View Full Version : Unexpected Resetting of Cluster

09-15-2012, 06:28 AM

So I had been driving for several hours yesterday on a long trip. It was night time. Out of the blue on the highway, the instrument panel starts beeping and goes dark. Then it comes right back on but it's all reset: the trip is at 0.0 (instead of 300 something), the time is blank, it's back to Fahrenheit. The only thing normal was my regular odometer. The cruise control didn't miss a beat. The rest of the hour remaining was uneventful.

I think my battery has had it. Any other suggestions? I was mad because now I can't track my awesome gas mileage for this trip.


09-15-2012, 07:21 AM
No idea but I definitely know a low battery wreaks havoc on these cars.

09-15-2012, 07:45 AM
Check battery voltage on obc. Should be 12.5 volts after one hour of no load and around 14 while driving.

Sent from Williamsburg, VA USA

09-15-2012, 08:28 AM
I've only experienced that once about a year ago, no issues with it since then. Weird computer spaz?

09-15-2012, 08:46 AM
Hahah I was thinking random spaz, too.

Check battery voltage on obc. Should be 12.5 volts after one hour of no load and around 14 while driving.

Sent from Williamsburg, VA USA

The voltage has indeed been low lately. I think it was 12.4 cold. Haven't checked warm yet.

09-15-2012, 09:37 AM
Car batteries are only used to start the engine. After that everything runs off the alternator. If you are seeing less than 13.6V with the engine running something is wrong with the alternator or voltage regulator.


09-16-2012, 08:36 AM
Did your odometer reset to 000,000? That would be sweet.

09-17-2012, 03:29 AM
Hahahahah nah it didn't reset back to 0.

09-19-2012, 06:47 PM
That is a voltage issue "somewhere". Check batt first. Check what happens when you fire up headlights. I had a Tiburon with MODZ! and cluster would reset sometimes when I cranked on my hid's. Voltage issue.

09-20-2012, 05:28 AM
Hmm... I was driving at night. I do believe it's the battery. I just have to un-lazy myself and go drive somewhere. With traffic and all, the fun and joy of random drives has been somewhat lost.

I do have to drive somewhere today, though. I'll try to remind myself to set the cluster to reflect voltage.

09-24-2012, 12:25 PM
Any weirdness with your speedo or tach? After taking a corner rather quickly and engaging the DSC last week, my speedometer was acting very strange. It wasn't fluid at all, very jumpy and staccato like. The next day it was fine. Rather odd I thought.

09-25-2012, 05:22 AM
Nope! This was the only instance of goofiness. Hasn't done it since, either. I still think it's the battery and I still have forgotten to pull up the "test" mode on the cluster to see the voltage.