View Full Version : The Official "Thank you" Thread

05-21-2012, 06:58 AM
This is the spot to say thanks or give shout outs for the SIGFest. Say what's on your mind.

Ok. Finally got a minute to collect my thoughts and work on this one.

First off, Dane and the Wilson family. Thank you so much for opening your house to all of us and organizing such an incredible event. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Rob and Kpro: Its always a pleasure to see you guys. You are both some of the coolest people I know.

Ryan, Kyle, and Lucy: It was a please to meet all of you. Seeing Lucy in person was one of the highlights of the weekend. Ryan, you are one awesome chick and Kyle is a great guy. You two are a perfect match.

Charlie: Thanks for hanging out and smoking a cigar with me on Sunday. I would love to have more time to sit back and hang out with you.

BP: Sweet coding, man. I love it. You are the man.

Gary: Thanks for the awesome eats and the good conversation.

John Randolph: It was great to meet you in person. I hope to see you again in the near future if not at next year's meet.

Casey: It was an honor to meet you. To finally get a chance to hang out with you and chat was a lot of fun. I'm itching to see more of your photos of the meet. You are truly a master of photography.

Brett: Thank you for running me around on Sunday.

Marc: Thanks for putting up with me as a roommate and I'm still sorry about the hotel fiasco.

Marcus, Christy, and Zippy: Marcus, I can't thank you enough for creating this place for such an incredible gathering of people to come from. We may be what makes it what it is but, without you and your initial guidance, none of this would have been possible. Christy and Zippy, it was great to meet both of you. If you happen to have a spare copy of your cookbook around, I would be very interested in purchasing it from you.

Andrew: Its cool to meet another person so determined as you to get fit. You have the right attitude and a damn good start. Keep at it, man! You can make it happen.

To everyone else that attended the meet, thank you all for being genuine and gracious people. I consider all of you family. Like Cody said, if there is anything I can do for any of you, get up with me. I will do whatever I can to assist you. And also keep in mind that my doors are always open to all of you. If you ever want to come out to the Outer Banks and visit, this family is always welcome in my house. And I mean that.

05-21-2012, 09:37 AM
Thanks Dane and everyone for making these events possible. Things like these bring people of all race, color and religions together for the love of a car. This is one of the more tight forums I have experienced. I am on so many and have been an administrator for Autoguide (count their forums out) so I am a pretty good judge of that. search for Nivo or NIVO88T and you will see me all over...

The food was great, the cars looked awesome and most importantly the company was phenomenal. I didn't get to meet everyone but "HI!".

It was also great to tie together a screen name with a face.

Charlie, B.P. Chad since you guys are closest to me I am sure we will see each other again soon.

John L. thanks for sending that clutch in to my buddy.

And to Danes son, thanks for fishing out that darn bulb out of the headlight housing!

Kpro, thanks for letting me smell your exhaust fumes once you went on boost, lol

Ryan your car is awesome in pictures and much better in Person. you and Kyle keep up the good work.

Williamsburg is a beautiful place.

To all others thanks!

Next year both cars will be there.

05-21-2012, 09:49 AM
In no particular order:

Dane: Thanks for your hospitality for hosting SIGFest, your dedication and organizational skills with covering extra expenses and setting up SIGFest, and your generosity with giving me your spacers (you'll be getting yours soon). I've said it before, Dane Wilson is an awesome person.

Marcus and family: Boss, thanks for setting up ZHP Mafia and keeping it the best place on the interwebs. Boss's wife, thanks for spending your birthday 2k miles away from home with the mafia. You should have seen your face when they brought out the cake. Priceless. Zippy, thanks for the fist bumps buddy.

Keith and Krys: Thanks for all the random complements on my car. Getting to meet you two was such a pleasure. Hope we catch up when we're in Jersey. And thanks for the pork roll! Yum!

Casey: Thanks for being you. Even though you're one of those weird California people (inside joke everyone), you're pretty freak'n awesome. You're the biggest sweetie in the world. Thanks for letting me come when you stole my Lucy, and for walking around in your socks and taking pictures of her. Thanks for making me pose and taking my picture, and then the awesome editing. I'll cherish it forever. Thanks for showing me your mad editing skills. Thanks for racking yourself to take rolling shots of my car. Thanks for eating ice cream with me. And thanks for informing me about HAM.

Kristen and Rob: Dayum, am I allowed to write an essay here? Thanks for everything. Too much to list. You guys know how we feel about you. xoxo

John Randolph: Thanks for coming to ZHP SIGFest without your ZHP. I know that was hard! Thanks for the Starbucks. Thanks for liking my Lucy, she likes you back. Thanks for sharing that intense 135i test drive, sorry for my vulgar comments. Thanks for the warm hugs. Thanks for all the kind words. And thanks for taking a picture with me and Lucy, I can't wait to see it. I <3 U!

Charlie: Thanks for being Lucy's biggest fan. Thanks for being one of the most generous people I've ever met. Thanks for letting me be delusional about your ///M.

Kyle: Thanks for being just a gooberish about all the BMWs as I was. Thanks for the crabs. Thanks for chef delivered grilled bread (that was amazing). Thanks for getting your GF to come up, she's a great gal. Thanks for showing me your 45. And thanks for your invite to the coast, we'll definitely be coming.

Chris: Thanks for caravaning halfway up with us. Thanks for not leaving me 12 cars back in traffic after you road raged. Thanks to Matt for all the rolling shots, I can't wait to see them.

Brett: Thanks for the awesome organization with parking. Thanks for the behind the scenes collection for the Boss's lunches. Thanks for having the cleanest stock ZHP I've ever seen.

Ryan: Thanks for bringing AWD to the performance side. Thanks for having a sweet xi, it was catching my eye all weekend. Thanks to you and your GF for having lunch with us and all the great conversations.

Chad and Tovah: Thanks for coming. Thanks for the licorice. Thanks for the complements on my car. Tovah, make Chad get you the exact wagon you want!

Gary: Thanks for running the grill Saturday night. Everything was delicious. Thanks for offering to let me drive your ZHP. If I hadn't been drinking I would have drove it.

Marc: Thanks for the complements on my car. Thanks for being so witty and a cool dude. I wish we had been able to talk more.

Jon Estrella: Thanks for revving your twin screw supercharged ZHP at Cars & Coffee as I requested. Thanks for making that car so bad ass. Thanks for the complements on my paint job.

R0b: Thanks for being so thankful for the shift boots. Thanks for the complements. And thanks for still owing me a drink, maybe next year!

Rob (Newjack): Thanks for all the complements. Thanks for being so cool to be around.

