View Full Version : WTB: 330 ZHP on the West Coast

06-27-2011, 08:15 AM
Year(s): Any. :)
Budget: I'm not trying to spend anything more than $17k.
Desired location of vehicle: I'm in Seattle, WA, so as close as possible.
Desired Mileage: Under 100,000 is desirable, but again, anything.
Transmission type: Must be manual.
Desired number of Doors: Preferably a coupe over a sedan, but I'm open-minded.
Desired Color combos: Black interior for sure, and outside I like everything, but black is my favorite.
Desired Packages: ZHP Performance.
Funds lined up? Cash in hand and ready to go.
Have a car you need to sell first? Nope.

Any help would be mucho appreciated. I joined up this site in hopes of finding a new car and that someday we can put the gun and the sword on the table, and you guys can initiate me into the family. :) If you or someone you know is trying to sell, do not hesitate to call/text me.
My cell number is 425.293.8516

Thanks in advance. :)

- Morgan

06-27-2011, 08:56 AM
Morgan, very nice. Hang out here and familiarize yourself with prices. It will help you when you're negotiating.

06-27-2011, 09:11 AM
I've been trying to do as much research as possible. I've been a honda guy up to this point. I unfortunately totaled my RSX Type-S in January, and now I'm in the market again. Thought a bimmer might be a nice change. I feel like the price span on the ZHP is ridiculous. I see them listed from anywhere from $13k to like $25k. Obviously, mileage and whatnot play in a little bit, but what a difference! There's this one I found on the ZHP Registry website in Georgia. It's literally perfect, and its priced at $16k. If only it were closer...

06-27-2011, 09:14 AM
I had to travel for mine. I flew to Denver and then drove back (1100 miles). Good times.

And, yep, you're correct. There is a wide range of prices. Most of the ZHPs, though, seem to be between $15K and $20K.

06-27-2011, 09:22 AM
As a current Honda guy myself and prospective owner of a ZHP I know all about traveling for a car as well. I flew 900 miles to get my S2000...things like price, availability, and timing all came into play. You'll know when a deal is too good to pass up, regardless of it's distance. Just be open to it!

06-27-2011, 09:31 AM
Hi Morgan! Good luck with your search. Keep your eyes peeled here for deals... it seems they are found and posted daily.

We're interested in updates and pics as you progress with your search and eventual purchase!