07-29-2011, 04:12 PM
So, for you familiar with the DISA. History- i have been having a power dip (very bad one) at 4000rpms. It lasts until 5-5500 most times. Sometimes it fluctuates (like the power band is riding a wave) sometimes its just a 20% power drop for the whole time. Also, it happens when its hot outside, and only happens about 40% of the time. I have taken it to BMW to check coding...(wasted 60 bucks, but at least they didnt hit me for a full 100) and all my software is up to date. im thinking it could be the DISA valve, because that is where the valve is supposed to open. I took the valve off tonight. the butterfly is operational, but sometimes make a very strange sound when it is open. See video. This valve should make no noise. What you hear i dont think should be happening. What do you DISA pros think? it seems to match the "doesnt happen every time". Try to ignore the out of shape shirtless man holding the disa.