Botond: Thanks for being such a sweetie. Thanks for always smiling. Thanks for trying to code Lucy.

Justin: Thanks for letting me rub your shoes. Thanks for living up to everything I thought you were, awesome that is! Thanks for your smile, it's intoxicating.

Jeff and Heather: Thanks for sharing the stories of your 7 years old. I'm glad my kiddo isn't weird, or at least the only weirdo. Thanks for educating me on VIR. Thanks so much for the earrings, I'm wearing them right now.

Peter: Thanks for coming up and introducing yourself to me. I wish we had more time to talk.

Bruce: Thanks for bringing the only 'vert. You represented the topless community well. Thanks for bringing your son and his friend. It's good to get the younger generations excited and enthused about BMWs.

Albert and Kristen: Thanks for coming after only being on the forum for a short period and on your birthday. Thanks for sharing my opinion about horsepower. Thanks for being fun to talk to. Kristen, thanks for letting me try on your shoes and for breaking down a crab for me.

Ian: Thanks for all the complements on Lucy. Thanks for the great conversations. Thanks for bringing your gf who was always taking pictures. We're really enjoying them.

Johnmadd: Thanks for rock'n out with me in my car. Thanks for sharing some of your friend's music with me. Thanks for sharing your "I hate when people work on my car" stories.

JayJay: Thanks for not getting mad when I couldn't shake your hand because my hands were covered in crab. I wish we had a chance to greet each other again and chat. Thanks for bringing your friend with the ///M5 to the forum. He fits right in.

Mr. ///M5: Thanks for bringing the sweetest e39 M5 I've ever seen. Thanks for tracking that car. Thanks for putting a car seat in the M5, it is the coolest family car. Thanks for the conversations about your M5, I hate that I can't remember your name.

Stu: We really didn't get to talk, but thanks for the greasy hug on Sunday.

Cody and Katie: Thanks for the complements. Thanks for searching the hotel perimeter for me and Kyle on Saturday night. Nice to know the family is looking out. Thanks for talking to Kyle about his Tacoma, he likes my car but loves Toyota trucks. I've said before, I wish we had a chance to talk more.

Nivo and wifey: Thanks for having his and her ZHP. Hopefully next year his can come too. Thanks for the complements on my Lucy.

Well I know I'm forgetting people, but please don't take it to heart. There were so many people, I wish there had been more time for me to get to know everyone better. Thank you all for making Kyle and me feel so welcome. Thank you for all the nonstop complements on my Lucy. I wont stop smiling for weeks. Thank you all for all your smiles. I truly love our Mafia family and can't wait to see you all next year.

05-21-2012, 10:01 AM
I won't give a long lengthy thank you. I believe we just all know pay it forward. It's a great group we have and we know how great it is.

Heather I apologize for my reaction at the hotel when we were checking in. You have to understand, you were my first encounter with a nice person in the trip. I had just spent a week Dealing with DC traffic and your niceness took me back... I was like stranger danger!!! Jk :p. loved meeting everyone!

Dane, words can not describe the hospitality you and all of your family show.

A lot of people invited Katie and myself to come crash at there place any weekend and just get away from the grind. I truly am thankful for that and don't be surprised when I take you up on that offer. What's better than taking a mini vacation??? Taken it and staying with a fellow BMW enthusiast.

John R. I'm so coming out to Cali and having you show us where we should be living ;)

With that said, Katie and I are almost always home unless I am traveling for work. ANYONE and I mean any of you are welcome to come stay at our place to just get away if you ever need. I actual prefer that you do, I get tired of just hanging out with my dogs, they don't talk back to me. It is ok if it is short notice too, I don't like waiting to do things anyway.

And please everyone, If you ever need help with ANYTHING, doesn't have to be car related. I'll come and help. Doesn't have to be close to me either. What most people consider far is not far for me. I travel for a living a lot, the trip to Danes was just a Sunday drive :)

BRETT- thank you so much for all your hospitality during the weekend and just on the forum to me. And thanks for fixing my mirror during reverse. I would of never known to flip that switch hahahaha. I thought it was an electrical issue.

05-21-2012, 10:44 AM
I've posted my thanks in other threads, so I'll just say thanks to all for a special weekend, miss you already!

johnrando: sent using Tapatalk

05-21-2012, 11:00 AM
Thanks again to all who lead this forum, those who make it so valueable sharing their time, expertise, good cheer. Those who arranged, organized this meet, were there to say hi, made sure the weather was perfect, helped to get lost and get back; those who took photos and those who posed for them...
To those whom I left out, my apologies... hope to make them in person next year!

- Peter

05-21-2012, 02:50 PM
Thank you to everyone I met -- I am just amazed at the entire group's warmth as they greeted me as the newbie.

A special thank you to Marcus for creating such a great website and collaborating on creating an awesome event. Special thanks To Dane for his tremendous hospitality. I was just amazed at how nice everyone was and at the immense amount of knowledge I was surrounded by. Keith - thank you for pulling my codes (I want your perforated leather steering wheel). There are so many others that I am not naming here that I met and had really nice conversations with....you all know who you are. Will definitely see you guys & gals next year!!!

05-21-2012, 03:50 PM
After a phenomenal weekend it was back to reality today: busy day at work followed by a 6-mile run in the rain (during which I had plenty of time to reflect). That made me appreciate this past weekend even more.

First and foremost, I want to thank Dane and his family for once again opening their home to the Family and for being so gracious as to let Krysten and I stay at their place. Can't say enough about Dane and how much he does for this group.

A very heartfelt, sincere thank you to everyone for pitching in to buy Krys and I our meals/drinks at Bellissimo's. It was entirely unecessary, but it really meant a lot to both of us.

I want to once again thank the Boss for creating the type of site that attracts such a remarkable group of people.

Casey-- I want to thank you for sharing some of your insight with me and for teaching me more about Photoshop in 20 minutes than I've been able to figure out on my own in many years. You are every bit the genuine, unpretentious, fun-loving teddy bear that I imagined you would be. Greatly enjoyed hanging out with you.

Brett-- huge thanks for taking the reigns with the parking. You were nothing short of awesome getting the cars where they needed to be.

Thanks to Gary for being the grill master and to Kyle for being the awesome, kick-ass grilled-bread-making outrageously-good-dessert ace that you always are.

The rest of my thanks go to each and every person that came from near and far to make this meet what it was. Just like this site is the great place it is because of the members, so too it is with these meets-- all of the best food and weather in the world means nothing without great people to share it with.

Really glad that I got to see a lot of great people from last year and that I had the chance to meet many new ones as well.

