View Full Version : Bastards!

07-27-2011, 08:05 PM
Last night my car looked like this:http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y291/thesixsins/IMG_5740.jpg

Ate dinner tonight only to come out of the restaurant to have this happen :foottap


So angry... No Note, No witnesses No nothing...
Sorry, had to vent.

07-27-2011, 08:09 PM
Damn six...sorry to hear.

HTC Thunderbolt+TT

07-27-2011, 08:14 PM
I think I'd pop a vein....

07-27-2011, 08:23 PM

07-27-2011, 09:22 PM
You remember how I reacted to this:



And then when I came back. Now this is why I hate people. Really??????????????? As if there was nowhere else to park. FTMFL!!! I felt like keying the muthafu*&$r


You can only imagine how I would have reacted to Six's situation.

Six, people simply have no respect.

If you have to go through insurance, be careful. I know people who have had little things like this done through insurance and then the thing shows up on Carfax and Autocheck as an accident.

E46 Enthusiast
07-27-2011, 09:37 PM
^^^ I agree founder, they really don't. Every day I would park my car in the same spot, and guess what? A woman twice, not once, but TWICE. Ran into my car while it was parked, left me two notes apologizing but NO NUMBER TO CONTACT HER. Campus sheriff never found her >_< and thats why I double park now. lol.

07-27-2011, 09:40 PM
Sounds as though the lady was observed hitting your car. Instead of leaving, she leaves a note -- making others think that she's leaving something of substance. I guess not. Can't stand people like that.

Also, feel free to call me Marcus.

E46 Enthusiast
07-27-2011, 09:52 PM
Well nice to meet you Marcus, you can call me Mitch. Nice forum you've got here by the way, never really thought about joining till today. Its nice I like it here. But yeah the notes were just an excuse for her to drive off. They had nothing to them, just a few sentences. Karma will catch up with her though. Perhaps she will have the same experience aswell, one of these days.

07-27-2011, 10:11 PM
Mitch, karma will catch up with her (if it hasn't already).

Glad you decided to join. You should start a new members thread and introduce yourself.

07-27-2011, 10:21 PM
Happened to me the other day. A came outside a huge area of white paint on my bumper. Luckily it came off with nail polish remover and no damage was done.

07-28-2011, 12:25 AM
Hate seeing stuff like this.

Sorry, Six.

Droid X. Tapatalk. Use it.

07-28-2011, 02:39 AM
I feel your pain, Six. Due to the high traffic of tourist in my area, you get a lot of people who really can't drive and really don't care, either. Every time I've washed my car this summer, I've found new dings and scratches.

07-28-2011, 03:14 AM

07-28-2011, 04:51 AM
Damn shame......
Just bite the bullet and go to your best shop and have them make it whole again.

07-28-2011, 05:07 AM
I feel your pain, Six. Due to the high traffic of tourist in my area, you get a lot of people who really can't drive and really don't care, either. Every time I've washed my car this summer, I've found new dings and scratches.

+1. This type of sheet is gonna happen with a dd. Hate to say it. We care about our cars...and very few others do. This is exactly why Waldo wins.

HTC Thunderbolt+TT

07-28-2011, 05:41 AM
OMG! I would have had a sh*t fit.

Looks as though it's just the bumper that's messed up. It really sucks, but a simple touch up and new piece of trim will do ya. Shouldn't cost more than $200 (which is a lot I know), but probably better than filing a claim.

There's a metal clip about 3-6" behind the tire that's probably bent and that's why the bumper is now sagging, so don't think anything else is broken.
EDIT: I can see the clip in your last pic. The bumper's top lip should be nestled it the clip's "c" area. You could probably do this if you wanted.

Still hate it for ya. All you can do is hope for Karma.

07-28-2011, 07:06 AM
This is exactly why Waldo wins.

HTC Thunderbolt+TT

Precisely. People don't care about our property. If they did, I could stop parking in the middle of nowhere. Until they do, Waldo wins.

07-28-2011, 08:55 AM
Happened last night to my mothers brand new Odyssey...Ford Explorer full of Brothas and Sistas clearly crashed into it as she and my sister were walking to it. Then they tried to play dumb. Clearly they hit it, there are scratches and a dent the size of a grapefruit. Paint is effed. But then they try to make it so my family can't get his tags, or any other info. Just inconveniencing everything. Two other black people came over admitting to not hearing a thing...then the other party tried to play the race card and say my mother and sister were harassing them because they were black.

So after a half hour of arguing and bitching at my mother, insisting that nothing is wrong with the car, they finally agree that he fucked up and he is at fault. But the best part is that the drivers lady friend was calling my mom a bitch and telling him he didn't have to give her any info...Mom gets her phone out and says, "I can either get your information the easy way, or I can call the police and have them get it for me. So...your choice. Are your records clean?" He immediately hands over his license and insurance.

