View Full Version : Question: Do you think the *brand* of gasoline you use matters?

09-26-2011, 06:20 PM
Have any of you ever found any difference in your ZHP depending on the *brand* of gas you use (e.g., Shell vs. Chevron vs. Arco vs. Billy Joe Bob's Gas Hut)?

Just curious.

Just wanted to send a quick question out on this. The most convenient fill-up for me after work is one of those one-off stations ("USA Gas" or something) that makes you wonder if you're getting actual gasoline or some engine-damaging low-quality mixture.

09-26-2011, 06:26 PM
Gasoline comes from 2 companies and is distributed to everyone.

I personally use Shell 93 and that's it though. I have a weird thing for it

09-26-2011, 06:34 PM
I remember reading this years ago in Car & Driver:



09-26-2011, 06:50 PM
depends on whos arms fund you want to contribute to...

09-26-2011, 06:53 PM
I remember reading this years ago in Car & Driver:



Kind of interesting. Drilling into their recommended link (toptiergas) seems to say the following are equivalent:

76 Stations
Chevron Canada
Aloha Petroleum
Shell Canada
Sunoco Canada
Entec Stations
Holiday Stationstores, Inc.
Kwik Trip / Kwik Star
MFA Oil Co.
Mileage Stations
Phillips 66
Quik Trip
Rebel Oil
Road Ranger
Severson Oil
The Somerset Refinery, Inc.
Tri-Par Oil Co.
U.S. Oil

Guess Arco (AM/PM) sort of stands out as not on that list...

09-26-2011, 06:53 PM
My family has a gas credit card so I tend to use BP. However, I tend to use stations that get a lot of use so the gas is usually fresh whereas a station in the middle of the boonies probably doesn't get much use so the gas is older.

09-26-2011, 07:02 PM
I thought the boonie stations used stabilizer in their tanks to keep it from going stale which is why it's not as good as like a Exxon/Mobil station off the highway cuz it gets more business.

09-26-2011, 08:16 PM
Oh they may, I'm not sure. Either way I avoid them and stick to the highway stations or the one close to campus.

Jon D
09-27-2011, 03:02 AM
There have been a number of articles over the years and was one recently here in SFL which basically said all the same from an octane etc perspective. Supposedly some have a different detergent formula etc. My take is run high volume station cheap premium gas. Never had an issue and save a few pennies. In SFL I tend to buy from Hess which is typically 10 cents or so less than Shell, BP etc.

09-27-2011, 03:22 AM
Shell or BP typically. Does it matter? I think the condition (age) of the gas station matters more than the brand, as tanks get old, crappy, rusty and may have more chance for water intrusion.


09-27-2011, 03:31 AM
I use Shell because I shop at Giant and can accumulate gas points. Plus, I just kinda like Shell.

In a pinch, I will use Exxon, Mobil, Sunoco, etc. I try not to use BP to satisfy my hippie side, but every time you use Castrol, you use BP!

09-27-2011, 03:58 AM
I use Shell because I shop at Giant and can accumulate gas points. Plus, I just kinda like Shell.

In a pinch, I will use Exxon, Mobil, Sunoco, etc. I try not to use BP to satisfy my hippie side, but every time you use Castrol, you use BP!

For your hippy side.


Not tying to poke you at all, and I greatly admire those that take action through self, but just thought you should know.....zero of these companies are "clean".

09-27-2011, 06:25 AM
Aw crap now who do I buy oil from?? Haha, though I do realize that none of these companies are operating with cleanliness in mind. Oil is big money, and that's what they want.

09-27-2011, 06:42 AM
Aw crap now who do I buy oil from?? Haha, though I do realize that none of these companies are operating with cleanliness in mind. Oil is big money, and that's what they want.

You got it.

09-27-2011, 06:53 AM
I've been getting LubroMoly's Jectron and Valve Clean products at NAPA. $8.50 for the pair.