Thank you to all of you for another great meet. Can't wait to see you all again next year.

05-21-2012, 05:43 PM
I will start out by saying that Ryan's post was very thorough :thumbsup

I have a lot to thank for being on this forum starting with Marcus, Dane, and Keith. Thank you for all you do to make this forum a "family".

Casey, my sincere thanks for taking the time to be with all of us and showing us your mad skills taking pics of this epic event, my hat is off to you brother :thumbsup

Chad for always lending a hand whenever I needed it :thumbsup I'm there for you too bro :) Can't wait to come up and visit you and Tovah again....hopefully soon :biggrin

Kyle, I really enjoyed smoking that cigar with you and chillin' The conversations we shared were great and your bread.....need I say more??? Can't wait to catch up with you again bro! :thumbsup

Gary for his mad grilling talents on Friday. Awesome job and a real pleasure meeting you! :)

Brett, thanks for all the complements on my ZHP and to you for organizing the parking on Friday. I really enjoyed chatting with you and look forward to seeing you again sometime :)

Chris and Matt, I enjoyed talking to you guys and watching Matt taking pics during our cruise. You have a great ride Chris....keep it up :thumbsup

Jeff for offering his help during my VANOS seals and anti-rattle kit replacement, and for Heather for her awesomeness skillz repairing my torn alcantara side bolster. I'm so happy :biggrin Jeff, I also enjoyed the pics of your ///M you shared with me. That car was awesome...sorry to hear about it's demise though...

Jayjay.....you are a cool cat bro :thumbsup It was awesome meeting up with you and your friend (M5) on Friday. I'm still in love with his car...one of the nicest E39 M5s I have seen.

Jon, finally!!! It was a real pleasure meeting you in person after all those PMs we have been swapping over the past months. :) I had a great time chatting with you and your wife and look forward to seeing both of you again when I'm in the area. Your TSS equipped ZHP is to die for brother! And that steering wheel....all I think about now....darn :p !!! I'm going to have to get a new steering wheel...:)

Rob (R0B), I was amazed by how humble you seemed to be. Very polite. I really enjoyed talking to you and having you share your very special ZHP with all of us, a big Thank You sir! Hope to meet up with you Rob, and Jon next time I'm down in Manassas for business...:thumbsup

Cody and Katie, it was a pleasure meeting both of you. I was amazed by your generosity and how easy going you are. Looking forward to the next time I meet up with you guys :thumbsup

Nivo, it was great meeting up with you and BP when you guys were cruising down from New England :) I enjoyed meeting your girl friend and the conversations we all had coming down. Feel free to give me a shout any time brother....looking forward to seeing your project completed....its going to be awesome when you are finished :thumbsup

Kristen and Rob, I enjoyed meeting both of you and enjoyed the many conversations throughout the meet. Looking forward to meeting up with you guys sometime in the summer. You guys are awesome :)

Justin, Love how you look at things and your smile....what's not to like??? Really, I enjoyed meeting and talking to you! Hope to run into you again at another meet :)

Bruce, I want to personally thank you for bringing that awesome Imola Vert w/ alcantara interior. A beautiful ride for sure. Also the entertainment John and I saw from my car, while Jon noted us laughing like school girls, was priceless. I still see that young blonde giving you the riot act for parking in front of her tanning salon....:rofl What you did next was classic! I only wished I had put all of this on video....

Ryan and Kyle, I really enjoyed the joking and help I received from you guys. Kyle, you're the man brother!!! I couldn't have asked for better help with my project than you. Ryan, thanks so much for allowing Kyle to help me out! I have something in store for you and know you will love it :) Hope to see you guys again this year.....you guys are very special!

Rob (Newjack), Thanks for allowing me to stop by to visit earlier when I drove down in my ///M. Other than Chad and BP, you're the only one from the Mafia family who has seen both of my bimmers. It was my pleasure to help you with your rear view mirror problem and hotel arrangements. Sorry for the additional "music"...:) I will always look forward to meet up with you whenever I'm in your area :thumbsup

Mr. John Randolph....you have shown kindness that I will never forget my friend. It was an honor for me to help you to this year's Mafia reunion and I am fortunate to have a good friend in you. You are one of the most positive people I have ever met and I feel blessed by this. I can't wait to meet up with you again.....hopefully soon :)

BP, you have always been willing to come up to give me a hand, which is why I do what I do...:) I am the lucky one to have friends like you around. You are a true friend and a giving person. Don't change that.

I know there's more people to thank and if I left you out its not intentional. I sincerely appreciate being in company with all of you. I had one of the most memorable times last weekend and almost found myself tearing up when it was time to say goodbye to everyone. It was hard but I know that we all will get together again sometime during the summer and, of course, at our next annual reunion...:thumbsup

Thanks for an awesome weekend everyone :biggrin :thumbsup

05-21-2012, 08:02 PM
Pardon my delay in getting this written in its entirety and posted here. It has been a crazy week, and my internet time via a true computer has been really limited. In no specific order…

Entire Wilson Family – Thank you so much for all that you do to help the Mafia, all the time. Obviously, this includes opening your home up to a bunch of BMW-crazed fans to host an event like SIGfest, so a REALLY BIG THANK YOU is in order to you all. Even the Mrs. allowed me to park her car for her so that we could manage a smooth evening departure!

Martinez Family – As others have said, the zhpmafia would not exist and would not operate without your creation and diligent support. Awesome that you were able to fly 3,000 miles across the country to support this event on the east coast. Great to have you share in the festivities! Likewise, Mark, you have captured the essence of SIGfest in some beautiful photos with Casey – excellent composition for a fellow who hates shooting cars!

Dr. Withers, Photomaster – Enjoyed meeting you in person, and thank you for your help and support throughout this event, as well as other places within this forum (and…ahem…those of us asking camera questions on a car forum…like me!). Bloody knuckles during some of the crazy rolling shots, to some bird entertainment for the ZHP shot off the parking garage…the list goes on. Cannot wait for the best photos in Roundel in a few months!!

K&K from NJ! – Thank you for your leadership within the mafia and helping to keep it going all the time. Great to see you both, and have a few laughs over some NJ/PA foods, etc. Likewise, thanks for my new nickname – “Brettski” (does this make me Polish? LOL)…This gave me an idea for a new thread, which is going up soon – stay tuned! Hope to see you both soon!

Rob (Newjack) – Great to meet you buddy, and enjoyed our conversations and time in historical ‘burg. I am sure that the degree in CJ will pay off for you in the near future. Also, thanks for the help with Stu’s brake job, and keeping he and I on target. Before starting your next zhp adventure, hope that you are able to find a “new jack” in the near future to help with your car projects. Likewise for your successful idea on feeding the bosses – it was a great success! If you ever find yourself over on the eastern shore, be sure to let me know. If you need the info. on my Indy mechanic here, happy to get that for you as well.

