View Full Version : ZHPs are NOT special...the memories are.

07-20-2017, 09:51 PM
Well. The day has come. When the Sun rises tomorrow I will no longer be a ZHP owner and she will be on her way to her new home. It has been an absolute pleasure being a part of this forum. The last three plus years have been filled with some wonderful memories. I remember the days when I first found out about these cars...posting threads asking about what they felt like to drive, what to look for maintenance wise, etc. I read, I took notes, but I still didn't know squat. But it didn't matter. The generosity, the kindness, the welcoming nature of the people on here made it all possible.

I remember heading to Shawn's for the first - of what would be many trips - to test drive his auto Orient ZHP. We got along from minute 1 and have stayed friends since then. It was only a month after picking up Scarlett that he and I ventured up to the 2014 Reunion and had a blast.

That weekend was when I realized. This forum is more than just the cars. I mean, sure, the cars are the building blocks. I'll certainly never forget Bruce messaging me and offering to help with the brakes that she needed, didn't know me from Adam. As a young aspiring "car guy," I didn't know what to say! As the years went by I learned a sincere thank you...pretty much covers it. But, I think it is also about returning the favor in some small way. Maybe not to those who helped you specifically, but using what they taught you to help others down the line.

Things I picked up along the way enabled me to do that. From answering basic questions about ZHPs, to helping with maintenance I learned how to do, it all started to click for me and in turn, I like to think I've helped it click for others as well.

Of course, you made it this far and am probably wondering WHY after all these great times I'd sell the car. Well...it boils down to not driving her and not having the resources to "just have" this car at this point. Which is not to say I couldn't afford it...just...it doesn't really fit anymore.

I have taken time to reflect and realize that I have spent truckloads of money and many weekends on this CAR while other aspects of my life fell off. Keeping her in this pristine condition has been a labor of love...and...it's time to move on.

Big thanks to Dane, Shawn, Bruce, Vas, BP, Will, Brett, Guy, Keith, Gary, John R, Charlie, Rob P, Justin, Rob D, San, Peter, and many, many more for all the maintenance days, laughs, fun threads, road rally planning, hosting, advice, phone calls...everything.

I'm tearing up writing this...so I'll end it with some pictures...

Hope to stay in touch.


















07-20-2017, 10:48 PM
Say whaaaaaaaaa

I was just thinking about how you hadn't posted in a while. In my mind it meant something...sinister. Seeing those words doesn't surprise me though. You mentioned that you hadn't been driving her much and talked more and more about how you enjoyed the care-free attitude you could have with the 4Runner. I get that. I even have a 4Runner itch now, thanks to you.

The car brought you into this crowd, but the family's for life. I would never have met you or Shawn if I wasn't a part of this great community. It was a blast to drive Scarlett while I was in D.C., and was mostly successful in filling the large void formed by my car stuck back home (thanks for that!). I hope she is going to a great owner who will take as good of care of her as you did. Certainly clean, definitely unique.

Don't be a stranger, buddy.


07-21-2017, 04:03 AM
So it's actually happening huh...[emoji53]

While it is sad to see you sell Scarlett I can totally understand the reasons. I've seen and driven quite a few Zhp' but your's is right up there. Whoever the new owner is, the person is lucky to get such a well sorted car.

As William said, don't be a stranger. I'm sure it's only a matter of when and not if you get another Zhp in the future [emoji6]

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07-21-2017, 05:02 AM
I hope she's going to a great home, because that's one beautiful car.

Even though it didn't work out, I really appreciated your offering to help with the logistics when I bought my M3 seats. I think it summed up exactly what makes this community so different. Not many people out there are willing to help out a complete internet stranger.

07-21-2017, 05:03 AM
So it's actually happening huh...[emoji53]

While it is sad to see you sell Scarlett I can totally understand the reasons. I've seen and driven quite a few Zhp' but your's is right up there. Whoever the new owner is, the person is lucky to get such a well sorted car.

As William said, don't be a stranger. I'm sure it's only a matter of when and not if you get another Zhp in the future [emoji6]

Thanks, man! Means a lot. Definitely will be around. I've gotta keep tabs on the new owner's thread...

The statement is correct, the car might not be...I no longer have the "4 door requirement" or even the "has a roof" requirement. ;)

07-21-2017, 05:51 AM
Well said. It sounds like you have your priorities sorted and are selling for the right reasons. I don't think anyone can argue with that.

You'll be back in a ZHP, that's for sure. But it won't consume you next time.

When I came back to a ZHP, I promised myself that I wouldn't prioritize it over living life. It's pretty worn and I don't spend a lot of time or money working on it -- those resources are prioritized elsewhere. Just drive the shit out of it when I can and enjoy the ride.