Today's urban youth disgusts me. i.e. "God lady, can't you just leave us alone? I've got other things to do!" To which my 50 year old mother replies, "Like I wanna spend my time in a parking lot with a bunch of idiot kids who can't even park a car in a nine foot space? You hit my car, a NEW car, you've fucked the resale value, and you are inconvenienced by hitting me?! Should've thought twice before you continued to move forward when you first hit my car."

Good luck with the fix, Six.

07-28-2011, 10:04 AM
Six it looks like the driver was not just an idiot, but a super idiot. How could they hit you on the rear of the car if you were parked in ass first? They must have turned the wheels all the way and just hit the gas and moved immediately. This is very unfortunate, i just dinged my own car and got paint chips and got upset at myself. If i would see someone damage my car, i would run out like a bat out of hell and just tell them to forgo their kids college tuition.. sorry for ppl being idiots.

07-28-2011, 03:13 PM
Bottom line, people are stupid and don't care. I drive a work Van all day, if you saw me getting out anywhere near another vehicle, you'd think I was in a Bentley parking next to a Lambo. This stuff really burns my ass...

07-28-2011, 08:40 PM
Dude six. I'm sorry! That is no good. Where were you eating - so I know to park away from the entrance!!

07-28-2011, 09:06 PM
It just occurred to me that maybe the reason why people park next to cars parked farther away is because it's easier to park. Meaning, a physical object to line up next instead of just lines on the ground :dunno

07-29-2011, 05:34 AM
Damn dude! I would have lost it. No note or nothin'! The nerve... I try to park as far away from all the other jamokes out there as often as I can, and usually inspect thoroughly before I walk away from her, and again when I return.
My car is your twin, BTW. I have to update my sig. with the tint and high-gloss kidney grilles. What is your build date?

07-29-2011, 11:09 AM
Thanks everyone!

The first photo was actually from the "the night before". I had just washed the car and installed my first mod, Performance grills.

Accident night:
I was parked on the street close to a 4 way stop. When I park on the street I always push my mirror in, and make sure I'm pretty close to the curb. I grabbed my ipad out of the trunk and went into a pretty decent Thai spot with my girl for some Curry and pad se ew. When I came back to my car I noticed all the damage, lack of note and anyone around who might have seen anything.

I just got back from having my insurance assessed the damage... they said $750...
I also went to the only BMW certified shop in Portland and they assessed the damage at $1200ish... without taking off the bumper.
The BMW tech that assessed my car did a pretty good job checking things out. Aside from the obvious scrapes and paint damage, my bumper was pushed in by 1/2inch and there is a dent on my rear quarter panel right under the tail light that I didn't even notice at first (now its all I see).

Just filed a Police report online... Hopefully everything will be all fixed up soon for the next big meet here in Portland: Pacific NW Mortorfest! (http://bmworegoncca.com/club-news-events/touring-events-festivals/northwest-bmw-motorfest-2011/)

07-29-2011, 01:58 PM
Amazing that some folks are so ignorant to do that and think nothing of just driving away.

07-29-2011, 02:22 PM
I feel for you Six. Glad you are on your way to healing your car.

07-29-2011, 02:24 PM
John and i spoke and we'll be on the next flight to kick butt and take names! we are on the investigation! haha sorry for your booboo there :(

07-30-2011, 05:48 PM
This happened to me 3 winters ago. I had started this job in the fall. I always parallel parked on the side of the lot to avoid door dings. It had snowed for several day, the car was full of salt and it was dark by the time my work day ended. I stopped at the bank to hit the ATM on the way home. When I got home and out of the car in the lighted garage I noticed something under the salt below the molding on both left doors. Aw Sh..t how did this happen, I didn't feel anything when driving. I went back to the bank and check and NO there is no way I could have done this here.

Went to work the next day or possibly two and it came to me. They plowed the parking lot that day and must of caught it with the plow. I called the Police and they did a report but stated they could do nothing about the plow. I got the plow companies phone number and call the guy. He came out and looked at the damage and denied being at fault. I talked to the owners son and the VP and the wouldn't do Sh..t either. This was only one of the reasons I call this place "the worst place I ever worked at". I did have it fixed under my insurance but had to pay my deductible.

Good luck and find the best garage you can. Talk to previous customers and check out their work closely.




07-30-2011, 06:49 PM
Not fun right there.