Justin/Crabslayer – Only two crabs consumed this year?!? Haha, just giving you a hard time man. Great seeing you at SIGfest & glad that you were able to make it for year two. Thanks for stepping up to the grill on Sunday and keeping everyone fed. Hope that the next few months give you a chance to take a breath and break from all of the hard work with the studies. Don’t have too much fun with the 328 in the meantime.

Gary – Will travel with FOOD! Thank you for feeding all of the familia at SIGfest, and for keeping your great sense of humor, as always. Great seeing you, and thanks for making the trek south. Hope to see you at the next event. I may need to pick your brain on what you prefer in terms of tires on the zhp for both DD/track events sometime!

Ryan (whitexi) – Good stories and laughs with both you and your girlfriend around the campfire on Friday. Glad to see you for the second year at the family meet! Car looks awesome for 200k miles on her. You should be very proud. Keep up the good werk!

Jayjay – Great to meet you and the Mrs. I am sorry that I was not able to spend more time getting you know you both, but I will look forward to doing so at the next meet and on the forum in the interim.

Charlie – A pleasure meeting you and enjoying your company over the weekend. Good work on the Vanos – I didn’t hear too much swearing or witness any hammers being thrown! ZHP is looking great, and I will look forward to seeing the ///M in the near future.

Kyle/static667 – Buddy, excellent work on the food over the weekend. Thank you for your efforts across the board! Desserts were stellar, and I have heard that the bread and crabs were both great too. Good times on finding the coolers at 7-11! I hope that you see an increase with business so that you can keep attending the various mafia events in the near future. Awesome that you were able to make it back for year two. Have fun in the Banks for us.

Botond/Codemeister! – As many others have said, thank you for all of your efforts on the coding work over the weekend, and for squeezing me into your coding schedule…TWICE! The Trifecta Landing Light coding is truly awesome, and just may save me from a deer one of these days. Now if I could just avoid the bugs. J/K man – coding mods really are great. Awesome to see you back for year two, as I know that it is a hike for you. Keep up the good work with Wobbie. Silver cubes look great. If I ever see a Natural Brown interior for sale, I will be sure to let you know!

Chad/Chad44 – Great meeting you and Tovah, and enjoyed our excursion into the ‘burg on Saturday, as well as the fireside chat on Friday. Have you had correspondence with the message therapist yet? Car looks great and I liked the Racing Dynamics rims on the ZHP! Tovah, just remember when asked SILVER CUBES!! :-P

John/Johnmadd – Awesome catching up with you on Friday evening, as well as the rest of the weekend. Car is looking great. Watch out for the sketchy mechanics out there! Nice work for the SIGfest drive 2012. It was a fun circuit, and thank you for your efforts in getting it all set up for us all to enjoy. GoPro video soon to be posted!

Stu – Really enjoyed assisting you with the brake work on your ZHP, as well as the fire chat on Friday, and parking lot chalk-talk on Sat. Not sure that they are going to offer “flame-broiled pretzel” on the menu anytime soon, but it was worth a try! I hope that the brakes are still holding up well, and that the brake shudder was removed when you swapped the rotors. I would still think about a brake bleed sometime in the near future. Good luck with all of the stats work in the meantime, and I will look forward to seeing you ‘stop’ by another zhp meet soon. If you have any questions on the brake work, let me know!

Ryan (Lucy-mama) – Truly a pleasure making your acquaintance at SIGfest. Wow Lucy really does look great in person. I normally like a fairly stock vehicle, but you have done an excellent job on your car. Also, I was touched when there were a few tears as you were packing up to head home at the end of SIGfest. I will look forward to spending more time with you and Kyle at another meet in the future. In the meantime, take care of Kyle, Lucy, and the rest of the NC crew!

Kyle (Ryan’s Kyle) – Great to meet you man! Read the post on your intro. to the mafia page, and thought that it was great. Hopefully we are not a bunch of BMW snobs, but rather a fun-loving “family”. Awesome work on Charlie’s Vanos rebuild. I didn’t have a chance to catch up too much with you or Ryan, but I will look forward to it for the next go-around, and on the forum in the interim time. Take care of Ryan as she is a special gal! BTW, can we call you Yoda-Master referring to your Toyota expertise?

Rob/sockethead – Thanks for the input on the various projects going on during the work on Sunday, and I will forever be indebted to you for introducing me to Silkolene Pro Prep for all engine bay components and hard plastics (last year). Keep up the good work with the ZHP, and be sure to keep kpro in line with the 1! Likewise, hope that you both are “busy” once again in the near future.

Flavor-Flav/Marc – Where do I begin? How about Executive Assistant/Master-Parker!!! Thank you for your help with the whole parking setup and execution on Friday and a bit on Sunday too! Awesome that you stepped up to help me out with keeping it all on track. I could not have done it without you! In other thanks, thanks for all of the good-humor and laughs as always. You better keep it going on the forum, otherwise I will be hugely disappointed. No worries on Barbie-blonde comments – I was just trying to give you a laugh in return on a few of my posts on that. If I can dish some sarcasm, I better be able to laugh at some good jokes and humor as well. And one of these days we need to get back to the HPDE/track events…I suppose that is after you finish your big SIGfest piece for Roundel! Cannot wait to read it!

Kristen – Great to see you and very much enjoyed seeing a properly set up 1. She is a beautiful car. Keep up the great work, and I enjoyed Ryan’s story on your Pilot repairs at DQ. So typical – “Don’t turn it off – just drive straight home!” LOLz. I have had that conversation on boats before too. Look forward to seeing you at the next family meet!

John (John Rando) – Truly fantastic to meet you in person and it is awesome that you flew out to meet a few of the East Coast mafia fam! Wow, stellar efforts as camera car pilot – can’t wait to see the results from your/C. Withers Media efforts on all of the great photos, rolling and otherwise. Thank you for making that happen! Thank you as well for your last-minute PMs and assistance with the Bosses lunch too. Enjoyed chatting with you on Saturday and Sunday, and in case you need it – the hard surface conditioner is called Silkolene Pro Prep (Thank Sockethead-Rob). Hope that I am able to catch up with you soon again and enjoy the company of a true Bimmerphile. If you ever find yourself in MD, be sure to look me up. In the interim, enjoy the west coast twisties for me!

