12-02-2012, 04:31 PM
So my quest for LED bulbs is a very long one. I have purchased LED bulbs waaaay back from (saw a posting on E46Fanatics a while back). At the time they were the only bulbs I can be sure of that were error- and hyperflash-free. They did turn out to be just that, but I am having a major issue with them: they aren't nearly as bright as I want them to be. In bright sunlight, you can't see my turn signal on at all.
I'm on the prowl again and am seeing more options that claim to be error and hyperflash free. The problem is, with the descriptions for most of the other bulbs I'm looking at, they may say "error-free" but not say anything about the hyperflash.
Does anyone know if the CANBUS system in our cars would cause a hyperflash even with no bulb out errors if I don't install separate load resistors? I'm looking for something that has load resistors built-in, which many sites don't even make mention of, so I want to know that if I install an "error-free" bulb, if it would blink fast or not. For me, cutting into my harness is not an option, so that's why I want to narrow it down before I go buying bulbs only to find out that I would need load resistors.
I'm on the prowl again and am seeing more options that claim to be error and hyperflash free. The problem is, with the descriptions for most of the other bulbs I'm looking at, they may say "error-free" but not say anything about the hyperflash.
Does anyone know if the CANBUS system in our cars would cause a hyperflash even with no bulb out errors if I don't install separate load resistors? I'm looking for something that has load resistors built-in, which many sites don't even make mention of, so I want to know that if I install an "error-free" bulb, if it would blink fast or not. For me, cutting into my harness is not an option, so that's why I want to narrow it down before I go buying bulbs only to find out that I would need load resistors.