Don't know why but it's recommended to use the Valve Clean first, then use the Jectron (FI cleaner) at the next fill up.

Each can has an attached spout. No mess, no need to bring the tube from a turkey baster, etc.

Note: I get these at a corporate-owned NAPA store. A franchise I go to occasionally does not carry any LubroMoly products. If you can't find LM locally, Bavauto sells their stuff and has a good price on their motor oil.

09-27-2011, 07:45 AM
There are a couple gas stations by us that dont use ethanol, I just try to use them whenever I get a chance. I notice a 2 - 3 mpg increase when no ethanol is used.

Besides that I dont really care.

09-27-2011, 07:52 AM
Why does "Pure gas" still exist?


09-27-2011, 07:54 AM
Why does "Pure gas" still exist?


ohhhh, i like that site!

09-27-2011, 07:59 AM
Note how CT isn't even on the list. :shifty

09-27-2011, 08:00 AM
Note how CT isn't even on the list. :shifty

Ill revert back to my Jeep days and go ahead and continue the opinion that CT is a state of mass failure :p

09-27-2011, 08:24 AM
I think it matters. Not only brand but location. Although, in my opinion, Shell is the best out there. Some Shell stations(or any other brand) are very old, don't sell a lot of gas and may actually be worse. I tend to go to Shell and Mobil and also locations that sell a lot of gas, as it is the freshest.

Also, my dad used to use Gulf every once in a while in his 2004 GMC Sierra, and the gas had a lot of water in it. You could tell in the winter as the truck had a hard time firing.

I think it all depends

09-27-2011, 09:53 PM
Why does "Pure gas" still exist?


according to this the closest station to me is 229 miles away.

I've heard before that there's only about 10 refineries in Southern California and most supply greater LA or pipe it out to AZ. Besides additives used that I don't like, I don't really care where I go as I use Lucas fuel injector treatment every 5-7000 miles. I usually stop at Costco since they have massive turnover. I have also heard before a good idea when you're filling up is to get your gas early in the morning as the storage tanks cool at night and the vapors condense back into liquid. Not sure how that helps you but I try to get gas before the day gets hot

09-28-2011, 03:13 AM
Why does "Pure gas" still exist?



Again.....I thought all gas had to be 10% eth. Is it controlled on the state level?

C Withers Media
09-28-2011, 03:17 AM
I fill up with a half tank of Shell V Power and a half tank of Chevron Techron, I have found that this gives me a perfect blend of Vtec.

09-28-2011, 03:22 AM
I fill up with a half tank of Shell V Power and a half tank of Chevron Techron, I have found that this gives me a perfect blend of Vtec.



09-28-2011, 03:22 AM
I fill up with a half tank of Shell V Power and a half tank of Chevron Techron, I have found that this gives me a perfect blend of Vtec.

hahaha... i used to have this on my TL, kinda wanna get one that says VANOS


09-28-2011, 07:30 AM
Ill revert back to my Jeep days and go ahead and continue the opinion that CT is a state of mass failure :p

There are plenty of states that fit that description, not just CT. :)

09-29-2011, 11:19 AM
I haven't read the links posted yet but my .02:
1) Most gas is basically the same, the "premium" ones are for the additives that they feel will differentiate them (and they do help your engine for the most part).
2) For my ZHP, the Costco, Shell, or Chevron gas all seems the same.
3) I have a 1980 TR8, and I absolutely did not like the way it ran on Arco gas, even though theoretically it should be the same, it wasn't. So, consequently, I never have used Arco in my ZHP or my TR8.

09-29-2011, 11:21 AM
I remember reading this years ago in Car & Driver:



Just read this, which reminds me. My TR8 didn't like Mobil as much either, so I don't use them. Forgot about that one.

09-29-2011, 05:44 PM
Shell V Power FTW :thumbsup

09-29-2011, 06:03 PM
For my ZHP, the Costco, Shell, or Chevron gas all seems the same.