Jon – The finest Orientblau ZHP I have ever seen, anywhere. Awesome to see you and the Mrs., and I look forward to catching up with you soon again at the next area meet. In the meantime, keep up the great work! Car really looks beautiful…and sounds even better.

Chris/Matt – Glad that you were able to make it to SIGfest 2012. Stellar meeting you both in person. Chris, keep up the great work and progress on the ZHP, and Matt, thank you for your hard work with the camera. You have captured some purely majestic images, and thank you for posting them!

Ian – Barely had a chance to say hello to you & the Ms. during this event, but the car looks great considering the miles on her! Glad that you were able to make it down for the event, and I will look forward to seeing you again at the next event, as well as on the forum.

Cody/Co-Dizzle & Katie – Great to finally meet you both in person. Why has it taken us so long when we are not that far apart? Thanks for putting up with my ‘Old-Man’ driving en route to SIGfest, forcing a laugh or two for my stupid jokes, and tolerating me for the weekend. Glad that we didn’t have any causalities in the fire pit. The E90 was looking sharp considering its pre-trip tar bath. Dr. Withers certainly portrayed her in elegant style in the photo shoot. Likewise, enjoyed our travels into the old part of Williamsburg. I will look forward to seeing you both soon again, and wish Katie well in her job hunting endeavors! Let me know if you have Bimmer questions!

R0B – Glad that we had a chance to catch up briefly in our TĂȘte-Ă*-tĂȘte parking in the “ZHP” field lineup. Likewise, thanks for popping the hood once back for dinner at B. Pizza. Keep up the good work on the car! You may have to give me a ride sometime to introduce me to how a supercharged ZHP is supposed to feel. Look forward to chatting with you further at the next meet.

Anibal/Nivo – Great meeting you and your wife at SIGfest. Wow, you really have been bitten by the ZHP bug. Car looks great…and even better with a functioning halogen headlight. In the process of bulb-recovery, I learned (thanks to your/Justin Wilson’s efforts) how to successfully remove the headlight lens from the ZHP sedans. Good luck with the rest of the upgrades on both cars, and am looking forward to seeing the finished product on the coupe interior!

Peter/pfr – Great to meet you both and follow you for a bit for the tour! The coupe really looks great, and I believe that I have some GoPro video footage of you in front of me. Hope that the rest of your trip was a success, and hope to see you again at the next mafia event.

Bruce – Back for another year in the IR Vert! Car was looking beautiful as always. Got a chuckle out of the tanning salon parking, and my hat is off to you for leaving your car there. My luck would’ve been keyed/towed/etc. had it been me. Hope to see you soon again.

Eugene/TQ2K – Your family and M5 are beautiful! Sorry that I didn’t get a chance to catch up with you more during the event, but seeing your car in my rearview for part of the drive was surely a treat…and a bit distracting as I am a HUGE E39 M5 fan. Car is very tastefully modified. Keep up the good work!

Those remaining that I have missed, I will look forward to seeing you again at the next family meeting in the near future and getting a chance to catch up with you to say hello!

An awesome family reunion. Thanks to all who attended and made it special!


05-21-2012, 08:08 PM
Tovah and I had an amazing time, thank you Dane and Family for allowing us to crash your house, and to the Bosses for organizing and making the weekend great. Lastly, the all the Mafioso for making the club what it is- there is no other group of people out there so gracious, inviting and sincere as those I have met through this forum... Thank You!!!

05-22-2012, 01:10 PM
Bump. I think I'm done. But thanks again everyone!

05-22-2012, 01:24 PM
I think Ryan's wins for thoroughness! Thanks for all of those thanks! Love fest!

05-22-2012, 01:41 PM
Okay...here goes.

Kristen and Rob, you two are the greatest! You came to my house and picked me up. I was too tall to fit in the back, so you both took turns suffering in the back seat while I rode shotgun. You put me up in your room in the Hilton and covered my meals, which is something I cannot thank you enough for!!

Marc, letting me drive your ZHP on the cruise was truly an experience that I will always remember! I'm glad I could teach you that the steering wheel is also telescoping in conjunction with its ability to tilt. Hope your commute is a little more comfortable now that the wheel is closer ;)

Gary, you made some awesome dogs and burgers. I owe you a dinner next year!

Kyle, The two crabs that I had were excellent!! :rofl Your ability to bake the breads and cakes is unrivaled by everyone that I know!! Always a treat to eat your food :thumbsup

Dane and family, thanks for hosting. I still owe you that game of corn hole...Choose your partner wisely :biggrin

Mark, it's been said many times over, no need to repeat it. Without your dream and ambition to create this site, none of us would have gotten together in this magnitude. Zippy has got to be the cutest, most mild-mannered boy I've ever met! His love for wheels and cars is a sure sign that he will grow up to be an enthusiast like yourself!

Casey, thanks for all the hilarious stories and covering this event with your keen eye. Looking forward to the unveiling of the Roundel issue.

It was a pleasure to see everyone again and a greater pleasure to meet the new faces who came out this year! Only 360 days to go :)

05-22-2012, 02:16 PM
Justin, well said.

I'll finally have time tonight to contribute to this thread.

05-22-2012, 06:11 PM
Updated my original post.

05-22-2012, 06:27 PM
Updated my original post.


Also Kyle I'm going to have to take you up on the outer banks sometime. Katie and I get invited every year with our friends and can never make it, plus I rather go down and hang with you anyway. You're good people in my book man, my kind of dude.

05-22-2012, 06:33 PM

Also Kyle I'm going to have to take you up on the outer banks sometime. Katie and I get invited every year with our friends and can never make it, plus I rather go down and hang with you anyway. You're good people in my book man, my kind of dude.

Thanks, Cody. The invite goes double to you and Katie. You two rock. Come on down and chill.

05-22-2012, 07:32 PM
I have a lot to be thankful for. First and foremost, a big thank you to Marcus, Dane and Keith for starting this forum and keeping everything under control. Being able to make it to this years event was a dream come true. By far one of the coolest things I have ever been a part of.

Over the last year that I have been a member here, I have interacted with many of you on the forums, and met a handful of you in person. I have always considered this place a home to me, and the members my extended family. But saying something on a forum and actually practicing it are two different things.

So Sunday finally rolls around and some of the members start their journey home. When Ryan started to say her goodbyes, she started to tear up. Thats when I realized how much this forum meant to not only me, but to everyone else. The raw emotion of the moment wasn't a "cool story bro, see you next year". It was "Holy shit I'm going to miss you guys so much". This is so much more than just a car forum. This is a family.

Big thanks to Charlie for sharing your hotel room and for helping me out when I needed a new rear view mirror. You're a great person to be around and I'm happy to have you as a friend.

