View Full Version : Got Rear Ended today!

01-19-2012, 12:17 PM
So I'm driving home from the gym, it's snowing for the first time this year. I'm stopped at a light a good two cars back from the car in front. I look in my rear view to see a jeep liberty sliding sideways at me, fast! I popped the clutch and tried to pull around the car in front of me but the woman in the jeep was just going to fast and out of control. She smashed into me and did some moderate damage to my 'new to me' BMW. I jumped out and lost my shit on her for a good while. After I calmed down and apologized, we exchanged information and tried to report the acciedent but the wait was so long at the station we decided I'll wait until tomorrow instead.
Learn how to drive people!!!!!!!! Holy Christ! /rant

http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/405789_10150466400826910_530341909_9253661_8498951 83_n.jpg?dl=1

http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/406983_10150466401621910_530341909_9253662_5853559 42_n.jpg?dl=1

Bumper is cracked in multiple places that the pics don't really show.

Advice? After my report and calling insurance I would like this to be taken care of at the dealer and I'll obviously need a rental.

01-19-2012, 12:44 PM
My insurance covers rentals. Ask them. They will set it up for you. Then you tell them where you want repairs done, and usually dealers are a no brainer for you and them. Should be ok.

Sucks a big one though.


01-19-2012, 12:51 PM
Sorry to hear that! Your insurance company will definitely help you out.

PS Glad you're okay.

01-19-2012, 12:56 PM
Sorry man. :(

01-19-2012, 01:43 PM
Sux. Been there....done that....only worse.

01-19-2012, 02:00 PM
Damn that sucks. Like had already been said, check with your insurance as they probably cover a rental. Dealers don't usually do the work themselves (some do but no all) so since it looks like only body and not mechanical damage I would try to find the best body shop around you area

01-19-2012, 02:02 PM
First snowfalls of the season are always the worst. People forget how to drive in the snow. Granted not all accidents and can be prevented but seeing as she was driving a jeep on the same road as you under snowy conditions I'd expect her vehicle to perform better in the snow. She was probably being a little careless behind the wheel

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk

01-19-2012, 02:28 PM
I saw her skidding sideways for at least 100 feet. She was being completely careless. If I hadn't have tried to move out of the way my car would have been a write off I garrantee it

01-19-2012, 08:41 PM
4WD/AWD helps you accelerate faster in snow... doesn't help you stop any faster!

01-19-2012, 08:45 PM
aww man that sucks, sorry about that, but nice tail lights, love the led

01-19-2012, 09:47 PM
Oh man so sorry to hear that. Bumper is easy just replace it but that place under the trunk is :( Hopefully they will fix it without a problem.

01-20-2012, 04:43 AM
Yea it does really suck. Thanks for the sympathy guys! As far as I can tell the quarter panel, trunk lid and tail lights are fine. Luckily it's just that strip under the deck lid that is damaged. That and the bumper will need to be replaced. It should be a pretty straight forward repair. I'm just worried about the paint not matching quite right afterward. Because of my quick thinking I saved my car and I'll be making my report to the insurance company today after work.

01-20-2012, 05:45 AM
It's all about the shop you take it to at this point.

Find one with a reputation for superior work.

01-20-2012, 05:48 AM
What a bummer. I would have flipped out too! Unfortunately, that strip between the boot and bumper is going to be an expensive fix. I hope your insurance takes care of you right. Best wishes.

01-20-2012, 07:08 AM
That sucks. I hope this all goes well. I completely lost it on this lady in the jeep. She rolled up her window and locked her doors. I feel a bit bad about that but it was all in the heat of the moment. After that she kept saying how it wasn't her fault, but the weather was to blame. That made me even more upset. I'm still upset about it a full day later. Everyone else on the road managed to not lose control and smash into other cars. It's completely her fault 10000%. Like at least own up to your stupidity and admit you are; 1) a terrible driver who got their lisence In a Cherrios box. and 2) have little to no common sense whatsoever.

01-20-2012, 07:36 AM
That sucks. I hope this all goes well. I completely lost it on this lady in the jeep. She rolled up her window and locked her doors. I feel a bit bad about that but it was all in the heat of the moment. After that she kept saying how it wasn't her fault, but the weather was to blame. That made me even more upset. I'm still upset about it a full day later. Everyone else on the road managed to not lose control and smash into other cars. It's completely her fault 10000%. Like at least own up to your stupidity and admit you are; 1) a terrible driver who got their lisence In a Cherrios box. and 2) have little to no common sense whatsoever.

Women can be intimidated by men quite easily. Put yourself in her shoes. With that said though....it helps discussion along when one person is willing to humbly admit some fault. In this case it sounds like 4 wheel drive doesn't help you stop in the snow....and she was probably driving too fast.

01-20-2012, 07:40 AM
Definitely sux to hear. Let us know how things work out. Many insurance companies will recommend body shops that they regularly do work with. Just make sure you tell them OEM replacement parts, as otherwise the very likely would not pick that.

