View Full Version : Parts Wanted for possible swap if car is totaled

12-21-2012, 05:04 AM
Ok folks...

I need to prep for the inevitable if it comes to this. I have a few mods on the car that I'd really like to be able to pull off and replace with stock stuff if they require that... I was thinking, it would be perfect if you could ship the parts to me, I pay shipping of course. If I need to swap them and use your OEM stuff, then I can pay you for the stock parts, or possibly even sell you the mod I remove from my car...? If I don't need them, I will of course ship them back to you. If that doesn't work, we can figure another arrangement of some sort... But, I'd just like to have these parts on hand so that I don't end up giving away the mods I spent good cash for... So, things I need... And of course, I don't really care about condition, as long as its something so that the car is still 'complete' if the insurance totals it out.

OEM lights
-taillights (sedan fitment)

OEM dead pedal (black)

some sort of shift knob?? (If anyone wants my 8/10 ZHP knob, I'll pull it and throw on whatever you have to trade)

I don't think it'll really be possible to get my brakes off, so I'm kind of over that... And I have my stock muffler still, so I'll definitely get the Dinan exhaust removed.

Please post if you can help. I'm hoping I don't need any of these parts, but if so, I'd like to be prepared...

12-21-2012, 05:33 AM

I can send you a shift knob and OEM tails :thumbsup

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

12-21-2012, 06:06 AM
I know a little bird who wants natural brown interior

- Goin' H.A.M. Mobile

12-21-2012, 06:08 AM

I can send you a shift knob and OEM tails :thumbsup

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


I will be able to give you a full set of amber lights and my oem head lights. I wont have use for your clears but I will need the headlights. Lol

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

12-21-2012, 06:43 AM
I have a plain 6 speed shift knob.

Wish I could figure out a play for headlights.

Sent from Williamsburg, VA USA

12-21-2012, 06:45 AM
Jon, I have a really generic shift knob that you're welcome to :thumbsup:

Sent from an over-glorified pager

12-21-2012, 07:38 AM
I think I have my old sidemarkers. Wait, those don't fit sedans. Never mind. GL getting the parts. Family to the rescue!

12-21-2012, 07:57 AM

I will be able to give you a full set of amber lights and my oem head lights. I wont have use for your clears but I will need the headlights. Lol

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


This is probably the best avenue since Devlin is fairly close to you compared to my location :thumbsup

Let me know what you want to do bro :thumbsup

12-21-2012, 08:01 AM
Thanks for all the offers and replies everyone.

Charlie and I spoke earlier this morning and I've got the taillights and sidemarkers arranged for. Front corners would still be great if someone has them...

Devlin, if this hasn't all happened by the time you get back in town, I'll definitely snag yours as I know you have your clears already being delivered. Either way, hang onto the ambers for me for a bit? Also, you have yet to get an OEM homelink right? We should swap that out too if you get home and can get down this way...

Seth... Hah, this isn't a part out thread, and believe you me, if I land another ZHP, that interior is going into my new car.

Dane, I know we've chatted regarding the headlights... We will arrange that if possible. I am just concerned that they're going to want a set of headlights on the car if they take it, in which case I'll need a spare set to exchange. If I end up not keeping the car/getting another ZHP, the headlights are for sure headed to you... If you want to send me that shift knob, that'd be a huge help...? I'd just like to save a ZHP knob if I could in case anyone wants it.

12-21-2012, 08:07 AM
What headlights do you have? I might be able to get you an oem set if I can buy whatever it is you're using now.

Edit: Just read the above. Never mind!

12-21-2012, 08:10 AM
I could send you my old headlights and you send me that set and then swap with other set I got from you and hook Dane up with the e90 retrofits. :dunno

12-21-2012, 08:18 AM
What's Dane using now?

If they're not ZKW's, I could send my zkw's to joop, he could send the retrofits to dane, and dane could send me whatever he's using, which I'm hoping is better than zkw's. I just need something that works because I'm afraid to retrofit the fxr's I bought :)

Or we can just ignore all that....lol.

12-21-2012, 08:22 AM


12-21-2012, 08:25 AM
What's Dane using now?