Cody and Katie - Always great seeing you guys. I will definitely come by some time to hang out. (Oh and I found some of those chocolate pretzel things on the maintenance day, they were super delicious)

Justin - Definitely had some good laughs. Great finally meeting you bud!

BP - Had a blast riding down to VA with you. The snoring? Not so much. haha hope to see you and Charlie soon!

Nivo - Thanks for an awesome ride down to VA. Good luck with your turbo project, I can't wait to see how everything turns out!

Chris - Glad to meet you in person. Thanks for the cup holder tip, I'm gonna have to look into that one!

Chad and Tovah - Chad44, the chadster, chaderino. I had a great time hanging out with you guys during the meet. You guys crack me up!

John (Johnmadd) - I can't remember, but I think it was you who led the charge down the twisties at 80mph. One of my favorite parts of the trip and the most fun I have ever had in my car. Great to see another clean black ZHP. Hope to see you again next time I'm at Danes!

Stu - Some of those stories you told me about your friend helping you on your car had me cracking up. Hope to see you again next year!

Jon(Au2bahn) - So glad to finally meet you and see your legendary ZHP in person.

Rob and Kristen - Good seeing you guys again. Love the new 135i!

R0b (Robin) - So jealous of your car! We live so close, let me know if you ever need a hand working on it!

Jeff - You and your wife are super cool. Thanks for coming down!

Ryan (whitexi) - Your car looks so clean! Nice to meet you and your girlfriend!

Kyle - Always a good time having you around! Your cooking was delicious!

Gary - Thanks grilling and for the beer and Bellissimos!

Ryan (Ryans323i) - Really enjoyed meeting you and Kyle. Lucy looks even better in person than I imagined. Thanks for showing me how much this forum means to everyone!

John (Johnrando) - I'm so glad you made it over to VA. You have a great personality and a great taste in music!

Ian - I wish I could have talked to you a little more. The weekend was pretty hectic. Hope to see you next year!

Brett - Really enjoyed your company. Thanks for giving me some insight as to what BMW CCA is all about and for being a cool guy. Also thanks for telling me about your mechanic friend. Hopefully I won't ever have to take my car to him, but having a mechanic you can trust is invaluable.

Marc - Really enjoyed the few conversations that we had. You've got a good sense of humor!

Casey - Your pictures are absolutely incredible. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me and explain some of the methods to your madness. Looking forward to seeing you again next year!

Justin Wilson - Whether you read this or not, I really appreciate your help changing out my trans and diff fluids on Sunday. Really impressed me that you were so willing to help everyone out without any personal gain. You have a good head on your shoulders and a bright future ahead of you. Hopefully I'll see you next time I'm at Danes house.

Keith - I wasn't sure what to expect when I met you. You have always been a friendly and helpful person on the forums. But from the pictures I had seen on the forums, I had imagined you as this big 6' 5" hard ass cop. But instead I saw a laid back guy who really enjoyed BMW's just like me. It was awesome finally meeting you and putting a name to a face. The pictures I had seen were old and I can tell you have lost a lot of weight. Your hard work has really shown off. Hopefully next year I will get to talk to you a little bit more. Being a recent college grad with a bachelors in criminal justice, I would have enjoyed picking your brain about your career path. Thanks again for helping maintain this forum. I'm already looking forward to seeing you and your wife at next years event!

Marcus -Mr. San Diego himself - It was great finally meeting you. Just like Keith, I had imagined you as a very serious, strictly business type guy who wears suits all the time. So I was pretty stoked when I realized how down to earth you are. Thank you for everything you have done for this forum. I'm sure maintaining and running a forum this size is a lot of work and a lot of responsibility. You have an amazing wife and son, and a natural talent for photography. Looking forward to seeing you and your family in the future.

Dane "The Man" Wilson - Your awesomeness knows no bounds. Thanks for hosting the SIGFest at your house, and for being such a great person on the forums, and in the real world. You are always looking out for other people without expecting anything in return. The values you posses are what transform this forum into a family and inspire me to be a better individual. I have always felt welcomed at your house and hope to see you in the near future for CCV and engine/trans mount work!

To everyone else that I haven't mentioned - You guys are all just as much family to me as everyone else. Hopefully I will meet more of you next year, but this forum lets us connect, without actually being in the same state, our country for that matter. So keep posting and stay active! Everyone here has a place in the Mafia.

tl;dr - This is more than just a forum, this is a family.

05-22-2012, 07:38 PM
^ That might be one of the most thoughtful posts I've every read on here.

Was great meeting you as well.

Shoot me a PM if you every want to talk about law enforcement or if you have any questions.

My brain is available to pick whenever you need it.

I wish this was sent with a Galaxy S3

05-22-2012, 07:53 PM
I both dislike and love threads like this.

I dislike them because I'll inevitably forget to mention someone who should be mentioned. However, I do love them because it gives me a chance to publicly acknowledge those who made an impression on me.

First: I would like to thank Dane and his family for inviting all of us to their home. It has to be a huge sacrifice to do what you guys do each year. Frankly, I'm dreading the day when we can no longer meet at Dane's house. Anyhow, thank you, Dane. You're a true gentleman. Oh, and before I forget. Thanks for helping me run this site on a daily basis. We're not here -- 19 months later -- without your input, participation, and support.

Keith and Krysten: I can't say enough good things about you. I've met a lot of people in my life. You two are some of the most kind, thoughtful, and wonderful people I've come across. Thanks for simply being the people you are. I can't wait to see you again.

Casey: thanks for letting me hang out with you while you capture epic photos on a regular basis. The ZHP Mafia got to watch you in action for a short period this weekend. I get to do it as often as I'd like to do it. Thanks for letting me do that. Thanks also for supporting me in my photographic endeavors. Your support is appreciated. Finally, thanks for being a good friend.

Kristen and Rob: as always, it was great hanging out with you. We always have fun when we're together; this weekend was no different.

Rob (newjack): it was a pleasure meeting you as well. While I can be serious when necessary, and I do wear suits on occasion, I mostly try to stay relaxed while wearing my Polo shirts and shorts (plus flipflops). I'm very much a "when in Rome" kind of guy. This weekend I was able to relax and let my hair (what little I have left) down because everyone else at the meet was so chill. I look forward to seeing you again.

Rando (John Randolph): even though we see each other pretty often, it's always a joy to hang out with you. That I got to hang out with you some three thousand miles from home was even better. Good memories, indeed. Never change. You're top drawer material.

Marc: always a pleasure to hang out. I always look forward to seeing you each year. Can't wait for next year.

