View Full Version : Do other cars randomly flash you?

09-30-2011, 12:34 PM
It has happened a few times during the day where an oncoming car/truck will flash his lights and give me a wave. Maybe he is confusing me with an M3 at a distance? I mean, these cars aren't special or anything...:eeps

09-30-2011, 12:38 PM
i get nods from other bimmer owners but rarely flashes.

09-30-2011, 12:42 PM
Seems to be more rare these days. Ten years ago I noticed it a lot more from other BMW owners.

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09-30-2011, 12:55 PM
Seems to be more rare these days. Ten years ago I noticed it a lot more from other BMW owners.

+1, notice the same thing. nowadays the ownership has been diluted with status seekers, rarely do i have another bmw driver even acknowledge me besides being a car in their way. BUT... a few years ago I was driving past LJHS and a kid in a black e46 pulled up next to me and said "is that a ZHP? cool..."

09-30-2011, 01:08 PM
+1 to most of the comments here, not so much BMW to BMW friendliness as there used to be, especially not flashing lights. I think BMW may have even had a commercial back in the day where the owners would flash their lights to each other.

09-30-2011, 01:13 PM
I had a Jeep Wrangler people were very good about nods, light flashing, etc. In the BMW it is rare. I have had it hapen a few times not as much as the Jeep.

09-30-2011, 01:17 PM
I get light flashing a lot when I am in New York, my cousin told me they do that when they like your car. It was non BMW's so I just figured they were warning me of cops ahead, but no piggies in sight...

09-30-2011, 02:29 PM
I've never had anyone flash their lights at me. But on occasion, someone will honk at me and wave.

Feels good man.

09-30-2011, 02:48 PM
Every once in awhile I get flashed but usually I get a nod or wave. I wave back :biggrin

09-30-2011, 03:57 PM
i get middle fingers and scared faces. Most often is the casual covering of the ears.

Johal E32
09-30-2011, 04:05 PM
most other e46 drivers will stare at mine noticing that is different from there's. Or others will try to race me.. A few people have waved and said "sick wheels" or "nice car"

09-30-2011, 04:08 PM
I did always like the style 135 wheels. However they did not even last two winters here in ct before cracking.

09-30-2011, 04:11 PM
I had a Jeep Wrangler people were very good about nods, light flashing, etc. In the BMW it is rare. I have had it happen a few times not as much as the Jeep.

You're speaking to the "Wrangler Wave". Unwritten law amongst owners. Hand on the top of the wheel, 4 fingers up in a salute as you pass one and other.\\Don't try it unless you're in a wrangler though... nono
I got flicked off once trying it in my Cherokee (was the Wranglers predecessor).

Used to love that one though, good times.

I used to get a lot of head swivels as I drove by people in my 135i, some thumbs up here and there and several times I've been screamed at to open my windows for a face to face compliment at a red light... those always freak me out. :eyetwitch

A few months ago my wife and I were driving home from the gym at about 9pm and a group of kids hanging out the windows of a civic yelled at me to roll down the window. They proceeded to ask me if I was driving an M1... I just said no, looked at them blankly and rolled the window back up. 1st off get the models straight, it'd be a 1M. 2nd, you were driving behind me, you saw the right side of my trunk and it clearly reads 135i. :facepalm :slap Kids these days...

Haven't gotten any looks in the last week since I unmodded the car though. Guess I just blend in now.

09-30-2011, 08:40 PM
I only usually get looks from other e46's because mine is different than theirs.. lol. I'm sure most unknowing bmw owners don't know what a zhp is.

10-01-2011, 01:31 PM
I have never gotten any kind of waves/stares/flashes... it's somewhat surprising to me the amount of those being reported.
Someone did ask me about the car at the indie shop I take the car to, once.

10-01-2011, 01:38 PM
That usually means the popo is up ahead in a speed trap around my parts.

10-01-2011, 01:41 PM
i get middle fingers and scared faces. Most often is the casual covering of the ears.


That usually means the popo is up ahead in a speed trap around my parts.


I've got the occasional wave or thumbs up at a red light. Never a flash though.

10-01-2011, 01:42 PM
I've gotten a few flashes, and some waves. It does feel good, but I don't flash/wave at other cars when I see them. I take notice, but I don't flash; I feel weird doing it if I don't know the person.

10-01-2011, 06:22 PM
I don't get any flashes or waves. However, every police officer in the neighborhood just me watches as I drive. I am going to start waving to them.... When I leave the house about 3:45am, I usually get followed all the way out of the neighborhood by some police officer. Really?!?!

They're just hoping they can get me for something...

10-01-2011, 08:20 PM
I don't get any flashes or waves. However, every police officer in the neighborhood just me watches as I drive. I am going to start waving to them.... When I leave the house about 3:45am, I usually get followed all the way out of the neighborhood by some police officer. Really?!?!

