View Full Version : Trials and tribulations.

01-18-2012, 08:47 PM
The last few months have been one of ups and downs for me and my ZHP, and I have been pretty quiet on here (I can be pretty quiet in general, not just on here but I hadn't even been visiting much). So I figure I should post something to let people know what I'm up to.

I spent a few months thinking about trading in my Bimmer mostly because while the ZHP is without a doubt the nicest driving car that I have ever driven, let alone owned; ownership of it was taking a toll. I had a few minor repairs that ended up being fairly high dollar jobs; nav DVD couldn't be repaired, needed to be replaced, alternator went and is a rare varient (no snorkel, and an odd connector, according to the parts guy at the dealer it was only used for a few months during production?) only available at the dealership ($600!), passenger side window is misaligned chewing up the rubber on the weather strip and a trip to the dealer corrects the weather strip issue, but it won't fit under the soft top on the first shut, a few random tire replacements I wasn't planning for etc. and I am starting to wonder if it's really worth all the trouble. Then as icing on the cake, I get up early for work one day and find one of my neighbors (if only I could figure out which one...) tagged me trying to execute a three point turn or something and I find this as I'm dragging my ass in.


Looked to me like if I could get the bumper cover back on its clips it would be ok (there was only a minor scuff on the corner where it was hit) but I couldn't get it myself. The dealer wanted three hundred bucks just to survey the damage!

Long story short, I was a bit discouraged. I had my dream car (I grew up reading Car and Driver and blame them for my lifelong desire to own a BMW) and was getting to be bummed out by the experience. Since I spent about 4 or 5 months spending on maintenance what a new car payment worked out to I was thinking I would take a ride in a similarly equipped new car (I won't say which one, but 6 cyl, 6 speed, heated seats, nav, 'vert, rear drive).

Mostly what I took away from that test drive, is why the BMW name carries the weight is does... That new car didn't feel anywhere near as nice as my ZHP, I am clearly stuck with this f*ckin thing! It's too good.

Most of my friends aren't into cars like I am, and don't quite understand my dilemma. On a whim I took a ride to Bravauto in Portsmouth NH. while there, I got a recommendation on a local place to look at my bumper, and for a couple bucks I grabbed a set of black kidneys that I had been considering for a while. I installed the black grills and took a step back and saw this:



I am officially back in! And hard! Additionally the local place was able to fix up my bumper (plus a few other odds and ends) for a reasonable price (Kensington Autoworks in southern NH FWIW), and I feel like I did when I first picked up my car again. I'm giddy.

To celebrate, I Recently picked up one of these:


It's going in next week. I can't wait.

If there is room for us, my GF and I are going to try to make the meet in VA in May. She, for whatever reason, is supportive of my obsessions (she even arranged behind my back for me to tour a local Caterham workshop for my birthday last year), and we are both looking forward to the trip if we can arrange for the time off, and meeting some of you (and Bush Gardens if it's convenient).

thanks for reading.

01-18-2012, 09:02 PM
Car ownership has it's ups and downs, glad to see that you have decided to stick with your ZHP! Your car really does look beautiful. Also extremely jealous of the performance intake. Hope to see you and your S/O at the mafia meet!

01-18-2012, 09:07 PM
Welcome back!

01-18-2012, 09:13 PM
Yes, it definitely does have it's ups and downs. The ZHP is really a special one. Glad to see you got your enthusiasm back!

I would seriously consider looking for a good independent shop in your neighborhood. I think it's bimmers.org or something like that. Hopefully someone can chime in here. Fortunately for me, I have a good independent shop close by that is staffed by a bunch of hard-core BMW autocrossers. I know my car is well taken care of. They've known my car almost since new when the mod bug began to hit me.

Another suggestion to take the sting out of repairs is to try to keep up on routine maintenance and preventative maintenance. Read up on it here and the DIY's which will save you a TON!!!

Remember smolck (who is infamous on bimmerfest.com and is quickly gaining the same here) who said, 'if one man can do it, then so can I'.


01-19-2012, 02:40 AM
Thanks guys, good to be back. Johnny, good advice. I think I found a good indy shop, partly the problem I am having is that the car only has 37k miles on it (bought it a little over a year ago with 9k and made it my daily). I try to be fanatical about maintenance with any car I own, but I can't imagine I have missed many of the maintenance intervals. I'm pretty sure a lot of the grief I have been seeing is related to it's having been parked so long, esp. the alternator and nav computer (both of which I installed to save some cake).

01-19-2012, 02:49 AM
http://www.bimrs.org/ for indy shops.

Hang in there. Bimmers can get expensive at times, but they are worth it (as you've figured out).

Droid X. Tapatalk. Use it.

01-19-2012, 03:39 AM
I love and hate my car on a daily. Its a tough relationship that always ends with me smiling. It is worth the headache and wallet pain.

01-19-2012, 04:42 AM
You don't even want to know what ive been through in the last 3 years of owning my xi lol.

I think that you have had all minor mishaps that occur with time but the car looks awesome and I think its a keeper. That is some bs though when your neighbors do that kinda crap but from what ive learned to realize is that they instantly think " OMG I JUST DAMAGED A BMW, I MUST RUN AND HIDE ".

01-19-2012, 04:46 AM
Same here.............love it (mostly) and hate it on occasion. Such a low mile beast! Beautiful color combo and I am sure you will (have) found the "joy" again!

I am fortunate to have 2 local indys within 15 miles of my house.

01-20-2012, 06:46 PM
Welcome back. Hang in there, many of us have been where you are at some point in time.

Go Horns!
01-20-2012, 07:22 PM
I've been going through the same thing with my Tahoe. First it was a battery, and then my A/C went out. Can't get the A/C fixed because now I need to drop $500 on a fuel pump repair. But then I take a look at it, and I know that it is just the price of admission for owning a vehicle that I always wanted. Why else would I have dropped $700 on cosmetic mods for a $4,000 SUV.

The ZHP is the same but different. Was not a dream car (I didn't even know about it until 2 months before buying), but once I had a taste I was hooked. Can't imagine letting it go.