Horny: dude, you're a great guy. You're smart, fun, and loyal. My trip is always made better when you're around. Thanks for being the cool person that you are.

Brett: thanks for pitching in this weekend. I believe you have a future at UPS if you ever want to go that direction. You have logistics down pat. Additionally, thanks for taking care of all the bosses and their meals this weekend. Completely unnecessary but very much appreciated. Rounding up all of the cash makes me think you could also be a pimp if the UPS thing doesn't work out. :biggrin

Bruce: brother, thanks for being there this weekend. Glad you brought your son, too. Very nice kid. As always, make sure you hit me up whenever you're in San Diego. May not always hook up with you but I at least want a chance to meet up.

Gary M: It's always nice to see you. Thanks for cooking on Friday night. I loved the beans. Also, thanks for supporting my photography, especially when I post those of Zippy. Thanks, meanwhile, for the Hawaiian Punch last year. Much appreciated.

Charlie: thanks for taking care of my boy, John Rando. You are a very generous person. I also heard of other random acts of generosity, too, which simply makes me respect you even more. It was nice meeting you in person; looking forward to meeting you again.

Ryan (girl): it was a pleasure meeting you and your fiancee this weekend. You make a very cute couple. I enjoyed seeing your car, too. Very nice. I'm already looking forward to hanging out with you next year.

Ryan (whitexi): good seeing you this year. Your presence was appreciated. It was nice seeing your familiar face. Hope I see you next year as well.

John (madd): thanks for organizing the drive yet again. The drive is one of my favorite parts of the weekend. I appreciate all of your efforts. I also thank you for being a very cool guy. You're simply down to Earth and as real as it gets. Thanks, pal.

Kyle: thanks for bringing the eats. Your generosity knows no bounds. The food was great. Meanwhile, thanks for being a loyal member of the forum.

Chris & Matt: nice meeting you guys. Good luck with your photography. I hope you both reach your goals. Thanks for letting me hang out with you two this weekend.

Jon: cool car. cool dude. cool wife. Just a cool cat. Enough said.

Cody and Katie: nice to finally meet you in person. You're every bit as cool as I imagined you'd be. If you're ever in San Diego (and I know you will be), let's be sure to get together. Until then, stay awesome.

BP: it's been enjoyable watching your maturation process. Keep it up. Also, thanks for taking care of the Mafia with your coding skills. Good looking out.

To everyone else: if I was not smiling outward all weekend, know that I was doing it internally. When I first launched this site about a year and a half ago, I had no idea what kind of people I would attract. I know that I wanted to attract the best and the brightest but that was aspirational.

Now hear this: I've got to be one of the luckiest SOBs around. This forum is full of thoughtful, supportive, and friendly members. I could not have planned it any better. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Finally, I am sure that I did not meet everyone this weekend. If I did not say hi to you, I apologize. Certainly not my intention to slight anyone. It just got busy at times; I also had the family in tow. Definitely more challenging than last year. That said, I will do my best to meet everyone next year.

Can't wait to do this again.

05-22-2012, 08:17 PM
Thank you all for the kind words Mark, Ryan, Charlie, Rob.... One issue though Ryan, Charlie and I might have to fight for the title of Lucy's biggest fan! :biggrin Luv you!

05-22-2012, 08:49 PM
Thank you all for the kind words Mark, Ryan, Charlie, Rob.... One issue though Ryan, Charlie and I might have to fight for the title of Lucy's biggest fan! :biggrin Luv you!

John, I'll concede....you have it bro :thumbsup

05-22-2012, 09:05 PM
This thread along with the many pictures threads make me want to plan and make next year happen. It would be one heck of weekend trip across the country, but I'm sure it'd be worth it.

05-22-2012, 09:33 PM
Sean, it's worth it. This is the second time I've done the cross country thing. The flight is about 5.5 hours.

05-23-2012, 09:39 AM
I wont ever miss another one, whether I have a BMW or not.
Thanks for all the kind words for me, Kyle and Lucy. I love you all!

C Withers Media
05-23-2012, 09:47 AM
I left my thank you elsewhere, I will just leave it there. Like Mark, I always feel as if someone is being left out that doesn't deserve to be. I just want to blanket thank everyone for the support in what we are trying to accomplish. If you notice, all three business partners in CWMG are ZHPMafia.com members, and that is by design. It has always been my intention to take care of and provide opportunity for the people around me when I can. So, thank you for the thank you's and I am glad I was able to meet everyone. Im bad at names but great at memories and you all left an impact on me in one way or another.

Also, I don't know if it was coordinated behind the scenes or what, but showing up at Dane's and seeing a multitude of people wearing my shirt knocked me on the floor. It was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. Thank you everyone for letting me be a part of your weekend.

05-23-2012, 12:15 PM
I wear my C Withers shirt with pride. I make sure that I'm on my best behavior while wearing it to make sure not to sully your name and reputation.

Sent via Tapatalk 2 on my hacked Fascinate.

05-23-2012, 05:39 PM
Im not good with lengthy threads like this but Im gonna say it the best way possible short and sweet.

Thank you Dane for hosting another great gathering at your place. Thank you Marc and Casey for running around like crazy with cameras all weekend! I really enjoyed seeing the same friends from last year and was happy to see and meet new people.

Thank you again Marc, Dane, and Keith for keeping the forum in great spirits.

Last but not least... Thank you ladies for chatting it up with my gf about hand bags, shoes and all that other stuff. I thought she was gonna go crazy if she only heard me talk about cars all weekend :rofl. She felt right at home and had a blast hanging out with everyone.

05-23-2012, 05:56 PM
I just want to say thanks to all of you for coming to be a part of my life...in person. Each one of you speak to me in different ways. It meant so much to me that you had the confidence in me, to make the long travel, expecting a stellar meet. I was truly impressed by each and every one of you.

I thank you all for the warm words......but I'm just a guy....trying to make his friends happy. That's all. Nothing less. Nothing more.

I did what I did for you. The ZHPMafia forum family member. I only provided the meeting place, in which we all became closer. We became better friends, and more intimate family members.

I thank all members (Photographers, People who helped me(Parking, setup, drive mapping, guidance, etc), and those that came and drank beer and had a good time). It's not necessary for everyone to help....though I know you all would, if I called upon you.

When you guys left.....you honestly took a small piece of me with you, and I don't feel quite as whole or complete as I did for those 72 hours. It was a damn good time. And not only was it a damn good time, but it was safe, no cars were damaged, no one got hurt, and I truly appreciate the level of "I am my brothers keeper" I witnessed.