HTC Thunderbolt+TT

08-04-2011, 05:08 PM
I was at the grocery store about a month ago, and parked up front around other cars. I'm not a hardparker by any means. Anyways, i'm walking out grocery bags in hand and see a camry pull into the open spot by next to me filled with what looks like late teen stoner kids. i open my trunk and begin putting my grocerys in th e back, watching them carefully as they get out because the guy parked not so good and semi close to me.

well this fat kid gets out of the back seat and as he's opening the door slowly, we're good, until he puts his hand on it it light bounces off my door handle. it phase him, he doesn't say anything. continues to get out as he realizes i'm burning a hole into his head, he looks up at me and i straight flipped shit on him. kid starts smiling like it's funny. in short i called the kid a lot of names and insinuated that i would beat the living shit out of him (it would have been a sad contest if he amounted to this, and jail time isn't on my list of things to do) if he had actually done any damage to my car.

there wasn't any, but the lack of respect and attitude he had for when he did it was what really sent me over the edge. at least say "oh man, i'm sorry"

11-06-2011, 03:43 PM

Another hit and run...

Come on world...
I drive a bright red car! How can you not see my ride?! Or leave a note!!!

11-06-2011, 03:44 PM
Sorry to hear Six.....

11-06-2011, 04:22 PM

11-06-2011, 04:29 PM
That sucks.

11-06-2011, 05:34 PM

I feel your pain brother...

Seems there are a lot of people out there who do not care... I can understand why people with very nice cars either park "Waldo" distance or double park so that their car doesn't get damaged...

Shame....hopefully Karma will catch up with these people....

11-06-2011, 06:04 PM
The only thing I worry about when I double park is some asshole keying my car just to prove a point...

11-07-2011, 05:40 AM
Ugh. That's a weird one too. I'm sorry brutha.
Maybe you should move? j/k.

11-07-2011, 06:29 AM
sorry to hear :(
hopefully they will learn that is not the way to do things

11-07-2011, 08:29 AM
The only thing I worry about when I double park is some asshole keying my car just to prove a point...

Very sorry to see that Six. Soarin, agree: waldo parking is just finding that right, safe (usually distant) spot. Double parking can invite problems.

11-15-2011, 08:45 PM
$565 - first quote, from the dealership. While there The mechanics all came up and oogled over my car which was cool. at this point the body manager has seen me enough times to tell me to go somewhere else and save some money. Haha. I may wait till winter is over to fix this one...

I usually park Waldo style when possible.

11-16-2011, 02:10 PM
There is a God, let him do what needs to be done. Can't change it....it's bs, sorry for this....happened to me yesterday...same spot...

11-16-2011, 02:13 PM
That sucks, hurts me to look at.

11-16-2011, 03:18 PM
Alright just to confess and I know no one is going to say anything... but one day I parked in the city (duh i live in the city) and like always parked close to the curve, pull out my bumper bully, folded my mirrors, locked my doors, and left the rest up to God. I come back to notice a hugh suv parked in front of me (which looks like they would have a hard time parking in front of me.) I resume the "taking out of parking spot" task at hand with that in mind. After that I get out the car and notice that my front is severally chipped down to where there is no paint.. I look behind the suv and notice he has a hitch ball in the back and figured that this asshole probably does this to everyone because he has that f**king ball in the back of his car and doesn't have to worry about his car getting messed up... So I get in my car and think about what I should do and I know the law is never on my side or ever around. So I take my key and "fix" his SUV up a bit and continue my day.. It was a fairly maintained (cosmetically) suv but I had to do what I had to do... all over his passenger side and driver side in front of everyone and I'm in the hood so I know no one is gonna say anything. (this happened a long time ago) and so I walked away like Waldo... :waldo

11-16-2011, 03:46 PM
Alright just to confess and I know no one is going to say anything... but one day I parked in the city (duh i live in the city) and like always parked close to the curve, pull out my bumper bully, folded my mirrors, locked my doors, and left the rest up to God. I come back to notice a hugh suv parked in front of me (which looks like they would have a hard time parking in front of me.) I resume the "taking out of parking spot" task at hand with that in mind. After that I get out the car and notice that my front is severally chipped down to where there is no paint.. I look behind the suv and notice he has a hitch ball in the back and figured that this asshole probably does this to everyone because he has that f**king ball in the back of his car and doesn't have to worry about his car getting messed up... So I get in my car and think about what I should do and I know the law is never on my side or ever around. So I take my key and "fix" his SUV up a bit and continue my day.. It was a fairly maintained (cosmetically) suv but I had to do what I had to do... all over his passenger side and driver side in front of everyone and I'm in the hood so I know no one is gonna say anything. (this happened a long time ago) and so I walked away like Waldo... :waldo
Not like that's a huge dick move or anything.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk

