View Full Version : Parking Sensor..

04-22-2011, 12:22 AM
I don't know if my sight is failing me or if its the limo tinted rear windows but I'm having so much trouble // or even guesstimating how much distance is behind me. I was wondering if you guys would suggest parking sensors (annoying beep) or a cam. Or if its just me getting through the jitters of owning my 330i and just getting use to it / stop being so wary.

04-24-2011, 06:28 AM
From one Enforcer to another, I think every thing you say is right. With some sarcasm we conclude the following likely contribute to the situation:

1. Poor visibility.
2. Age dependent loss of visual acuity (your suggestion, not mine :)
3. Don't have the size of the car and the space it occupies yet mapped in your brain (how long have you had it?)
4. Perhaps more importantly, let's not kid ourselves here, It's a BMW, it is pristine and on a pedestal, so we don't want to scratch it.

What to do? see the ophthalmologist, loose the tint job, wait a little while and get used to it.

04-24-2011, 02:53 PM
lol. im 20, i was just saying >.> decided to wait it out before i get a electromagnetic sensor that beeps if need be.

04-27-2011, 09:23 AM
Wise choice. Beets the old chrome curb feelers.

04-27-2011, 12:59 PM
I've had mine since August, back up always (never pull into a space), and still can't get the distance right. The rear of our cars is very short, so I always have like 2-3 feet behind me when I'm done parking. I could get the E30 a little closer, perhaps with 1.5 feet of space leftover, but I never want to get so close that I scratch or tap the rear bumper and not to mention whatever I'm backing up against...

I'd say just go by trial and error. Get a little closer each time 'till you're comfortable. I'm going to start doing that because I just realized that I'm having a problem with this. lol

04-27-2011, 01:17 PM
I thought these were available as a option on coupes and verts. I had em on my M3 and liked em but they aren't as reliable as you think.


Your best bet is to park further away than you think as to avoid any hidden curbs. The same goes for pulling into spots with the front of the car. I usually park a good 2-3 feet away from a curb or spot in front of the car. I have eaten too many front end clips/lips/splitters and have eventually learned how to pull into a spot. I back into my garage on a weekly basis and my wife always hates watching me do it, because I know how to pull in now only use my driver side mirror and thats it.