View Full Version : Tire Detailing Rolling Review Thread; Dressings Compared! Chemical Guys, CarPro, Wolfgang, 1Z Einszett, 303, and More!

07-30-2012, 08:05 PM
So, I have decided to try and assist the community with a comparison of some of my massive accumulation of redundant detailing supplies. First up will be a comparison of different tire dressings!

This is a spare wheel off of one of my family's former E46s with a tire in good shape (besides the chunk missing!), so I thought it'd be a great first test!

- Tire was cleaned first. Until about a year ago I never really thought of cleaning my tires, but it makes a huge difference as far as the look and durability of the dressings!

Tires were cleaned with Amazing Roll Off and a tire brush from my employer. Fun fact: Meguiar's All Wheel + Tire Cleaner also acts as an almost equal tire cleaner! General APCs like Optimum Power Clean, Simple Green, and others do not actually do a good job with tires. Buy one of the two mentioned products and you'll see what I mean! You will be amazed.

Dressings tested!

- 1Z Einszett Vinyl + Rubber Protectant
- CarPro PERL (not diluted)
- Chemical Guys Extreme V.R.P.
- Wolfgang ETS (Exterior Trim Sealant)
- 303 Aerospace Protectant

Application: A piece of egg crate style foam was ripped into equal pieces, clean and new, to be used as applicators for each product. One coat was applied, then two, and finally a third for one product. All dressing was allowed to sit for 5 minutes before pictures. I did lightly wipe (not rub!) a couple products to reduce streaking (noted in the pictures).

So, here are my thoughts on each, trying to be as objective as possible in describing the look as well. I will then rank them with points like Car and Driver, because I'm entitled to be a tool for two minutes of my Encyclopedic post.

1Z Einszett Vinyl + Rubber Protectant:
- A liquid, not thick in consistency at all, just like 303 Aerospace protectant.
- I noticed the biggest difference between first and second coat with this product. The first was "eh" the second coat was "wow!"
- Spread easily and did not seem to streak
- Went on *hot* (shiny) and dulled down in 1-2 minutes to a nicer look
- Very little product used

CarPro PERL:
- Thick in consistency, and as such easy to apply
- Did streak more than the 1Z, needed to be buffed after last coat
- Can get very *hot* with multiple coats
- It did not seem to soak in much- when it is applied- what you see is pretty much what you get.
- Very little product used

Chemical Guys Extreme V.R.P.
- Note, I am on my third bottle of this stuff, so I have liked it in the past.
- Thickest of all in consistency
- Seemed to soak in a little like 303 Aerospace Protectant, what went on initially was not the look you would end up with
- Compared to the others did not spread that easily- though not bad at all; more product was used.

Wolfgang ETS (Exterior Trim Sealant):
- This product is very water like in consistency, spread easily and very little product used.
- The only product that was not white in any way on application
- Either soaked in or evaporated. Looked good when applied, then "absorbed" to the point that you could hardly tell it was applied
- Did not cover up tire sidewall marks; I was very frustrated with this product!

303 Aerospace Protectant:
- While not commonly used on tires, I decided to give it a try because some like it.
- Very watery, equal to 1Z Vinyl+Rubber
- Streaked/pooled a lot! Needed a light wipe down to even the finish out
- Absorbed into the tire a lot in 5 minutes
- Runny and a bit messy
- Spread easily

And now for the main pictures!
Please open the side by side pictures in a new window, you need to see higher resolution to appreciate the differences!

1st coat applied:



Final coat(s) applied:


http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/3935/finalcoat.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/40/finalcoat.jpg/)

And a couple miscellaneous…

1Z Einszett vs Wolfgang ETS Contrast:


303s messy uneven application (soaking in):


2nd coat angled shot:



http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/8915/screenshot20120731at904.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/screenshot20120731at904.png/)


Between 1Z Einszett Vinyl+Rubber Protectant and CarPro PERL I think it's a toss up. 1Z is a little less enjoyable to literally apply than PERL, but it does not streak at all- so in that department they are even. Neither are matte, but CarPro PERL certainly has a hotter (shinier) look than the 1Z product. I will use one product on one side and one on the other of my car, and take pictures with a durability test. Both are great products!

Chemical Guys Extreme V.R.P. used to be my favorite tire dressing, but it has simply been outclassed by the latter two offerings, there is nothing wrong with it.

Wolfgang ETS gets the award for the biggest disappointment in my test, as it is a very hyped product. I used it on my diffuser, side mirrors, and cowl and have had great results, it just seems to suck as a tire dressing. Then again my findings on this product don't align with those on ago.

303 Aerospace is better left to interior and exterior trim. While it preforms respectably and looks decent (it does not look as good in person as in the pictures), it's a mess on tires and not worth the trouble.

I will update with durability testing! If you think of any tests I should do or have any feedback, let me know!

07-31-2012, 03:59 AM
GREAT WRITEUP. Appreciate the review very Much.

Sent from Corolla, NC USA = Party

07-31-2012, 04:00 AM
Fantastic thread. I still think it'd be nice to see this with the everyday products included as well. Stuff you can buy at the local parts stores. Also, the key (at least for me) would be to put this wheel on the car and then give it 30 minutes of highway running or so to see how much (if any) product slings off. That is my biggest complaint is when tire dressing is applied and then it slings all over the wheel well...

Either way, looks good. Its kind of hard to tell with the glare but I think my vote would also go to the 1Z stuff.

07-31-2012, 04:03 AM
Any fling testing? Which is a common problem with thicker dressings.

Also, be careful with the Meguiars all wheel cleaner. That stuff is acidic. It can be nasty on finishes.

Good review!

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

07-31-2012, 04:56 AM
I don't really use the Meguiar's as a wheel cleaner- ever- only used it for the tires. Thanks everyone! I will do durability testing on my zhp of the top two, the CarPro and the 1Z. ARO is the best tire cleaner of all time!

Beau B
07-31-2012, 05:40 PM
Great review! Thanks..

07-31-2012, 07:28 PM
This is AWESOME! I've been looking for something good. Thanks for this review.

08-01-2012, 05:18 AM
If there are any products you guys would like me to test, you could always PM me and send a sample! I intend to keep this a rolling review, so durability testing and testing of any other products will be added as they come.

Thanks for the comments everybody!