I wonder if it is regional specific? For me, Costco gas is worse. In my area, Exxon works great for my ZHP. I had a 325i that loved Shell. I don't know if their really is any difference - but as long as I think there is, I'll continue putting a Tiger in my Tank. LOL.

10-01-2011, 06:45 AM

Again.....I thought all gas had to be 10% eth. Is it controlled on the state level?

It must be a state thing. In ND 99% of stations only have ethanol in the mid grade fuel. Reg and Premium are ethanol free. There is only one station I've found that has it in all grades. So that Pure-gas site isn't too accurate in my case.

Last year I was getting all my premium at a new marina gas station that opened up, assuming a lot of people run premium in their boats. I asked one of the employees and they confirmed they do sell a lot of premium. Unfortunately, they got hit by the Missouri River flooding this year so I haven't been back since they reopened. Next year I'll probably start going there again.

Johal E32
10-01-2011, 08:33 AM
I owned two gas stations, and I learned that Arco gas is really poor quality.. We owned two private gas stations, and mainly served Chevron gas.

With that being said, we sold them both. So I now go to this one local independent gas station, this other local Shell, or Costco gas.

10-01-2011, 01:00 PM
according to this the closest station to me is 229 miles away.

I've heard before that there's only about 10 refineries in Southern California and most supply greater LA or pipe it out to AZ. Besides additives used that I don't like, I don't really care where I go as I use Lucas fuel injector treatment every 5-7000 miles. I usually stop at Costco since they have massive turnover. I have also heard before a good idea when you're filling up is to get your gas early in the morning as the storage tanks cool at night and the vapors condense back into liquid. Not sure how that helps you but I try to get gas before the day gets hot

The idea isnt that the vapors condense back into liquid, its that gas is sold by volume, not weight. As gasoline (and most materials, be they liquid, solid or gaseous) cools it gets denser. Since you buy by volume, there are more (not much, but more) molecules of gas in a cold gallon than a warm gallon. If it was sold by weight, it would be the same regardless of temperature.

That being said, the storage tanks are underground where the temperature is pretty constant over a 24 hr period. It may vary from season to season, but very little over a day, be it day or night.

10-01-2011, 01:25 PM
I usually go with Shell just because I know their tanks are up to date at maintenance. Therefore I can be sure that there are no leaks, and no dirt or other "crap" getting into the tanks that can end up in my car.

To explain further on SC4ME's post...once you get about 7 feet below the ground, temperature is constant year round.

10-01-2011, 02:21 PM
Note how CT isn't even on the list. :shifty

Neither is NJ...cool.

And I use Shell.

10-01-2011, 06:07 PM
I always use Costco and Shell gas. Mostly Costco for the price and every 5th tank or so, Shell for their detergents. What I have noticed is that Costco gas seems to be much colder (handle feels cold) then almost any other brand I've tried.

10-02-2011, 01:23 PM
I my own experiences, I've found that non-ethanol, 'high' octane gas, even from an unknown source, is better for my ZHP. Locally, a farm supply store (Wilco) sells it and is just a few cents higher than name brand high octane, specifically Union 76. I am getting at least 10 per cent better fuel economy and it should also be better for the fuel system overall, particularly the fuel pump. I do run a bottle of BMW fuel system additive every 3k miles.

My work rig, a '98 Chevy 1/2 ton PU, gets regular gas but does run noticeably better on Union 76 vs. Arco. I also run a bottle or fuel additive, specifically Techron every 3k miles.

10-03-2011, 12:01 PM

Again.....I thought all gas had to be 10% eth. Is it controlled on the state level?

Do you guys put in any kind of ethanol stabilizer? Is it needed? http://www.google.com/search?q=ethanol+stabilizer&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=&oe=&safe=active#q=ethanol+stabilizer&hl=en&safe=active&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=chSKTqyiGsOrsAKs6oyWDw&ved=0CFYQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=a1ed8864cea74acd&biw=1280&bih=822