View Full Version : Shadowline Trim for 2006 Coupe

04-21-2023, 12:45 PM
So I should have purchased new L/R trim pieces a few years back because now they're listed at approx. $2,500 per side. They used to be about $500 IIRC. I just want to replace the short piece of rubber gasket at the end of the trim by the kink but apparently BMW does not sell that rubber separate from the trim itself. Has anyone found any work-arounds? That rubber tends to crack and eventually disintegrate. There's an eBay seller in Latvia or Lithuania selling the trim for a very reasonable amount but they want $12,000 for shipping! Also watching to find a used set but again, the rubber is usually chewed up. Thanks.

04-24-2023, 07:43 AM
There was a video I found on YouTube where a guy retrofits some new gasket material into that area, and it has been working pretty well for me thus far.

04-24-2023, 11:22 AM
Here's a DIY I saved from the m3forum days (link (https://nam3forum.com/forums/forum/main-forum/e46-2001-2006/551-cheap-rear-quarter-panel-window-stripping-replacement-repost-pdf)).

Here's another (link (https://nam3forum.com/forums/forum/main-forum/e46-2001-2006/183-side-finisher-rubber-replacement-and-rear-side-window-trim-replacement)) which used Metro MW78348 bulb weatherstrip. the 3/4" height is key.

05-01-2023, 11:33 AM
I reposted the DIY on this forum here: http://www.zhpmafia.com/forums/showthread.php?23869-DIY-Cheap-Rear-Quarter-Panel-Window-Stripping-Replacement&highlight=window+rubber

07-08-2023, 09:17 AM
There's a replacement available for the rubber component of the trim. Supposedly it's made by the same factory that made them for BMW.

Here's the naM3forum thread about it, including the info to purchase via Paypal (https://nam3forum.com/forums/forum/main-forum/e46-2001-2006/183-side-finisher-rubber-replacement-and-rear-side-window-trim-replacement?p=223771#post223771):

Price: $130 USD for one set. $260 USD for two sets. shipped to USA
Send paypal payment to: matthewnavis@gmail.com
Under the payment amount it will ask you what this is for and type:
Group buy E46 Rear quarter weather stripping and include your name, full address including USA and phone number.

Photo from post #259 from the nam3f thread (link (https://nam3forum.com/forums/forum/main-forum/e46-2001-2006/183-side-finisher-rubber-replacement-and-rear-side-window-trim-replacement?p=222743#post222743)):

A little bacon-y, but people said it looks ok when installed.