View Full Version : Thinking ahead: questions for winter storage

09-05-2011, 06:59 PM
I'm based in NYC and, having bought my ZHP earlier this year in April, we're about to go through our first winter together. I am currently parking in a garage in the city, and paying through the nose for the privilege. I don't plan on driving the car much during the winter, and definitely not at all when there is snow on the ground.

With that background in place, I have two options for what to do with the car for the winter:

I can leave the car in the city and keep paying through the nose at my garage, or
I can leave the car in a garage at a family member's house outside the city, for free.

The garage in the city won't get particularly cold. The garage outside the city will spend a good bit of time below freezing. Also, the garage outside the city will, basically, be untouched for the entire winter: nobody will be coming or going. Also, the garage outside the city is in the middle of some pretty dense woods, so there are all sorts of little critters running around nearby. I mention this because, in the past, we had an issue with a field mouse making it's home in a family member's car's a/c system while it was parked there.

So my question is: what do you think are the major concerns with leaving the car essentially unattended through the winter (besides the separation anxiety I would obviously be dealing with)? If I decided the cost of keeping the car in the city was just too great to bear when I won't be driving it, what steps should I take to keep it protected while it hibernates in the 'burbs?

09-06-2011, 04:01 AM
Good stuff here.


09-06-2011, 08:55 AM
Great thread idea.

Good stuff here.


+1 on all. Especially battery charger.
