View Full Version : A dream I had

08-03-2011, 08:56 AM
I was driving, then some error light popped up on my car that I had never seen before. It had to do with the electrics. Something called VEEAPs, (i.e. some obscure BMW acronym that doesn't exist but it made sense in the dream because I was like well, BMW has weird acronyms and it seemed like a real bad error light since I had never heard of it). I took it to the shop to have them look at it, and apparently it was a part that was to the back and side of the engine and was not something easily DIYable since they had to remove the whole engine to fix the part. They said it'd be $699 to fix. My car was driveable, sort of, and I was pissed because I didn't have the money, and I didn't like driving a semi-broken car. Then some ricers in the parking lot of the shop kept asking me why my exhaust was so small and not a giant fart-cannon, so I told them because my exhaust added at least 8 more V-TECs.

Then I woke up and my car drives just fine :)

NO MAN SHOULD HAVE A DREAM ABOUT HIS CAR BREAKING DOWN AND IT COSTING LOTS OF MONEY :( I think this shows my obsession with working on cars.

Let's spill it - who's had a bad car dream?

08-03-2011, 08:59 AM
Yup. All the time. Always something like the tranny dumping, or ac compressor seizing, or some other similarly super expensive fix, you know, the 2k-5k type...the very bad, non-DIY stuff. Im sure I will tonight now too....so thanks a lot Zell! lol

08-03-2011, 09:00 AM
I have... To start, as soon as I got my permit my dad taught me how to drive stick. Loved it! Now I've been teaching my girlfriend how to drive stick in my zhp cause I feel it's a valuable skill to have in case of an emergency. I know it's a scary thought but she's actually not bad. Anyways after the first day, she stalled twice but was picking it up after about 30 mins. That night I had a dream that she took my car without telling me to practice and ended up running it into the other cars in my garage and kept driving to end up smashing the front end into the fence around my driveway. Needless to say I woke up and immediately ran downstairs to check to see if it was ok. Scary wake up for sure!

I've had others but that was a recent one.

08-03-2011, 09:05 AM
I have a recurring car dream.

Each time, my car gets stolen. I have an idea who it is (it's a car-thief ring). I know generally when they're going to do it.

During my last 12 dreams or so, I have even waited for them (by hiding in a bush). But it never fails. For whatever reason, something distracts me for one minute (or five) and when I get back to watching the car (and waiting for the thieves to steal my car), it's already gone.

I go through insurance. I get a new car. And the game begins anew.

I've been having this dream for about 4-5 years.

08-03-2011, 09:08 AM
Not kidding here, last night I dreamt that my hood broke apart like glass and lodged itself into several areas of my suspension. I was freaking out cause I was trying to getaway from something and it wasnt helping at all.

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08-03-2011, 09:10 AM
I have a recurring car dream.

Each time, my car gets stolen. I have an idea who it is (it's a car-thief ring). I know generally when they're going to do it.

During my last 12 dreams or so, I have even waited for them (by hiding in a bush). But it never fails. For whatever reason, something distracts me for one minute (or five) and when I get back to watching the car (and waiting for the thieves to steal my car), it's already gone.

I go through insurance. I get a new car. And the game begins anew.

I've been having this dream for about 4-5 years.

Maybe this was an omen for you about you selling your car???

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08-03-2011, 09:11 AM
Last night I dreamed that I went to look at a 7 series. When I got there I saw this crazy woman that owned it try and destroy it. A 2004 745i and I was pissed because she then tries to destroy mine. Then while trying to get away and drive off my car kept sliding into curbs etc basically uncontrollably , and I was now really pissed because my wheels were mint. I then dreamed that on top off all that I was caught in a hail storm, and when I woke up I just thought WTF.

08-03-2011, 09:18 AM
Maybe this was an omen for you about you selling your car???

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Been having those dreams for 4-5 years. I've bought and sold several cars since then. I'm thinking probably not. It likely has more to do with the fact that I actually know people who are part of a car-stealing crew. I don't like them. They don't like me.

The car thieves in my dreams are the guys I know in real life.

08-03-2011, 09:19 AM
I seem to dream about people hitting my car or that the brakes don't work.

08-03-2011, 09:22 AM
Been having those dreams for 4-5 years. I've bought and sold several cars since then. I'm thinking probably not. It likely has more to do with the fact that I actually know people who are part of a car-stealing crew. I don't like them. They don't like me.

The car thieves in my dreams are the guys I know in real life.

Wow scary my cousin had his Mercedes stolen from his lot in the morning just before he woke up. They never found the peeps

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