View Full Version : Fuel Trim Lean Codes - need opinions and advice (caution pics and explanation)

05-11-2013, 02:45 PM
So I have decided to add one more thread for those chasing the Bank 1 & 2 Fuel Trim Issue. After much research of other’s maintenance issues I think I got a good idea and plan of attack to solve this issue. I am currently using Bimmersoftware for my diagnosing and personal research on my 2004 330Ci, 86k on the clock. Like many other fanatics, I am quite methodical and try to follow everything to a T to cover all bases. To some, this might be overboard; to others, they can see why I take these measures.

I have a xlsx spreadsheet so you can get an idea of the time line and my actions if you want, but they are also summarized below.

1. Code 2882/2883 showed up about 10 days ago. After setting up the ODBII, I cleared adaptations and codes and restarted car.

2. Car started very rough bouncing between 400 and 1500 RPM and threw another code 1632 – Throttle value adaptations not met. Cleared codes and let sit for a few minutes and restarted – clean running.

3. Because of this sequence of codes I 80% think I had a vacuum leak somewhere and the adaptations were able to balance the trim.

4. I started data logging a few trips to see what the short term and long term fuel trims were and not to any surprise I was running ~+7% majority of the time on both bank one and two (not the o2 sensors)

5. I took out the air box, MAF, DISA, ICV, and inspected the boots. Culprit seems to be DISA – Flap moves very freely and the bell crank level is visible through the fibers wearing away in the flap. Pin is extruding a bit which leads me to think this is the root cause.

6. GAS DISA solution was ordered and should be in sometime this week. Because the DISA flap is already done, I cannot test if anything else is wrong with DISA and vacuum pressure, but once the DISA is apart I can test and see where I need to go.

7. I hope this solves my issues, but I am ready to face other issues that could be causing these codes.

a. The MAF looks pristine and received 15 shots of MAF cleaner
b. The Upper and Lower Boots look in good condition and no signs on wear.
(Thinking about PM and replacing them while I have everything apart)
c. ICV was cleaned and good condition.
d. CCV is the other culprit, where if the DISA rebuild does not fix fuel trims – this
will be next in line
e. If CCV and DISA are both covered and still having fuel trim issues, it is going to
point back to fuel pump/fuel filter. Current data logging doesn’t show any
evidence of a variance of STFT/LTFM by empty/full tank check fuel trim. I will
still plan on changing the fuel pump and filter before 100k is hit.

See Pics Below and please add any suggestions or questions. Thanks and sorry for the long post.



05-12-2013, 06:21 AM
Looks similar to what mine looked like, minus the chip in the flap.

I can't remember, but does the GAS kit also have the O-ring? If not, do a quick search on here for the FelPro PN I posted. You can pick one up locally.

When I had bank 1 and bank 2 lean codes, mine ended up being this o-ring.


05-12-2013, 08:18 AM
The G.A.S. kit includes an new O-ring, and for a little extra you can get their super durable O-ring. Either way you have to scrape out the old orange gasket from the DISA. I put electrical tape around the existing gasket until I installed the GAS kit.

05-13-2013, 01:27 AM
I just put it back in for now. GAS kit should be here this week and I will get to it as soon as possible. The gasket doesn't appear to be worn too bad but I am going to install the new GAS o-ring either way. I didn't pay extra for the super durable o-ring. If I run into more problems in the future, I might go that route, but for now this one will do. Will update when the kit is installed. Thanks for the input guys.

05-22-2013, 06:52 PM
Installed G.A.S. DISA repair kit, lower intake boot, cleaned ICV, Cleaned Throttle Body.

1. As I took DISA valve out, the pin fell from the unit. A few miles from pin in intake manifold and .....
2. Culprit was most usual and came from Germany.


A few months back I purchased this car from the original owner and found dead mice in the shock towers. I cleaned, removed the flame retardant pad that was eaten away, and moved on. 12 months down the road I run into above problem and German mice were in the DISA. First data-log only with car in idle, adaptations cleared, smooth running +3.13% Adap Fuel Trim on both banks. I dont want to run it yet to let the locktight dry. Will report in tomorrow.

330i ZHP
05-22-2013, 07:10 PM
good lord - I doubt german mice

05-22-2013, 10:26 PM
I was with the original owner when he took delivery because he is a family friend. Mice got under the hood in Hanau Germany. German.

330i ZHP
05-23-2013, 03:23 AM
weird - and it couldn't have happened while sitting at any point of the past 8 years? Wouldn't the decomposition be to the point of just pile of hair and bones?

either way, that is bizarre and sorry to see - hopefully clearing the valve of remnants will solve your problems.