View Full Version : Intermittent Burning Smell thru Cabin Air Filer into Interior

11-14-2022, 01:04 PM
ZHP Mafia Members:


Spring 2021, during a Airbag recall performed at a dealership they identified three oil leaks ... valve cover gasket, oil pan, and Vansos line. I subsequently purchased new gaskets for the valve cover (using RTV at half moons) and oil pan and lastly a new Vanos line. NO OIL LEAKS ... EVERYTHING IS FINE. Corrective action taken summer of 2021.

Current Problem

Intermittent burning smell coming through vents in to the passenger area

Corrective Action Taken

(1) Removed valve cover gasket, removed RTV at half moons, reapplied RTV at half moons, then reinstalled the valve cover.

(2) Started vehicle and checked for oil leaks ... could not see any .Since it was dark outside I used a small flashlight to inspect the valve cover area. At the rear, near the firewall, on the passenger side, I could see a steady flow of smoke in the light. Small amount but it was steady.

Next Steps

I did not check the vehicle at night (flashlight in the dark) before reinstalling the valve cover gasket, so I do not have a comparative to the current state?

What should my next step be?

11-16-2022, 01:58 AM
CCV system?

on my current (2nd) ZHP right after purchase, there was a line that was leaking oil and dropping onto the motor somewhere underneath the manifold and was getting small puffs of smoke/burnt oil smell.

11-16-2022, 05:47 AM
CCV system?

on my current (2nd) ZHP right after purchase, there was a line that was leaking oil and dropping onto the motor somewhere underneath the manifold and was getting small puffs of smoke/burnt oil smell.

Interesting! I observed smoke near the firewall on the left side as your facing the vehicle. I am not aware of any oil lines at that location.

It seems that the smoke is more consistent after I re-installed the valve cover gasket which makes me think that the the valve cover might be warped. But I am not certain.

Also, I am wondering if the RTV did not cure completely because of the cold temps. I used red RTV so it takes 24 hours. I waited 36 hours. However, since RTV was not applied from the factory I do not think this would cause this problem, especially since the valve cover gasket is just over a year old.

I have to look at an engine diagram to see if there is an oil line near the left, firewall location.

11-16-2022, 06:21 PM
A leak near the firewall on the passenger side of the engine is traditionally where our cars will leak when the VCG leaks.
You might need to redo that VCG. Since its a new cover, not likely that it is warped.

11-17-2022, 12:33 AM
Did you remove the beauty cover when checking for oil leaks? I would second bad clown's ccv suggestion if you are sure the vcg was done properly. Both E46s that I've owned had a bad ccv that created pressure and forced oil out of the valve cover. I usually saw oil pooling at the top and coming from the valve cover bolt grommets.

11-18-2022, 01:48 PM
Did you remove the beauty cover when checking for oil leaks? I would second bad clown's ccv suggestion if you are sure the vcg was done properly. Both E46s that I've owned had a bad ccv that created pressure and forced oil out of the valve cover. I usually saw oil pooling at the top and coming from the valve cover bolt grommets.

I reviewed diagrams and videos and reached the same conclusion. However, I recalled that I dropped one of the fasteners with the rubber grommet on it Therefore it is possible that the it lodged against the engine or exhaust and caused the smoke. I used a magnetic searching for it but to no avail. Fortunately I had another new fastener.

Thank you for the input.

11-23-2022, 04:05 PM
I reviewed diagrams and videos and reached the same conclusion. However, I recalled that I dropped one of the fasteners with the rubber grommet on it Therefore it is possible that the it lodged against the engine or exhaust and caused the smoke. I used a magnetic searching for it but to no avail. Fortunately I had another new fastener.

Thank you for the input.


My nephew and his Dad state that they have not seen any smoke in the engine bay nor any smell. So it possible that what I witnessed was caused by the errant valve cover fastener. I shall seek to check during Thanksgiving break to reconfirm no problem.