View Full Version : Sylvania Silverstar H7 - FAIL
06-20-2011, 10:58 AM
In February 2011 at ~171,xxx miles, my passenger side headlamp went out. I figured I'd pick up some decent lights with better than average light output - so I snagged some Sylvania Silverstar H7s. The Silverstars carry similar stats as the factory bulbs... both made by OSRAM in Germany, both 12V 55W, and both H7s (of course).
I changed both the drivers and passenger side lamp so I could start with a clean reference point on both for maintenance purposes. :thumbsup So the install left me with the old bulb on the drivers side as a spare.
Well... late last week, my drivers side lamp went out after 4 months and ~7xxx miles of driving.
I know I use my headlights whenever I drive... but isn't 4 months and 7xxx miles a little unacceptable? I don't think my halogens on my e30 went out that frequently. Were these bulbs just not manufacturered to the same rigorous standards as the bulbs in the box with the blue and white roundel? Or is this just another case of poor quality control with aftermarket parts?
Next time I will be reaching out to the dealer to get replacement bulbs.
Anyone else have history on their bulbs?
06-20-2011, 10:59 AM
Silverstars are crap! I use to replace them every 3 to 4 months.
06-20-2011, 11:12 AM
Found this on Sylvania's website:
Weibull data for lamp life
Weibull distribution has become established as the standard method for analyzing the life of technical products. Endurance tests on products without technical faults produce failure curves which represent the proportion of products that fail in the course of use. Because of their special properties, these curves can be normalized for the purposes of comparison. This involves approximating the distributions to a straight line. To show this, a special coordinate system is needed (named after Dr. E. H. Wallodi Weibull, 1887 to 1979). Service life distribution can now be accurately defined by specifying two points on the straight line, without having to refer to a failure curve.
The following failure rates have been defined as standard failure rates. The B3 life value represents the premature failure rate of lamps. It means that 3% of all the tested lamps failed after this number of hours burned. The Tc life value represents the failure rate of 63.2% of the lamps. B3 and Tc are of particular interest in industry. Another important point is the B50 value. This indicates the average life of the lamps (50%).
To show this approximation to a straight line, a special graphic matrix is needed. The failure rates are indicated as a percentage plotted against the number of hours burned. The advantage here is that the distribution of the life of, say, a headlight lamp can be uniquely defined by specifying particular failure rates
Point 1: The B3 life value means that 3% of the tested lamps failed after this number of hours burned.
Point 2: The B10 life value means that 10% of the tested lamps failed after this number of hours burned.
Point 3: The B50 life value indicates the average life of the lamps. The failure rate is 50%.
Point 4: The Tc life value represents the characteristic failure rate of 63.2% of the lamps.
Rule of thumb:
5% overvoltage ->
•Half the life
•15% higher luminous flux
•8% higher power consumption
•3% higher current
5% undervoltage ->
•Twice the life
•15% lower luminous flux
•8% lower power consumption
•3% lower current
All life data presented in this catalog are given as B50 @ 14.0 volts for halogen products and @ bulb rated voltage for all others unless noted.
In an attempt to use this data constructively, I drive about 4 hours a day and run my headlights all the time I'm moving (except for this past weekend). Figuring I drive the carpool and other times at least three times a week, that puts me at 12 hours/week. Since they failed after sixteen weeks or four months, that means put 200 hours on the bulbs and I just so happened to received one of the B3 bulbs... 3% of all of the bulbs tested that fail after 200 hours of use.
What kind of luck is that?
Silverstars are crap! I use to replace them every 3 to 4 months.
Good data Mikey. Looks like you got some crappy bulbs too. What do you use/where do you get them?
06-20-2011, 11:45 AM
I thought the SS's came with a warranty?
Droid + Tapatalk = FTW!
06-20-2011, 11:48 AM
i've tried SilverStars in the past and didn't like the results either; however, I haven't had any fail on me.
I recently researched my options for H7 bulbs and ended up with the Osram Rallye 65w bulbs as recommended by many lighting enthusiasts (yes, such a thing exists). I've only had them in the car for a few days, but so far I'm very impressed with the results. In fact, I'll be ordering another set as spares and will be replacing the bulbs in our '02 Jetta with a set as well.
06-20-2011, 12:07 PM
I thought the SS's came with a warranty?
Droid + Tapatalk = FTW!
Good call Dane. Nothing on the package... but I found Sylvania's SilverStar customer satisfaction information on their website and sent them an email.
I'll let everyone know how it works out.
06-20-2011, 12:16 PM
i've tried SilverStars in the past and didn't like the results either; however, I haven't had any fail on me.
I recently researched my options for H7 bulbs and ended up with the Osram Rallye 65w bulbs as recommended by many lighting enthusiasts (yes, such a thing exists). I've only had them in the car for a few days, but so far I'm very impressed with the results. In fact, I'll be ordering another set as spares and will be replacing the bulbs in our '02 Jetta with a set as well.
Nice recommendation!
Found they are an internet retailer based near my work in Rockville, MD. Headed over there now to pick up Rallyes.
06-20-2011, 01:00 PM
Picked up Rallyes.
Box says offroad use only. Are they that bright?
06-20-2011, 01:07 PM
i installed them and drove around for some testing. while bright, i didn't notice any glare and nobody complained.
the projection appears to be down the road and off to the sides (as you'd want)....
from what i can tell, they are really well engineered. i also installed new lenses.......
i posted a reply to my headlight thread here on 'mafia. i can dig up the link if you'd like to read about that.