The void will eventually be filled, when we meet again.

05-23-2012, 09:13 PM

05-24-2012, 06:33 AM
I just want to say thanks to all of you for coming to be a part of my life...in person. Each one of you speak to me in different ways. It meant so much to me that you had the confidence in me, to make the long travel, expecting a stellar meet. I was truly impressed by each and every one of you.

I thank you all for the warm words......but I'm just a guy....trying to make his friends happy. That's all. Nothing less. Nothing more.

I did what I did for you. The ZHPMafia forum family member. I only provided the meeting place, in which we all became closer. We became better friends, and more intimate family members.

I thank all members (Photographers, People who helped me(Parking, setup, drive mapping, guidance, etc), and those that came and drank beer and had a good time). It's not necessary for everyone to help....though I know you all would, if I called upon you.

When you guys left.....you honestly took a small piece of me with you, and I don't feel quite as whole or complete as I did for those 72 hours. It was a damn good time. And not only was it a damn good time, but it was safe, no cars were damaged, no one got hurt, and I truly appreciate the level of "I am my brothers keeper" I witnessed.

The void will eventually be filled, when we meet again.


05-27-2012, 07:40 PM
Speed bump! Thanks All!

05-28-2012, 05:58 AM
Great stuff Brett!

05-28-2012, 06:11 AM
Good read Brett. Thanks for the kind words!

05-28-2012, 06:31 AM
Good read Brett. Thanks for the kind words!


Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

05-29-2012, 06:39 AM
Love this thread keep it coming...I accidentally posted my thank-you's in another place :)

05-31-2012, 03:50 AM
This is long overdue ....

I wanted to say "THANK YOU" to everyone, for making this a memorable time. Heather and I enjoyed ourselves so much. I was skeptical about bringing Heather because she rarely enjoys my 'car' things, but everyone made her feel welcome and she is already talking about next year. :biggrin

I wanted to give special Thanks to Marcus, Dane and Keith for their efforts in making this the best place to be. You have truly created a 'family' for us all to be proud of.

Also, a special Thank You to Dane and his family for opening their home to all of us, and providing such a wonderful place to meet and talk to everyone.

05-31-2012, 05:25 AM
Heather cracked me up, I really enjoyed talking to her :) I know that most wives/girlfriends aren't "into" car things, but we can't talk about shoes/purses/crazy children if they don't show up. The ladies make it even more fun for me to come to these events. I'm glad more guys brought their womens this year :) ...and for that, I thank you.

05-31-2012, 06:03 AM
Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who was at the meet. Everyone was super friendly, and accepting.
Thank you Dane and family for opening up your home to all of us. I hope the meets will always start at your house.
It was great to finally put faces to the names here on the forum.
I know Hadley had a much more enjoyable time being able to talk to the other women there, as well. (she will post in new members thread soon).
This is definitely a great group we have here, and I'm honored to be a part of it.
I'll also add that everyone's car was special in some way, and you can tell each one apart from the others. I thought that was awesome.
Can't wait till next year :)

-Sent via iPhone 4S

05-31-2012, 08:46 AM
Thank you all so, so much, especially Dane for letting us use your tools, house, and things. Your efforts for making this a complete success were not gone without notice. I know how hard you worked to make sure this was organized, and I am greatly humbled by your hospitality. You were busy and working the entire time, making sure everything was in order and the way it should be. You deserve something, man. I dunno what, but something.

Thanks to C Withers Media, for just being fucking awesome. Casey, you are the man. Absolutely hysterical stories to tell, and fun to hang with. When you were hanging out my car to do the photoshoot, I was...slightly freaking out inside hahaha. But then I learned that you are actually Spiderman, so then I stopped worrying. Marcus, it was very good to see you and you took some great pictures. You're always such a friendly guy, and one hell of a photographer.

Thanks to everyone who helped me do my brake rotors. The difference is phenomenal, and I'm so glad to have those done. They were a bitch, it was dirty, but we got it done!

A huge thanks to Botond, because he literally bought me a new anti-rattle clip because he couldn't find his old one that he said he was going to send me. I couldn't believe it. Botond, you, sir, really are a Pal (canuseewatididthar).

I wish this were more than once a year. Everyone is such a freaking blast to hang with. You all are great. This is what makes my ZHP worth all its quirks, expenses, and oddities.

C Withers Media
05-31-2012, 12:44 PM
Thanks a lot, I still want to know what the banjo boys in that truck were yelling at us....Something about Boomhauer, Boomhauer, twang twang, shotgun. It was all I needed to hear...

05-31-2012, 04:08 PM
Thanks, Zell. It's easy being a nice guy when I'm dealing with the Mafia.

05-31-2012, 05:03 PM
Katie, my girlfriend, was skeptical about coming at first thinking it was going to be all car stuff. She really enjoyed the meet and hanging out with all of the other girlies there.

05-31-2012, 07:13 PM
Thanks a lot, I still want to know what the banjo boys in that truck were yelling at us....Something about Boomhauer, Boomhauer, twang twang, shotgun. It was all I needed to hear...


06-03-2012, 10:37 AM
I feel bad that this is the first time I've had a chance to really get on here to post. It's been great reading everybody's posts. I had such a great time at the meet this year. It really was just as good as any vacation I've been on and in some ways even better. We really do have an awesome group of people on this site. Everybody meshes so well. I'm sad that we have to wait a whole year to do it again...
I enjoyed meeting all the new members and catching up with everyone from last year.

Horney, I was really glad we could help you out... any time dude! You crack me up... And remember... snack city bitch 10-10-20 and a cookie bitch...

I'd like to tell this story about this guy that Horney, Kristen and I saw when we were getting breakfast on the last day:

We are waiting in line to get seated and we see this old guy pull up in a 335i. This guy looked to be in his late 70's. His License plate says "1-DUFFER" we're thinking wow this old guy is pretty cool to drive a 335.... then go to grab something out of the 135 and on the way back I notice that his car is a 6 speed manual. I tell Kristen and Horney and we're all like really? that old guy?! So I say to the guy you have a nice car and we noticed it was a 6 speed. He says it's the 3rd manual Bimmer he's owned and we tell him about the meet and everything and he was really interested. He was a really cool dude. As we're leaving I look at the exhaust tips on the car and it's got a Borla exhaust on it. We were all like no shit! and we all agreed that we hope we are all still into cars when we reach that age. I hope we are still doing Sig Fest by then, we have such a good group that anything is possible although we may have to rename it Geriatric Mafia. I don't think my passion for cars and people that like cars will ever change and I think a lot of you are the same way... I wish that I had a ZHP mafia business card to give him...