View Full Version : The Official "How good is the Graf water pump" thread - Trying to get an official response

10-23-2012, 07:43 AM
This is my attempt at getting a hold of Graf to get an official word as to how good their water pump is. Many people are worried about the spot welds corroding over time and such, and I'd like to get an official response from them. No one knows how good it actually is.

I've emailed them using Google Translator because I don't speak any Italian at all. If anyone here speaks fluent Italian, that would be great, but this is what I sent:


Chiedo scusa per la mia grammatica. Sto usando un traduttore online da Inglese a Italiano.

C'è scetticismo su quanto tempo la pompa dell'acqua Graf dura per la E46 serie 3 BMW, e molti proprietari sono preoccupati per la sua costruzione. Si può avere un'idea giÃ* quanto tempo ci ultime prove e la durata che avete fatto. Si tratta di una pompa d'acqua molto popolare, ma Molti si preoccupano i punti di saldatura. Si può trasmettere la presente al reparto giusto?

Cordiali saluti,


If they ever do get back to me, I will post their response in this thread.

You can contact them here:


10-23-2012, 07:49 AM
Kinda curious why you're looking into it. I was under the impression that Stewart Water Pumps were a recommended path for upgrade, and you just looking at alternatives? Besides, wouldn't you want a Stu-art pump? :)

10-23-2012, 08:54 AM
It seems to be the most popular water pump next to Stewart. People that do not want to pay for the Stewart pump tend to go with the Graf pump. Plus, it seems to be included in nearly every cooling system kit out there.

10-23-2012, 09:59 AM
does the Graf have a lifetime warranty? that's the main thing that drew me to the Stewart. not the extra HP bs

10-23-2012, 11:36 AM
I put a Graf metal impeller pump in my E36 and it lasted about 70k miles before it developed a leak. The pump blades were fine, just the bearing seal started to leak as it is a wear item. The Graf pump I installed in my E46 looks identical to the one from my E36, so I would anticipate similar performance. Those seals cant last forever and I'm happy with 60-70k.

If I still have the pump that leaked, I can post a picture of it. But I may have tossed it when I sold the car.

10-23-2012, 11:39 AM
Kinda curious why you're looking into it. I was under the impression that Stewart Water Pumps were a recommended path for upgrade, and you just looking at alternatives? Besides, wouldn't you want a Stu-art pump? :)

That's why I bought one. Quality plus the lifetime warranty=Win!

10-24-2012, 06:53 PM
Okay, eff this, 2 emails later and they won't respond to me. Screw it.

10-24-2012, 07:30 PM
Get a composite impeller water pump and you'll be fine.