06-20-2011, 01:08 PM
oh, and, yes, that's exactly where i ordered my set as well. very well respected retailer....
06-20-2011, 01:33 PM
Yeah I just replaced my SSs...they really are crap. I was extremely disappointed! No lightbulb should last as small a length as these did.
All the more reason to get OEM Xenons. I figure, if you drive 200 hours/ 4 months and need new bulbs. Set of bulbs are $25. Used OEM Xenons on ebay are around $400. So that's 5 years 4 months of replacing light bulbs...when you could have just bought Xenons for the same amount spent and had better lighting the whole time...IDK works right in my head :rofl
06-20-2011, 01:37 PM
OEM Xenons would be nice, but i had great difficulty in locating a set on eBay in that price range; perhaps I was too picky. the ones i found in that range typically needed reconditioning prior to putting them on the car.
In my situation, doing the intermediate route of updating the lenses, gaskets, and upgrading the bulbs bought me time to watch for the right deal on some OEM Xenons, or on a FX-R type Xenon retrofit.
06-20-2011, 03:00 PM
SS's failure rate was what made me finally get the xenon's I have now. Mine typically lasted 3-4 months. I went through 3 sets in less than a year, and finally gave up.
06-20-2011, 03:24 PM
This is a good thread guys! Thanks for all the information and validation!
Xenons may be in my future. I'd like to see how these Rallyes do first since I just did my lenses and gaskets as well.
06-20-2011, 04:51 PM
i think you'll be happy with the improvement - i was, and i've retrofitted xenons in other cars so i do have some comparison.......
report back on what you think.....
06-22-2011, 04:00 AM
Are these the Osrams? 01HF6EWU%3Fie%3DUTF8%26ref_%3Ddp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt %26showViewpoints%3D1%23&tag=zhpcom-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957
If so...the reviews point to about a 3-4 month lifespan.
06-22-2011, 04:53 AM
Starting a OSRAM Rallye thread...
06-22-2011, 05:42 AM
Are these the Osrams?
If so...the reviews point to about a 3-4 month lifespan.
Yep... these are the OSRAM Sylvania Silverstars....
3 of 5 stars...
06-22-2011, 05:52 AM
This is the form e-mail I received back from Sylvania:
Good Afternoon Mr. Schuster. Thank you for contacting us with your product performance concern. We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused to you, our valued consumer.
The life of any halogen bulb varies based on vehicle type, vehicle voltage, amount of time the bulb is on, road conditions, proper installation, and correct application. The average life of SilverStar® headlights are approximately one year. If the bulbs do not meet your expectations, we will replace them within a year of purchase when obtained through an authorized US retailer.
With our SYLVANIA SilverStar® products, the primary goal is to offer the brightest, whitest light. Research has shown SilverStar® headlights improve driver visibility and reaction time. However, since our SilverStar® headlights are up to 35% brighter and our SilverStar® ULTRA headlights are up to 50% brighter than standard halogen, they have a shorter life span compared to our other products.
Additionally, vehicle electrical systems are designed to operate around 12 volts DC, bulbs are rated for optical performance at 12.8 volts and the life for halogen bulbs is tested and rated at 14.0 volts. It's important to remember first the voltage of the charging system and second and just as important, is the length and sizing of the wire to the bulbs. It is not uncommon for the voltage drop at the bulb to be 1V or more from that of the charging system. However, due to the electrical system architecture of the vehicle, and other variables such as wiring and vehicle power demands, it is possible for some vehicles to deliver higher voltages or even voltage spikes to the bulb. The result is shortened bulb life because an increase in voltage of as little as 5% can cut a bulb's life in half. This is true for standard OEM bulbs and particularly, high performance halogen bulbs. Unfortunately, no adjustments can be made to the voltage since this is a function of the alternator output and electrical architecture of the vehicle.
We offer a wide variety of products to satisfy customer needs including brightness, durability, color options and increased visibility.
Please remit the following along with a copy of this e-mail and your address:
Failed lamp (s) or
Receipt copy
Attn: Consumer Care Specialist
275 West Main Street
Hillsboro, NH 03244
For faster processing you can fax or email us your receipt.
We'll then process H7 SilverStar® replacements for you. If you experience similar performance with the replacement product please contact us again so that we can make an alternate lighting recommendation for your vehicle.
Thank you,
Sam McKinnon
Customer Service Representative
At least I can send my bulb back to them.
06-22-2011, 07:23 AM
Yes. I like that. As I was reading, that's what I was hoping to see. Good to see.
06-22-2011, 03:07 PM
Solid foot work, Bill. I unfortunately smashed my failed one with the hood...forgot to remove it when I shut it :facepalm.
06-24-2011, 07:17 PM
Solid foot work, Bill. I unfortunately smashed my failed one with the hood...forgot to remove it when I shut it :facepalm.
I have done that. exact. thing.
No worries.
BlackBerry. Tapatalk. Fixed.
12-13-2011, 08:46 AM
I will throw this bit of knowledge out there, Sylvania is garbage, as most of you are learning. If you want silver stars buy Osram. Sylvania is like the reject bulbs from Osram under a diff name basically.
12-13-2011, 11:01 AM
I will throw this bit of knowledge out there, Sylvania is garbage, as most of you are learning. If you want silver stars buy Osram. Sylvania is like the reject bulbs from Osram under a diff name basically.
Not true at all. I won't get into it here, but my grandfather worked for Sylvania for half a century, and it is much, much, much more difficult to explain than the bolded above. Kinda like "What's in a name?"
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