They're just hoping they can get me for something...

Why. Loud headers?

10-01-2011, 08:30 PM
I would flash or wave but it seems like no response when I do/ did. I love all bimmers and would like to introduce myself to them all, just don't get the love back. WHATEVER.

10-02-2011, 02:48 AM
Well not in that manner but everyone thinks that my high beams are on when there not. So in a way yes I get flashed lol.

10-02-2011, 05:10 AM
Don't get many, if any, waves here on Long Island, however do get people giving both my e36 and ZHP looks. The other day I was at my favorite beer distributor, where I picked up some Founders Pale Ale, Blue Point Rastafarian Rye, Harpoon pumpkin and a very nice Troegs Imperial Pale Ale, and when I came out a guy was checking out the ZHP. He lamented that he had just sold his m3 because he needed more room for his five kids. He said it was one of the worst days of his life. The poor guy's wife just kind of snickered and kept it moving. He's probably a bit like me and was always angling with wifey for something new for the whip.

10-02-2011, 06:26 AM
I get no waves and no flashes. The newer bimmers around my way seemed to be owned by rich older folks who pay no attention to anything around them while driving. I see a few E46 M3's but again get no love. I do get a lot of Honda civics, VW GTI's, and the occasional Audi that wants to race me for some strange reason. I don't get that, I guess it's a compliment..don't know. I had a very nice black A3 come roaring up behind me yesterday and go around me, like real aggressive. I just smirked knowing my car is much more special and rare then his. :cool

10-02-2011, 08:07 AM
Yesterday I was going to see a potential wedding spot in April with the fiance and my mom in my zhp, and I had several people trying to race me on route 7 and route 6 (girl in a green Audi 5000 on RT 7 in Ridgefield and some 60 something year old dude in his dodge pickup on RT 6 in NY)

10-02-2011, 08:19 AM
My '83 CJ-7 was the peak of other drivers waving - the Jeep wave like we've discussed here. The best part about driving a CJ is you can feel smug about having a "real" jeep when everyone else doesn't. ;) That thing got me more "cool car"s and "nice jeep"s that any vehicle I've owned.

The E30 got lots of waves from other BMW drivers, honks from other e30 and e28 guys, the occasional "cool car!" in parking lots and stuff.

The E36 Ms just got lots of jabronis wanting to go light to light.

The E46 is too vanilla around Atlanta to elicit any kind of enthusiast reaction. I got a thumbs up from a e39 M the other day after I flicked my lights at him, that's been it so far.

10-02-2011, 08:44 AM
Years ago when I had my '72 2002 people would always give the light flash, not so much these days. Driving a bright red BMW I do get lots of stares though and did have a guy in a nice E39 5 series give a wave recently.

Last night I was out for a drive and some guy in a Chevy Dualie pickup motions for me to roll down my window, tells me "I LOVE your car man". I said thanks and gave him a thumbs up.


10-02-2011, 09:02 AM
The E30 got lots of waves from other BMW drivers, honks from other e30 and e28 guys, the occasional "cool car!" in parking lots and stuff.

Same here. As the E30 ages, other drivers seem to dig them, especially if it's not clearly on its last legs. I had a rolling conversation with a guy in a modded E90 recently while I was in my E30 325is.

He must have just come from having his suspension and body mods "done," as all I could hear as he drove along beside me was scraping and the sound of breaking plastic.

Had a woman driving a car full of what looked like office mates go ape crap over my M3 along the same stretch of road. (also an E30)

But generally no love for the ZHP in large, car-crazy metro areas. I suppose when, at the very least, there's a 997 at every other stoplight, it's all relative.

das boots
10-02-2011, 07:01 PM
Kinda hard and hot to wear trench coats here in San Diego at this time of the year to get any flashes.......Wooops..wrong flashes. :eek

10-02-2011, 07:05 PM
When I was driving the mini s pretty much every other mini driver waved and flashed me when I drove by. My dad drove a wrangler sahara for about 3 months before deciding he was a sports car guy and sold it. But he got waves and such driving that as well.

In my ZHP I get a lot more flashes and waves here on campus than I did at home. I always get a lot of turned heads though wherever I go. Especially from those in modded cars. At home I would get a wave or flash at least 5 times a week.

I tend to flash cars that I like

10-03-2011, 03:53 AM
Down in NC, I had tons of waves in my E30. When I moved up here, only a couple people would wave at me in the E30.

Though I mistakenly waved at a regular E46, nobody has waved at me... :/

10-03-2011, 09:02 AM
I think my most amusing acknowledgement was the "guy selling speakers out of a van in a parking lot" who stomped on his brakes as I rolled past with the windows down.

