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View Full Version : heavy clutch chatter idling in neutral, and at shut off(normal i know)

11-28-2011, 08:27 PM
Starting last week, my car has been randomly loud and jerkilly chattering while idling in neutral. I have been replacing everything in the drivetrain to firm up my shifts but im starting to think there is something wront with the trans/clutch itself... Any thoughts on the sound? the previous owner claimed that the clutch was replaced 12k-15k miles from where it is today.


11-28-2011, 10:12 PM
I'm no clutch expert, but here are some SWAGs as to possible causes

PO replaced clutch but not throw-out and/or pilot bearings and now one of those bearings has failed. If that's the case, you can re-use the current clutch but will have to pull the transmission to change the bearing(s)
PO replaced clutch but not dual-mass flywheel and now you need a new flywheel
PO didn't really replace the clutch
It's not a clutch problem, it's an intermittent misfire; check for pending codes
One of your transmission or motor mounts is completely broken. But that doesn't make sense because then you should get the same shaking consistently or get a thump after hard acceleration, or really sloppy shifting during hard cornering, or something like that.
You have air bubbles in clutch slave or clutch line. But that doesn't make sense since air bubbles would prevent the slave from fully disengaging the pressure plate and should cause noises when you push the clutch pedal in, not when you let it out.
Time for a new clutch slave because it's not letting the clutch engage fully sometimes

Three weeks ago during a track day my car made some similar noises right before last session. Noises went away and car was fine for the 20-minute session. After parking, packing up my crap, and trying to go home, the shaking happened again then the SES light came on. My basic (not Peake) code reader said various cylinder misfires. I cleared the codes and car has been fine since. Anyway, I still don't know why my car did that, and since I didn't have a real BMW code reader I don't know the misfire details. But it sounded kind of like what's in your video, hence my suggestion to check for pending misfire codes. (You have to get some number of misfires before it turns on the SES light.)

11-29-2011, 03:07 PM
I have similar clutch chatter, though I don't know how loud yours really is as the sound from your video is slightly distorted. I don't know if it's really a little quieter or louder at certain points.

Mine is ever so subtle; if I was to record it, I wouldn't be able to hear it on the video. But, that chatter is definitely there, as though it was a lightweight flywheel. I've seen a few people here report they have it too. I'm inclined to think it's normal; I had crazy loud chatter with the lightweight flywheel in my previous E30 and that sound was considered "normal".

I also get the same sound when turning the car off. It only does that sound when not pressing the clutch pedal in; if it's in, it's quiet. My old car did that as well, before and after the tranny/engine/flywheel swap.

11-29-2011, 06:20 PM
I found a long thread on one of the other sites and a couple of the videos had the exact same noise and relation to clutch/engine speed, etc... Turns out it is very normal and replacing clutch, throwout bearing, flywheel, etc. doesn't even fix it always but usually quiets it... If it gets worse I'll have to make a plan to do a lightweight flywheel/clutch upgrade... the chatter doesn't bother me, the potential for impending doom does. There are no misfires, it purrs like a kitten especially after having the DME software updated a couple weeks ago, it drives like a whole new car.

11-29-2011, 06:53 PM
Did the PO replace the flywheel with a lightweight flywheel? They are reputed to cause more chatter than the normal dual-mass flywheel, with the chatter being worse in hot temperatures and with the A/C on. UUC has a whole page about it here (http://www.nexternal.com/uuc/articles/gear_rattle.htm). Of course now that I say that, you'll probably say you're getting the chatter only in 35°F temps in Wisconsin!

12-01-2011, 04:16 PM
I'm in Massachusetts, and yes it's getting colder, he replaced the clutch with oem, not a driver so I doubt it was anything more that absolutely necessary, he didn't know a whole lot about cars, in fact I think he thought I was crazy while climbing on, under, inside the car pointing out stuff and using big words... until he realized I really was just a seasoned e46 fanatic.

12-15-2011, 07:15 PM
I have the same issue, dealership said my T/O bearing is worn and causing the problem. my clutch still is fine. once its time for a clutch i'll probably replace everything and see it that changes it at all. if it bothers you press the clutch in till the engine warms up and it typically will go away.

12-22-2011, 01:32 PM

I have this same issue but nowhere as bad as yours. It comes at very random intervals on mine....funny... sounds just like yours when it happens but not as severe...

03-01-2012, 09:42 PM
Any updates regarding this? Anything get worse or better?

I got the same "noise" the other night. Kinda funny that I found your vid on youtube when I was researching this. Should of looked to the Mafia first.....

Talked to a BMW friend and he mentioned the TOB also his friend(BMW tech) said the same thing. I am thinking of eventually swapping out the TOB, clutch and flywheel when the time comes(maybe a month or so)

03-02-2012, 04:11 PM
Mine has not been doing it often lately, the last time it did is when I went to the car wash... I'm 100% convinced it's the flywheel that is worn out... my clutch is in good condition otherwise, so I'm not rushing a replacement for now.

03-04-2012, 06:57 PM
It is the fly wheel... Mine did this and when we replaced the clutch and flywheel theft wheel was completely shot... Mine started as the occasional shutter and then developed into a horrid vibration any time the car wasn't accelerating it was really really bad

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03-04-2012, 08:37 PM
Thanks for following up. The BMW Tech guy also mentioned the flywheel.....

Might be upgrade time....:shifty

03-08-2012, 09:30 PM
Thanks for following up. The BMW Tech guy also mentioned the flywheel.....

Might be upgrade time....:shifty

Do it, upgrade!
I'd like to upgrade mine, but have already put so much $$$ into the car that it doesn't make sense to change it for me right now... Next mod is the shark injector, and finishing my BBK install, then some Dunlop direzza star spec zr1 tires and I'll be all set to start the racing season.

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03-08-2012, 09:37 PM
Completely understand on the money thing. I will be paying off the balance of the car this month so I will be trying to scrap some money together and nail down what I actually want.....too many options, lol.

Any pointers on what to buy? Not looking to spend too much since I will most likely have some one install all this for me and don't really auto x or do any real type of racing.

03-10-2012, 06:50 PM
I actually haven't done a lot of research on the clutch yet since it's not a priority, but there are many other threads with info out there.

06-23-2012, 08:57 AM

its awesome (well no exactly awesome) that others are having the sane problem as i am and im not alone. I brought my car to the dealer because of the chattering and they also told me i need a clutch. i just ordered a stage 2 southbend clutch. next is the flywheel. ill keep you all posted

06-23-2012, 12:46 PM
I changed the clutch / throwout bearing/ flywheel and still have the same noise. I posted this somewhere a good while ago and its my car.


06-23-2012, 12:59 PM
Gear Lash? Have you tried tranny fluid with a higher viscosity?

06-23-2012, 02:17 PM
Darn, sounds like the install of the clutch missed a step or somethin?

06-26-2012, 10:09 PM
did you change the flywheel pilot bearing?

02 CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING,RADIAL 15X24X26 1 03/2003 21207536792

06-27-2012, 04:27 AM
My e90 does this at shut off as well. Push in the clutch and it doesn't. I think I was told this is normal, I don't know about at idle though.