If they're not ZKW's, I could send my zkw's to joop, he could send the retrofits to dane, and dane could send me whatever he's using, which I'm hoping is better than zkw's. I just need something that works because I'm afraid to retrofit the fxr's I bought :)

Or we can just ignore all that....lol.

He's got burnt zkw's.

12-21-2012, 08:50 AM
ok, so I just confused the hell outta everyone. I'm just gonna walk away slowly...... :)

12-21-2012, 09:23 AM


I thought the same lmao

12-21-2012, 10:23 AM
What? I'm in the dark... (See what I did there?!?)

12-21-2012, 11:05 AM
I might have a solution for you, I PM'd you my phone number... call me so we can talk about it

12-21-2012, 11:09 AM

This is what happens if I don't check the forums every 10 minutes; dibs have already been placed on the OEM clears a few times over. Oh well.

Sent from my iPhone 4S from Tapatalk

12-21-2012, 01:07 PM
Yet another one in line for the headlights. I'm not using my ZHP as a daily this winter, so it would be no problem to send them to you.

12-21-2012, 01:44 PM
If you decide to sell the headlights my friend who just bought the white sedan with tan leather has halogen and would love the xenons. Let me know.

Sent from my fancy telephone!

12-21-2012, 02:27 PM
I have amber corners for a sedan. You're welcome to them if you need them. Just have to dig and find where I put them.

12-21-2012, 04:02 PM
I forgot too add to my previous post that I also have amber corners and tail lights if that's any incentive.

12-21-2012, 05:24 PM
Dib #62 for clears. lol

12-21-2012, 05:57 PM
Guys... Wow... This got way confusing way too fast...

Let me also clear the air real quick in terms of the headlights. As of right now, I'm not selling my headlights. This post was basically just asking for someone that had a SPARE SET laying on a shelf, in a box, or something similar. Ideally, you send me your spare set, and if I need them, then I will purchase them from you, or arrange a sale of my good lights. If I don't need them, I will send them back to you. I will of course pay for shipping in both directions.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but like I said, at this point I'm not selling any of my mods (that goes for the PM I received about my exhaust too).

My plan is hopefully that they decide to repair my ZHP. If so, the mods stay put and I return any/all of the loaner parts you guys help me with. If they total my car, then we arrange a purchase of the parts you 'loaned' me, and I put them on the car and keep the mods. If I get another ZHP I'll put the mods on that car.

If they won't let me swap the mods, then sadly they're gone... If they do, and I do NOT get another ZHP, at THAT point, the mods will be for sale...

And I'm terribly sorry to disappoint, but the headlights already have a name on them... I owe a major favor, and dibs on the headlights were discussed (in the event I don't use them) for payment of said favor.

So anyway... If anyone is willing to LOAN me some parts until I know more, that's where I'm trying to go with this thread...

Thanks again folks.

12-21-2012, 06:44 PM
That cool.

12-21-2012, 07:02 PM
Absolutely can loan you parts sir. I have a full set of lights, front corners, sides, and rears in Amber that you can use. I also have a ZHP exhaust, full catback, though shipping on this would be stupidly tricky.

Sorry for misunderstanding. lol

12-21-2012, 07:39 PM
BP, dude, that'd be such a huge help man. I've actually got everything sorted but the headlights. If you'd be willing to send them my way, I'd like to have them on hand so that I can have them if the need arises. I don't need bulbs or anything as I plan on just putting them in place if needed on the car to keep them happy. Let me know man. If you're willing to ship 'em, my address is in the member contact thread.

Thanks buddy.

Sent from my hybrid iPhone 4/4S... :shifty

12-21-2012, 08:07 PM

I can ship 'em. Just need some shipping assistance with it; I don't get paid 'till next Friday. :(

12-22-2012, 05:09 AM
Yeah lemme know how much an I'll Paypal you.

Sent from my hybrid iPhone 4/4S... :shifty

12-22-2012, 05:22 AM
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Gosh, now I feel like a vulture.

12-22-2012, 05:25 AM
Yeah lemme know how much an I'll Paypal you.

Sent from my hybrid iPhone 4/4S... :shifty

Ok. Sent you a PM.