Van Guy: "Phat Bimmer, Dude!"

This was the car - '95 M3 Boston Green on Champagne leather...


10-03-2011, 09:17 AM
Flashing the light highs and waving is a Mini thing.

10-03-2011, 12:14 PM
I think my most amusing acknowledgement was the "guy selling speakers out of a van in a parking lot" who stomped on his brakes as I rolled past with the windows down.

Van Guy: "Phat Bimmer, Dude!"

This was the car - '95 M3 Boston Green on Champagne leather...


Damn! That is such a rare color combo!
I looooooooove it! Save for the wood, but I'd definitely rock as-is.

10-03-2011, 12:35 PM
rolled up to a red light a few weeks ago and the car behind me starts going crazy honking and flashing lights...i stick my head out the window and the guy says "Dude, we have the exact same car!" Sure enough - same exact color AND a ZHP...pretty random! Got too excited to ask if he was on this site hahaha

10-03-2011, 12:38 PM
Flashing the light highs and waving is a Mini thing.

Yeah I remember I went to the dealer to buy the car with my dad and the guys at the dealer told us to wave at other owners.

I feel like the flash/wave is reserved for the more unique cars like the mini and wrangler. The cars that don't really look like any other cars.

10-03-2011, 01:07 PM
had some dude in a 325 flash me this weekend, made me think of this thread.

i usually get waves/looks from m3 owners. and the one other 330ZHP i've seen driving in richmond. i've also had people compliment/stare as i washed my car in the ally behind my house in richmond.

10-03-2011, 01:38 PM
I passed and M3 the other day in on coming traffic. We both gave each other the " I'm too cool to wave, but ill lift 4 fingers off the wheel because I like your car"
It was pretty funny. Timed perfectly.

10-03-2011, 04:44 PM
Pulling out of the parking lot at Super WalMart this evening, a Saab loaded with guys stopped to stare at my "not so special" ZHP until they got the message to continue on...as they passed in front of me they all waved at me saying "nice beemer." I waved in acknowledgement.

10-04-2011, 03:52 AM
I always enjoy waving at people that have similar cars than mine. I do not abide by some silly, unspoken norm. I'm gonna break that damn norm if I see you in a ZHP. I'll flash and wave like I'm an escaped mental patient behind the wheel.

10-04-2011, 06:53 AM
I always enjoy waving at people that have similar cars than mine. I do not abide by some silly, unspoken norm. I'm gonna break that damn norm if I see you in a ZHP. I'll flash and wave like I'm an escaped mental patient behind the wheel.

Like that a lot.

HTC Thunderbolt+TT

10-04-2011, 06:58 AM
I get flashed all the time, but I think its because people think my brights are on and they arent :(

10-04-2011, 07:38 AM
I rarely get flashed. Most of the BMWs I see here (maybe 95%) are non-enthusiasts that don't care.
The enthusiasts that I do see very rarely flash me; most of the time they just follow my car with their eyes/heads, but mostly no acknowledgement until I initiate it. If I start it, they will wave/thumbs up/4-fingers back.

What saddens me is that the two ZHPs I see around here (very rarely, mind you) pay no attention to me whatsoever.

10-04-2011, 07:43 AM
I rarely get flashed. Most of the BMWs I see here (maybe 95%) are non-enthusiasts that don't care.
The enthusiasts that I do see very rarely flash me; most of the time they just follow my car with their eyes/heads, but mostly no acknowledgement until I initiate it. If I start it, they will wave/thumbs up/4-fingers back.

What saddens me is that the two ZHPs I see around here (very rarely, mind you) pay no attention to me whatsoever.

Where in BPT are you? I was in fairfield this past weekend and I was hoping Id spot you.

10-04-2011, 08:44 AM
Where in BPT are you? I was in fairfield this past weekend and I was hoping Id spot you.

You weren't going to spot me if you tried; I was out of town both days. :)

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10-04-2011, 09:04 AM
i get middle fingers and scared faces.
I came here to post this.

I usually get waves from the older BMW crowd. Young girls driving daddy's money and the soccer moms have no idea what I'm even driving to acknowledge that I'm there. Usually involving me passing them at WOT and then they want to play...

10-04-2011, 09:59 AM
I came here to post this.

I usually get waves from the older BMW crowd. Young girls driving daddy's money and the soccer moms have no idea what I'm even driving to acknowledge that I'm there. Usually involving me passing them at WOT and then they want to play...


I've seen usually the Z crowd does pretty well at waving back

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10-04-2011, 05:00 PM
I let a E90 M out in traffic today on the way home and got an extended "peace" sign from the driver. We rolled together for a good 3-4 miles, he was sporting a CCA sticker. Nice, nice car.