View Full Version : Wheeler Dealers M3 season 21 Episode 2

09-18-2019, 01:05 PM
The new episode of Wheeler Dealers that aired last night focused on a 2004 E46 M3. They converted the SMG to a manual transmission, and replaced the O-Rings in the vanos. Some pertinent stuff. Fun episode

Might be worth watching if you're still addicted without Edd............

09-18-2019, 04:27 PM
Mike Brewer stated the S54 was a 2.3 liter 16-valve motor..... FML

09-25-2019, 11:30 PM
Might be worth watching if you're still addicted without Edd............

I'm gonna check it out, I've been recording the whole series but haven't watched in a while.

I loved Edd, and I think that Ant. has been an able replacement. What I do NOT understand is Ant hooking up with Christina from Flip or Flop. What the hell was he thinking??

10-10-2019, 07:35 PM
Mike Brewer stated the S54 was a 2.3 liter 16-valve motor..... FML

Just watched the episode again and heard Mike’s comment about the 2.3l engine. He actually says that the first M3 came out in ‘85 and had a 2.3l 16V engine, which I believe was almost correct except i think it was ‘86. He never said it was an S54....... researching it I see it was actually the S14

10-11-2019, 04:50 AM
I'll have to watch it again, but I could swear he said there were subframe issues during the drive over to see the car. The fact that Ant didn't at least look and point out what to look for is disappointing. Also disappointing was the lack of detail on the work done on the trans conversion by the vendor--that's the major premise of the episode, and I feel they kept cutting to work already done, without showing exactly what. I dunno, maybe swap out the contrived "buyer" segment for actual information? I can do without some dude hooning around a parking garage--that's what YouTube is for.

The rushed production on WD is showing, and I think that's what frustrated Edd.

10-11-2019, 06:44 AM
I agree Edd gave far more insight into how to make repairs, and taking that away was a big loss for the show. It will never be the same without Edd