01-20-2012, 08:52 AM
I definitely will insist on OEM replacements, thanks for the heads up. The BMW dealer in St.Catharines, I used to work at and I know they have a body shop as part of their whole company. It's about an 45 min from where I live now. And there is budds BMW here in Hamilton but I don't know of the body shop they use.

01-20-2012, 08:54 AM
Im sorry about your accident, I was rear ended in my E36 several years back and it was totalled and I tore my mcl. Consider yourself lucky it wasnt worse.

01-20-2012, 09:37 AM
And.....since its her fault her insurance will pay your insurance claim including the comprehensive deductible. You will have to pay the GST of the repair amount but consider that a small cost to get a brand new painted rear!!

Things could always be worst. You are very fortunate. Luckily something was damaged that can be fixed with money and hardwork. I know it's your baby but I believe every situation has a positive outcome. You just have to find it if it's hidden!! :D

01-20-2012, 09:52 AM
So If this is a claim on my insurance that her company pays for, does my insurance policy increase ?

01-20-2012, 09:57 AM
Your insurance premiums will not be touched whether someone hits you and is found at fault more than 50%, if vandalism happens, or acts of mother nature occur. It only goes up if your are involved in a collision that is simply more than 50% your fault.

01-20-2012, 09:57 AM
I'm pretty sure in Ontario we dont have gst anymore. It's called harmonized sales tax. it's gst and pst rolled into one at 15% and then shoved up your...

01-20-2012, 10:00 AM
Well that's good news on my policy not increasing. But not so good news about having to pay even a cent for someone else's incompetence

01-20-2012, 10:01 AM
I only paid 7% of my body damage cost a couple months ago when someone rear ended me. Having a business I get to write it off though. :) maybe you can argue that extra cost for the other side to pay it.

01-20-2012, 10:53 AM
Not so sure why you have to pay a penny.

I got rear ended too 2 years ago (well my e70 actually, lol), I called my insurance co. and they worked with the other driver's insurance co.
They shouldered every penny.

On a side note, my e70 got rear ended again, yes AGAIN, last Dec 4, needs to go to Small Claims Court to settle... so consider yourself still lucky you dont have to go thru all this to get your car repaired....

how much was the estimate?

01-20-2012, 11:25 AM
It's different in Canada. haha.

My 1st rear ender was a lot more severe than 2 months ago. This one costed $8,000 to fix.

What my car did to the truck:

What the truck did to my car:

All in all the body shop was not surprised at the strength of the body and how it was designed. The rear door opened and closed fine. The trunk could even close, in an odd way albeit! The body guys said any other non German car, the back door would have been totaled and locked into place and there would have been no rear end to fix.

The good thing that came out of it? I got clears and a newly rear end! LOL. And I also learned the significance of being grateful that it happened in my car and not a Civic because the precious cargo inside held my sister and her b/f in the back. Funny thing was after I got the car back 2 days into it my friend parked too wide beside me and hit the rear bumper on the side. LOL. I just used black marker pen to hide the scuffing as much as possible and called it a day. It is a piece of metal on 4 tires and it's not worth losing a friendship over a material item. Then a couple months ago someone finally hit my rear bumper so I could get everything fixed. Repainting the rear bumper and filling in a bit of plastic costed the shop $800.

Now I just need someone to back into my front and I can get it all redone....LOL

01-20-2012, 11:26 AM
I don't have one yet. I'm going to the police station to make my report in about an hour. I'll call the insurance company to get the ball rolling before I go HAM at some basketball later

01-20-2012, 11:33 AM
I cannot believe that wasn't totaled Trevor.

HTC Thunderbolt+TT

01-20-2012, 11:39 AM
It might have been had it been a car my height of the same weight as the truck. Being so high, the body absorbed everything. The structure didn't have to work hard at all! And none of us got whiplashed because the vehicle crumpled just slow enough to cushion the acceleration forces of impact.

01-20-2012, 03:56 PM
Yea it does really suck. Thanks for the sympathy guys! As far as I can tell the quarter panel, trunk lid and tail lights are fine. Luckily it's just that strip under the deck lid that is damaged. That and the bumper will need to be replaced. It should be a pretty straight forward repair. I'm just worried about the paint not matching quite right afterward. Because of my quick thinking I saved my car and I'll be making my report to the insurance company today after work.

Damn! Sorry to hear about your car! Good job on trying to get out of the way. I did the same many years ago in my '72 2002 when I got rear ended by a chicken farmer in Nebraska. I got hit in the right rear and got soooo close to making it out of the way that it didn't even touch the taillight.

Make them do it over if they don't get the paint to match. Mine didn't quite match and it bothered me til the day I sold it, actually traded it in on a '79 320i. It looked just like this car........


Pic shows how close it was to making it out of the way!

Good luck.........Barry

01-20-2012, 06:26 PM
i want that car :) I made my police report today, it was quite the wait at the station. On another note, totally off topic. I smashed my hand playing basketball earlier. Pretty sure its broken up past my pinky finger. It's been a greattttt week.


