View Full Version : Parasitic Drain Conundrum

09-06-2020, 08:25 PM
Ok so I had this PD issue couple years ago... Did the test, pulled out the fuse (forget what number) that killed the interior lights and trunk FOB function (had to manually open with key). I think this also had to do with the power to the glove box.

So you know recently I posted about the windshield wiper fluid not working, many said the pump, so I got the cheap pump and my mobile mechanic put it in because he was here anyways installing the new window regulator.

New pump in, still doesn't work. He does a test, says there's no power going into the pump.... Huh? The wiper fluid was working fine a couple months ago... Anyways then he looks in the fuse box, and plugs in the VERY SAME FUSE that seemingly caused the parasitic drain before.

So now, the pump works LOL, my interior lights work and my trunk FOB....so..... WTF???

And for over two months now, WITH THE SAME DRIVING PATTERN of usually going days only driving half a mile a day... No issues with anything.

Remember even just few months ago, my battery was dying on me and had to get another new one from AAA.

So how does a parasitic drain fix itself and maybe this new battery is just better but that makes no technical sense to me because AAA pretty much uses the same batteries everytime.

I'm a crazy or is this car so amazing that it's healing itself?

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09-07-2020, 06:36 AM
Could it be weather-related? Humidity/ wetness in or around a wire that doesn't make contact anymore when it is more dry?
That is my hypothesis.

09-07-2020, 11:35 AM
Could it be weather-related? Humidity/ wetness in or around a wire that doesn't make contact anymore when it is more dry?
That is my hypothesis.I'm in South Florida, pretty much warm and humid ten months a year... Right now it's as bad as it gets but everything is seemingly working perfectly, fingers crossed

Last time I had that parasitic drain problem I'm pretty sure it was right around the summer as well but summer here lasts like 8 months so....

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09-09-2020, 07:39 PM
Maybe your pump was the culprit all a long lol Then you replaced it along with the fuse and everything is fine now lol

09-09-2020, 07:54 PM
Maybe your pump was the culprit all a long lol Then you replaced it along with the fuse and everything is fine now lolWhoa
Mind blown
That would be really weird huh
Wiper fluid pump...
Wait are you joking or is that really possible...
It makes sense ONLY if the wiper pump shares the same fuse but then again that wouldn't make any sense since that fuse been out while the pump has been working fine for over a year.

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