View Full Version : Leaky Fuel Injector

05-30-2019, 07:50 AM
It's amazing that no matter how much TLC you put into the car, there's always something new.

After doing the O2 sensors, new battery, front control arms, struts, control arm bushings, tie rods, and sway bar links, the bitch still needs more love. When revving there are noticeable.... hickupy spots. I did some research using a well known search engine. It's pointing to a leaky fuel injector. I have a slight smell of gas when I start in the morning. Apparently this can cause all sorts of trouble.

What do I do? Replace all the injectors? Apparently there were some injectors for these cars that shipped flawed. Ebay has "rebuilt" injectors for super cheap. I do not trust them. They are too cheap... or maybe they are a steal, it's hard to tell the difference. New injectors are $90/pop. That's a lot. Do these also contain this unknown flaw?

Do I need to replace all of them, or should I go through a full diagnostic process? Does the ZHP have special injectors? Do I have to replace all the injectors, or do I just replace the o-ring?

Kill me... this is nuts.

05-30-2019, 09:30 AM
Dude I went through hella headaches with leaky injectors let me find the thread that I was posting my updates on. You can test them by pulling the fuel rail and laying it over some shop towels, then cycling the fuel pump on and off (key to pos 2) and letting it sit. I could see the pools forming under like 2 or 3 of my injectors and took them to a local guy for cleaning, but they still leaked. I ended up spending $100 on some rebuilt ones on ebay and they worked great.

05-30-2019, 10:30 AM
Found it! I added my info in the final pages of the thread so you can follow mine and others stories. Add your story to that thread so we can keep a running reference!