Bah, I just realized I past 100 posts in this bad news thread. I wanted to do something cool for my 100th post. oh well I guess

Go Horns!
01-20-2012, 06:40 PM
You shouldn't have to pay a thing, her fault, she pays the taxes. Does Canada have some weird insurance regime where you can't sue the other driver and you are required to go through your insurance?

01-20-2012, 07:12 PM
I duno man, everyone I've talked to (friends and family) have said that I wont have to pay anything. I'm young, this is my first time being involved in an accident and dealing with insurance. I'm sure I could sue her if I wanted to but there are no injuries, just damage to my car that can be taken care of through insurance. That's what its there for right?

All of this is making me extremely stressed out. Work is jerkin me around, get rear ended, then injure one of my hands again lol. Funny how not so nice things seem to happen all at once.

01-20-2012, 11:48 PM
You're just being tested. :) These difficulties change you and make you a better person from the experience. :) We're on a rollercoaster of life and you can't stop it from going down when it's ready to go down. LOL

01-21-2012, 01:52 PM
K, I've made my police report and filed a claim with my insurance. Ill be getting a call back from the adjuster on Monday or Tuesday to confirm I am not at fault. I will then be entitled to a rental car during the repairs. I want to bring it to Performance BMW's body shop in St.Catharines so I need to make an appointment and have the appraiser meet me there on my scheduled appointment. One thing that bothers me that I will be arguing hard over is that they won't replace any parts with OEM. My policy says like new or aftermarket parts. I said that's some BS. How do I push for the new OEM parts. The bumper might just get repaired and painted but that one body panel needs to be replaced and I don't want some Chinese crapola.

01-21-2012, 02:05 PM
I honestly doubt the metal part under the trunk has a aftermarket replacement but I could be wrong. The trunk is another itself is another issue. I would say to argue the fact that most aftermarket trunks do not line up and fit correct. Insist on an OEM trunk, they can probably get one from a junkyard off a wrecked E46 with front end only damage for the same or better price as an aftermarket replacement. You could even argue for that with regards to any other replacement parts. Also, make sure they install one with a lip spoiler. Triple check when picking up your car that the repairs are to your satisfaction since the insurance will be paying for it.

Actually, your insurance shouldn't be responsible for this. It should be on the car that hit you so see what your company says with regards to that.

01-21-2012, 02:07 PM
Just talk to the body shop guys. They'll get their money, no matter what they put on there, so just be very persistent that you want OE. Be polite but firm. They'll let you know what they're going to put on there, and being a shop called "Performance BMW" I think you'll be fine.

Take a deep breath. Sometimes it seems life is hitting you hard all at once, but like Trevor said, it's a test. And you'll pass, and you'll be better for it. The car will be repaired, your hand will heal, and work, well, work's work. Handle one thing at a time, and consciously enjoy being with your loved ones just a little bit more. Things will be fine.

And happy 100th post.

01-21-2012, 02:13 PM
My trunk lid, remarkably, didn't even get touched. Its only that strip of metal its the housing for the taillights as well. I wish i knew the name of this body panel lol. The bumper is just kinda cracked and dented a bit in a couple places, there is one clip at the drivers rear fender that popped out too. Its not like crazy bad damage but I'm totally OCD with things being perfect so I'm gonna be hardcore about this being done right.

01-21-2012, 02:18 PM
Just talk to the body shop guys. They'll get their money, no matter what they put on there, so just be very persistent that you want OE. Be polite but firm. They'll let you know what they're going to put on there, and being a shop called "Performance BMW" I think you'll be fine.

Take a deep breath. Sometimes it seems life is hitting you hard all at once, but like Trevor said, it's a test. And you'll pass, and you'll be better for it. The car will be repaired, your hand will heal, and work, well, work's work. Handle one thing at a time, and consciously enjoy being with your loved ones just a little bit more. Things will be fine.

And happy 100th post.

Thanks, Ryan. Performance BMW is an actual BMW dealership. Performance Cars is a company that owns many dealerships and they put them all beside each other. There's Hyundai, Acura, Mini, BMW, Mercedes, Chrysler, Saturn, Toyota and Lexus. They all use the same body shop which is beside the Benz and Chrysler dealer.

01-21-2012, 02:35 PM
^ sounds kinda like BMW of San Diego, a Penske owned dealership. Their body shop is technically the Mercedes shop but they do repairs for all the Penske dealerships in the area

01-21-2012, 03:06 PM

got this diagram from someone on e46f..

I think I need #3 and #19. maybe not even #19

01-21-2012, 05:32 PM
Call the shop before you head over, let them know the sitch, and that you want OEM parts. In fact, it's better if you don't have the adjuster with you, as the shops charge full parts, labor and markup when the insurance is paying. But, given that the adjuster will be there, it is what it is. Maybe the shop can help you out by backing your fit/finish argument.

EDIT: I'll add, for example, that once I told the shop that I was paying for a $700 repair for my wife's car and not the insurance, and I couldn't pay that much, they came back with an estimate of $400.