11-16-2011, 05:24 PM
Alright just to confess and I know no one is going to say anything... but one day I parked in the city (duh i live in the city) and like always parked close to the curve, pull out my bumper bully, folded my mirrors, locked my doors, and left the rest up to God. I come back to notice a hugh suv parked in front of me (which looks like they would have a hard time parking in front of me.) I resume the "taking out of parking spot" task at hand with that in mind. After that I get out the car and notice that my front is severally chipped down to where there is no paint.. I look behind the suv and notice he has a hitch ball in the back and figured that this asshole probably does this to everyone because he has that f**king ball in the back of his car and doesn't have to worry about his car getting messed up... So I get in my car and think about what I should do and I know the law is never on my side or ever around. So I take my key and "fix" his SUV up a bit and continue my day.. It was a fairly maintained (cosmetically) suv but I had to do what I had to do... all over his passenger side and driver side in front of everyone and I'm in the hood so I know no one is gonna say anything. (this happened a long time ago) and so I walked away like Waldo... :waldo

I won't say what you did is right but thanks for sharing. You can have a clean conscience now at least.

HTC Thunderbolt+TT

11-16-2011, 05:37 PM
^+1 i agree with dane
although i honestly thought you were going to say you stole his trailer hitch

11-16-2011, 06:02 PM
I probably would have put a big volleyball or something obviously annoying over the hitch ball. I'm passive aggressive like that sometimes. Not saying they didn't deserve the key art, but yeah. Lol.

Living in Chicago for a while, it was kind of sad to see how many people use the act of physically running into the car behind them while parallel parking to know when they've run out of room. It was also sad to go so far as to install backup sensors and a rear camera in my own car (so I didn't hit other cars) and then have someone bump into me. :-(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-16-2011, 06:20 PM
Alright just to confess and I know no one is going to say anything... but one day I parked in the city (duh i live in the city) and like always parked close to the curve, pull out my bumper bully, folded my mirrors, locked my doors, and left the rest up to God. I come back to notice a hugh suv parked in front of me (which looks like they would have a hard time parking in front of me.) I resume the "taking out of parking spot" task at hand with that in mind. After that I get out the car and notice that my front is severally chipped down to where there is no paint.. I look behind the suv and notice he has a hitch ball in the back and figured that this asshole probably does this to everyone because he has that f**king ball in the back of his car and doesn't have to worry about his car getting messed up... So I get in my car and think about what I should do and I know the law is never on my side or ever around. So I take my key and "fix" his SUV up a bit and continue my day.. It was a fairly maintained (cosmetically) suv but I had to do what I had to do... all over his passenger side and driver side in front of everyone and I'm in the hood so I know no one is gonna say anything. (this happened a long time ago) and so I walked away like Waldo... :waldo

WOW...after reading your story, if this were to happen to me I'd probably lift a gasket and then find my key doing the same thing. Not that this would be the right thing to do....I feel your pain....

11-16-2011, 06:38 PM
Alright just to confess and I know no one is going to say anything... but one day I parked in the city (duh i live in the city) and like always parked close to the curve, pull out my bumper bully, folded my mirrors, locked my doors, and left the rest up to God. I come back to notice a hugh suv parked in front of me (which looks like they would have a hard time parking in front of me.) I resume the "taking out of parking spot" task at hand with that in mind. After that I get out the car and notice that my front is severally chipped down to where there is no paint.. I look behind the suv and notice he has a hitch ball in the back and figured that this asshole probably does this to everyone because he has that f**king ball in the back of his car and doesn't have to worry about his car getting messed up... So I get in my car and think about what I should do and I know the law is never on my side or ever around. So I take my key and "fix" his SUV up a bit and continue my day.. It was a fairly maintained (cosmetically) suv but I had to do what I had to do... all over his passenger side and driver side in front of everyone and I'm in the hood so I know no one is gonna say anything. (this happened a long time ago) and so I walked away like Waldo... :waldo

What's a bumper bully?

11-17-2011, 12:25 AM
Thank you guys for your support/comments, now I can live with myself!

This is a bumper bully it saves lives in NYC and only the people that care about their car have theses...

you just open your trunk and pull it out when u park, then when you leave if you want you can put it back in or just drive with it on. (i put it back in)

anyone in the city should def get these!!

11-17-2011, 12:27 AM
they also have these for the front, but no one buys them.. or I haven't seen them in the streets..

11-18-2011, 08:10 PM
Thank you guys for your support/comments, now I can live with myself!

This is a bumper bully it saves lives in NYC and only the people that care about their car have theses...

you just open your trunk and pull it out when u park, then when you leave if you want you can put it back in or just drive with it on. (i put it back in)

anyone in the city should def get these!!

Damn! I totally forgot about those... I remember seeing those all over NYC last time i was there. I'm ordering mine tomorrow.