View Full Version : What did you spend on tax, title, registration, etc. for your ZHP in your city, state, etc.?

08-21-2011, 06:59 PM
This subject came up in a for-sale thread, and I thought it might be interesting to learn about the costs we all incur buying cars in our respective states, counties, cities, or villages, and whether the costs would have been different had you purchased the car elsewhere.

I'll start. Whether I bought a car locally, had it shipped from out of state, or whether I went and drove it back, Iowa makes me pay a sales tax when I register the car. So, these are the costs I'll have when I got back to Iowa with my new (to me) ZHP. I'll use a $15,000 '04 for example.

- 5% sales tax at registration application time ($750)
- Title Fee ($25.00)
- Registration ($251)

So, a total of $1,026 to get set up for the first year, and it's the same regardless of whether I buy the car five miles from home or 1000 miles from in Houston.

Every year after that, I'd have about the same $251 registration fee (use tax). It goes down a bit every so often as the car gets older (and diminishes in value) until the registration fee bottoms out at about $50 for older/cheaper (say $2000) cars.


The other aspect of this is whether you pay a tax in the state the sale takes place (if that's out of state). I know many states exempt sales tax on cars that are leaving the state. For instance, in Florida and Texas, you'll pay no sales tax if you're leaving with the car and titling/registering it in your home state. Here's what the Texas Motor Vehicle Tax Guidebook says on the subject:


A motor vehicle purchased in Texas for use exclusively outside Texas is exempt from the motor vehicle sales tax. To be exempt, the purchaser must not use the motor vehicle in Texas, except for transportation directly out of state, and must not title or register the motor vehicle in Texas. The purchaser should issue the seller at the time of sale Form 14-312, Texas Motor Vehicle Sales Tax Exemption Certificate – For Motor Vehicles Taken Out of State.


So, what did you spend on "government goodies" when you bought your car?


08-21-2011, 07:38 PM
6.25% sales tax + misc title/sticker fees...$1228 total

08-21-2011, 07:40 PM
In California you pay sales tax, registration, and some other miscellaneous fees.

I bought a ZHP last year for $18,950. I paid $1,958 for tax (at the time, 8.75%; now 7.75%), registration (which was about $300) and some miscellaneous fees.

If I lived in another state, say Texas, and I paid 5% sales tax but then moved to California less than a year after buying that car, I would pay the difference between Texas's sales tax rate and California (so 2.75%).

08-21-2011, 07:44 PM
Wow that is a lot to pay every year for registration ($251).

I have a 2001 325i and I paid this much:

Sales Tax (paid at the dealership): $514
Title: $25
Registration (Specialty Plate Included): $75

My yearly cost is $75 to renew my registration and plates.

08-22-2011, 03:35 AM
6% MD excise tax, registration fees, filing fees, title fees, random fees, unnecessary fees, fees for the sake of fees... About a grand give or take a couple hundred.

08-22-2011, 05:13 AM
I have the car almost 4 years now, cant remember taxes, but for registration in Maine it has dropped to its lowest of $197.84 annually.

Not the cheapest, but w/e

Sent from my HTC Desire, Like a BOSS!

08-22-2011, 06:07 AM
NY rapes you at 8% ( some areas are more but I live in the lowest county bracket ) for tax so mine was $1,000 with tax and DMV fees.

They don't call it the Vampire state for nothing!

08-22-2011, 06:10 AM
Bout $1500.00 for my ZHP.

08-22-2011, 09:36 AM

Sales Tax (one-time): 6%, levied on the purchase price of the car. If this is significantly different from NADA value, they ask you to pay takes on the NADA value or provide written justification on why the purchase price was different. If you paid sales tax outside of the state, you pay the difference (up to 6%). No sales tax should be due if you owned the vehicle more than 6 months.

Original Title Issuance (one-time): $22.50

Passenger Vehicle Registration (due annually): $36.00 (incl. nasic plate IIRC)

Special/Vanity plates: from $7.50 (handicap/hearing/disability) - $75.00 (antique). Most vanity plates are around $20 or $35.

Annual Safety Inspection: ~$20

Annual Emissions: $45-65 (varies, allows shops to recoup costs of getting emissions equipment).

08-22-2011, 11:51 AM
Been doing some research, and came across this excellent Kiplinger article that examines first-time sales-tax + registration costs in various states...as well as continuing annual registration costs. Answered most of my questions.
I will most likely be traveling to buy my 330i, and then I will be doing an extensive road trip across multiple states. At this point, I'm not sure where I am going to end up (I am looking at new places to live and work).
It would probably make sense for me to keep the title temporarily 'open' when I make the purchase...drive to a registration-friendly state like Oregon that's along my planned travel path...register the car there + get new tags at a significantly lower cost - then when I find my new place to live...I can transfer the title/rego to that state (as an existing owner)...and hopefully bypass the expensive 1st year sales-tax 'transfer' bite that exists in many states. I'm thinking that this strategy could save me a grand +/- just for being careful about where I do the original title transfer.
It's not unusual for boat owners and RV owners to employ this kind of strategy.
Anyone here done something like this before? If so, please share your experiences...
