View Full Version : Maintenance for 200k...

10-11-2012, 10:35 AM
My 330 is now on the brink of the 200k mark..currently at 194,960. A coolant leak has decided to rear its head at me. It seems to be coming from the connection of the expansion tank and the radiator at the top. I don't believe its the expansion tank as I did a complete overhaul not but 20k ago or so sans the radiator. So im thinking its coming from the radiator. Haven't had a chance to disassemble everything yet but I believe its leaking from where the plastic portion mates to the metal fins on the side. Im hoping however that this is simply a leaking gasket where the expansion tank hooks up to the radiator itself. Also noticed when I had the airbox out that the driver side motor mount appears to be losing fluid. This is somewhat frustrating since I replaced these just last year. I don't beat on the car often but it seems that this new one is now torn as well. Im hoping there is some form of warranty on the mounts but not really sure. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to source the coolant leak without outright buying a new radiator or should I just go ahead and buy a new one considering my high mileage.

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10-11-2012, 02:39 PM
Buy a Behr radiator after leak identification/verification.

10-11-2012, 03:30 PM
Replace with 335is

j/k :) ... sort of

10-11-2012, 03:32 PM
Yeah if you didn't replace the radiator, the plastic neck will crack and fatigue. Chances are that's where your leak is. Test on a cold engine so the cracks have gaps.

This post brought to you by Uncle Clark's Anti-gravity Cream. Put some on your Super Collider just before the Big Bang.

10-11-2012, 04:45 PM
If your still on the original rad at the mileage I'd just get a new one

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10-12-2012, 06:01 AM
If your still on the original rad at the mileage I'd just get a new one

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and as Dane recommended a Behr radiator :thumbsup

Congrats on reaching another milestone Will!

10-12-2012, 06:43 AM
Thanks for the help fellas...I believe it is the neck as you all have stated...guess better get that radiator in the mail..http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/10/12/u6aparyv.jpg

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10-12-2012, 07:27 AM
Wow. *slow clap* 200k! Congrats man. You an your car are a good lesson for us all. I hope to get my ZHP up to that high before having to give her up. How does she drive? Engine smooth and no ticking? Gears shift smoothly? Suspension ok? What kind of maintenance have you done?

10-12-2012, 07:37 AM
My ZHP is right up there :-) Everything mechanical is butter smooth. Suspension is still pretty good (I've got no records for that though, so it might be original). No other issues, people are simply astounded when I tell them the mileage. I bought it at 204k and I've had 2 regulators to change and my oil filter housing gasket, so less than $100 in repairs as of now (in 6000 mi). I still have my rear shock mounts to do but that's it. Everything else has been 100% reliable. Burns zero oil, shifts super smooth, starts right up every time.

I hit 339,000 km (210xxx mi) on my commute this morning!


10-12-2012, 07:42 AM
Awesome #'s fellas. As for maintenance, just replace your power stickers every 2-3 years, update your zhpmafia stickers every once in awhile, and you'll fine.

10-12-2012, 05:15 PM
I hit 339,000 km (210xxx mi) on my commute this morning!

KILOMETERS! That explains it. I saw your "MPG" stat in the picture and thought there's no way in hell that guy gets 35 and I'm only getting 26! Phew.

10-12-2012, 07:46 PM
I've replaced motor mounts...rear diff (this was due to my incompetence not the cars fault), fuel pump, vanos seals just recently, as far as motor still runs smooth and shifts just fine, the clutch isn't as strong as id like it to be but holds up just find to daily driving. Im very impressed with how well the car has held up. Other than cooling maintenance and spark plugs I haven't needed to do anything to the motor since the day I bought it. All about how you treat them and preventative maintenance. It still climbs the tach like the day I bought it though when it needs to. Just hope the new models hold up just as well as this one has for me. I won't be making a purchase for a couple years and I would like to hold onto this one regardless..possibly rebuild it one day. Love the body lines and look of it too much to give it up.

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10-16-2012, 04:47 AM
Is this a good price for the radiator?

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10-16-2012, 06:56 AM

FCP has it for $20 less!

10-16-2012, 07:01 AM
FCPEuro has the best price at $133.99 and they are an affiliate of ZHPMafia.com. The FCPEuro site appears to be down right now.

AutohuasAZ (Also an affiliate) also has the ECS price beat.


10-16-2012, 10:41 AM
Awesome...as far as comparison between the two dad mentioned the aftermarket behr may not have as many cooling veins as the stock bmw radiator has. Would anyone know whether they have the same number of veins or not?

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10-17-2012, 09:51 AM
Ordered new behr radiator from autohauseaz...anyone have experience replacing these on a manual? Im assuming its fairly straightforward.

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10-17-2012, 10:03 AM
Ordered new behr radiator from autohauseaz...anyone have experience replacing these on a manual? Im assuming its fairly straightforward.

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Yes. Fairly straight forward.

Sent from Williamsburg, VA USA

10-17-2012, 10:16 AM

10-22-2012, 07:55 PM
Okay finally got the old one out tonight in anticipation of the new one coming in the morning. Most of the hoses came off fairly easily since I had done an overhaul minus the radiator a few months ago. However since I had not replaced the radiator one hose had not been broken loose before ( 11531436410) I tried and tried to loosen it up but it simply would not budge. My hand ended up slipping and pulling loose part of the hose from the end....so I cut the hose and was able to get the radiator out. Then spent the next forty five minutes trying to break the still attached end of the hose. Ended up cutting the collar allowing for pressure to be relieved and it came off with some tugging. Looks like im off to the dealership tomorrow for the hose going to call In the morning and hope they have it in stock. Love how I jinx myself everytime with these projects, was hoping it would be a simple swap and play but doesn't look like it. Can't complain too much though considering that was my only misfortune.. just want to double check and make sure im asking for the right part tomorrow. Best I can tell the part # for the hose is
11531436410 off real oem from their diagrams. http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=AV53&mospid=47725&btnr=17_0215& hg=17&fg=05

I believe it is part #5 in the diagram. It was the lowest hose connected to the expansion tank assembly and plugged up right above the blue drain screw on the expansion tank. I believe it is the hose feed/return for the motor. Ill bring the old one with me when I go in tomorrow just to be sure.

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10-22-2012, 08:00 PM
Quick Q: does your radiator have the build date on it ? If so is it possible to see it without disconnecting any hose ? I wanna see if mine was replaced at some point or if it's OE.

10-23-2012, 03:43 AM
Quick Q: does your radiator have the build date on it ? If so is it possible to see it without disconnecting any hose ? I wanna see if mine was replaced at some point or if it's OE.

Ill take a look when I get a chance

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