I though Kristen gave that to you?

That car wasn't bad at all on dry roads with the blizzacks on it. I was always surprised with that...

I forgot that you bought those wheels... isn't that funny how things turned out
Ah I can check the box of parts again to double check for cleaning solution. The intakes are definitely dry and I don't ever plan on running an oiled filter. I haven't really gotten a chance to see how it handles the smaller tread in the rear. I did push 2nd a tiny bit and DSC threw a fit (it always does anyway) but it was still super quick. I think the LSD in this car its absolutely amazing and severely underrated as an upgrade on any performance car.

Quote Originally Posted by 704sw View Post
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who uses a hilariously small space heater while working in the garage.

Those splitters looks really good. Perfect balance of subtle yet aggressive.
lmao there was another heater in the corner too

I really like the splitters too. Kristen has great taste in car mods