Cheers, dude.

07-21-2017, 06:21 AM
Oh, man ! I'm sure this was not an easy decision for you. It was nice to meet up on your last trip to Austin. I'm still surprised you spotted my ZHP in this big city.

I considered to sell my ZHP recently. I discussed about it with a Mafia member in Houston but an Oxford Green won the battle.

Good luck on your future car adventures !

07-21-2017, 07:06 AM
Wow! Your zhp was one of the nicest examples I've seen. I hope you will still frequent the mafia.

07-21-2017, 07:16 AM
Been a pleasure having you around Daniel. Good luck in your endeavors and stay safe.

Please drop in and say hi every now and then.

Sent from my S8+

07-21-2017, 07:52 AM
Wow I didn't see this coming! I can totally understand the reasons behind it thou. As much a I Love my M3 it's kinda a money pit, mostly because of modding. I remember going to get your BMW Performance CF Strut Bar. Did you end up selling it with the car? Good luck and don't be a stranger.

07-21-2017, 08:03 AM
Wow I didn't see this coming! I can totally understand the reasons behind it thou. As much a I Love my M3 it's kinda a money pit, mostly because of modding. I remember going to get your BMW Performance CF Strut Bar. Did you end up selling it with the car? Good luck and don't be a stranger.

Thanks, Gary! Yeah, I don't regret any of it though. I learned a LOT and as mentioned have gotten to know some fantastic people.

That was a great grab and definitely illustrated the Family helping each other. Sold that awhile ago...it spent more time wrapped up in box in my room than actually on the car.

07-21-2017, 12:33 PM
A bittersweet moment as these cars get older.

Good luck and I'm sure you made some lifetime friends from here to keep us updated if you do not post here anymore. :)

07-21-2017, 01:00 PM
Glad to have met you Daniel and "Scarlett". The biggest things to treasure are the memories when looking back at the ownership. From the fall cruise in the mountains to installing the Bilstein suspension and to comparing the non lsd to lsd diff and etc.

Keep in touch bud...

07-21-2017, 03:06 PM
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of 'Scarlett' - I am sure it must have been a tough decision. Please do drop in here and there to say 'hi'.

07-21-2017, 04:11 PM
It's been great getting to know you and wrenching on Scarlet. I hope we'll stay in touch and you know where I am if you feel the hankerin to drive a real car [emoji594]!



"ZHP is a garbage option anyway- just some cosmetic upgrades with a different cam and diff to claw back some of the performance lost fitting those hideous and heavy wheels. Any 330 with a 3.46 diff will smoke a ZHP every time. The whole Mafia thing reeks of childish behavior." - anonymous E46 fanatic

07-23-2017, 09:18 PM
+1000 to what everyone said. We will definitely miss your presence. Don't be a stranger.

07-24-2017, 06:22 AM
I hope we'll stay in touch and you know where I am if you feel the hankerin to drive a real car [emoji594]!


+1 on all of this. it's the people that make the difference! people need people. the car is just a vehicle (ha) to get to them. :cheers

enjoying life more with the T4R is a wise choice and makes a lot of sense.... i hope you can make the most of it! cars should not consume you - i have BTDT, many times - and the carnage is not pretty.

let me know if you're ever up in this area! :cheers

08-05-2017, 03:43 PM
Incredible post. While the times when we had our ZHPs were different, I feel similarly about the car and experiences I had with it. Best of luck.

08-07-2017, 08:46 AM
Best of luck Daniel. I enjoyed seeing your car at the Concourse competition in May. You had a great one.

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08-07-2017, 10:17 AM
Daniel it's been great getting to know you and your car. Kristen and I enjoyed your visit to our house in NJ to install the LSD: good times
Don't be a stranger and our door is always open if you make it back to Charleston...

09-30-2017, 01:08 PM
Hey Daniel, was great to meet you a couple of years ago at the NJ meet. As you can see, sometimes you can sell the car but stick around for the friends... hope our paths cross again!

09-30-2017, 04:25 PM
As my kids would say-- that made my heart hurt...

What a great job you did capturing what this thing is really all about: the people and the relationships. Sorry to see the car go, but glad she brought you into the Family.

Check in from time to time. Hope to meet again in the future.

All the best.

09-30-2017, 07:22 PM

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330i Lover
10-01-2017, 05:40 PM
You will be missed Daniel. I enjoyed driving your ZHP a year ago today at the reunion and enjoying your suspension. I had a 97' Toyota 4Runner Limited prior to the imola and there are still days that I miss it.

Best of luck to you and look forward to seeing future posts. Take care.