View Full Version : how to change M3 cluster back to M3 ZCS/FA?
05-01-2017, 07:53 PM
so back when I got PASoft and wanted to get rid of the tamper dot, I used the PASoft option to copy ZCS info from the KCM to the IKE and this wrote everything and now the IKE shows as 330i limo....
everything works fine BUT I can no longer modify/read/write the IKE/KMB in NCS Expert. it continually gives me a coapi error I can read and write to any other module BUT the ike/kmb.
when NCS reads and gets the ZCS info initially and I choose AKMB, it loads my WBA VIN since it was copied from the LCM to the IKE but I cant read the MAN file or write an OLD MAN file.
I do have the OLD M3 LCM that I could throw in but im worried that if I do that, the min i turn the ignition on the IKE will write my 330i info to the M3 LCM as well and thats now what I want to do.
any way to save this and get back to where I need to be with this M3 cluster so I can read and write with NCS expert again?
05-02-2017, 06:31 AM
Read the FA from your 330 LSZ, then go back in to edit the FA, delete *EV53, add *BL93
05-02-2017, 06:46 AM
Read the FA from your 330 LSZ, then go back in to edit the FA, delete *EV53, add *BL93
with NCS expert or PASoft?
05-02-2017, 08:35 AM
with NCS expert or PASoft?
05-02-2017, 09:16 AM
thanks man, i've never actually used NCS to do anything other than read a MAN file and write a modified MAN file so using NCS to do anything with the FA is going to be foreign to me but I will approach it with caution.
thanks so much for the help guys!
my take is that Terra is saying to modify the LCZ FA and the M3 cluster should adopt that updated FA hopefully. then when I'm done I can write back the proper FA back to the LCZ?
05-10-2017, 06:31 AM
Ok great, it took a bit for me to figure out what to do after loading the ZCS info and then going into FA and removing *EV53, adding *BL93... it kepts going back to what it was. I saw that after i read the FA and then write the FA after changes, i then had to execute job to write to the LCM then it stuck.
once I did that and then used PASoft, loaded the IKE and used the copy AF info from LCM -----> IKE they now match *BL93 and show M3 Coupe in both units.. i think i will just leave it as is since it doesnt seem to have an affect on anything else.
I then used NCS expert succesfully to read the KMB, edited the TRC file to change everything from piezo to gong and then write it and tested it as well now my PDC gong works for everything warning related.
I took that cluster out and installed the 24H SMG cluster read and backed up the TRC file with NCS and then just WROTE the MAN file from the previous cluster that had all my changes I wanted and crossed my fingers it would set the SMG cluster to manual and it did. so the SMG cluster immediately shut off the SMG screen and all is good with that bit.
Then i tried to tackle enabling M Track mode since this unit has the Track mode indicator I was looking for. I had no issues coding the cluster for that but i did have issues coding the MK60 unit. for some reason every time i try to read or write to the MK60 module in NCS, NCS just tells me COAPI Coding faulty.. I know i have done it before because thats how I enabled TPMS and i have backed up MK60 TRC files saved... I even tried writing a last known good backup of the MK60 TRC file as a proper MAN file but still got same error. its like the MK60 is in a bad state or something weird.
I moved on from that and wanted to tackle the Mileage issue with my new SMG cluster. it shows 74k miles and I need it to show 165k..
i got an awesome PM from ELCID86 / Shawn that showed a converstion between him and Terra where Terra showed a picture (link no broken) that said go to this screen and change your tire scaling to 1... and had more directions.
Since i cant see that screen shot, i figured in PASoft it was most likely the CODING DATA on the IKE but no matter what Cluster I install, every time i load the IKE in PASoft and click COding Data, PASoft just says "no coding data available"
its weird because i can still read and clear errors from it, reset service indicator info, copy FA/ZCS info etc... just no coding data options and a google image shows that there is an IKE Coding data dialog with options including a scaling option i saw.
back to the drawing board i suppose.
Im wondering if I can have my tuner who flashes my DME attempt to edit and code the matching VIN from the Cluster to the DME. maybe if we do that and I edit the LCM to have the proper higher mileage and VIN of the DME and IKE, then the DME and IKE will sync to the higher mileage from the LCM.
im just a coding hot mess lol, like a kid with good tools and no formal training.
05-10-2017, 07:26 PM
Is your DSC module from an M3 or from the 330i? If it's from the 330, you'll have to access it with the *EV53 code.
For PASoft, for some reason it's a bit buggy when accessing M3 clusters. If you go into the EEPROM to change the coding index to 08 (change the value at 0x317 from 24 to 08), then the coding submenu should work. If you leave the eeprom like that, you'll have to change the VO back to *EV53 to access it (but the cluster will be coded with 330i settings rather than M3 settings, so you may have to make other edits where relevant).
Cluster will not sync the mileage unless its mileage is zero and VIN mathces the LCM. DME VIN doesn't matter.
05-10-2017, 11:44 PM
Is your DSC module from an M3 or from the 330i? If it's from the 330, you'll have to access it with the *EV53 code.
For PASoft, for some reason it's a bit buggy when accessing M3 clusters. If you go into the EEPROM to change the coding index to 08 (change the value at 0x317 from 24 to 08), then the coding submenu should work. If you leave the eeprom like that, you'll have to change the VO back to *EV53 to access it (but the cluster will be coded with 330i settings rather than M3 settings, so you may have to make other edits where relevant).
Cluster will not sync the mileage unless its mileage is zero and VIN mathces the LCM. DME VIN doesn't matter.
as always i look forward to and appreciate the help.
th part for the MK60 is resolved. now I know that i i have my modules set to VO BL93 and if i want to code the MK60, i need to change back to VO EV53.
now for the cluster, i loaded up PASoft and have the 24H cluster in. I read the EEPROM Hex and it displays a bunch of binary info in the PASoft display. i lok down the left column and see may values that have the structure 0x000 and i look specifically for 0x318 and it does not exist. then i try searching with the binoculars button and try an ASCII search for 0x318 and also a hex search for 0x318 but can not find it.
I must be mis understanding or mis interpreting things I apologize
05-11-2017, 12:17 AM
never mind got it! searched hex offset and saw the position oyu were speaking of. i changed fro 24 to 08 and wrote and now I can acccess coding data whew.
since my cluster has 72695 miles and i need it o get close to 165000 and you mentioned earlier that now eveyr 1 mile = 8000 miles.
then 165000 - 72695 = 92,305 miles as what I need to go. 92,305 / 8000 = 11.53 miles I need to drive to catch up.
so ill go ou and drive somewhere short and small and carry my laptop with me fully charged ready to change the scaling back when i get my desired miles and once scaling is set back then i will change the coding index back from 08 to 24 and then change my VO from EV53 to BL93 to match my S54 setup and know that in the future I just need to keep switching back and forth between VOs and Coding indexes in specific scenarios.
my head hurts, thanks terra!
05-11-2017, 02:48 AM
^ glad you got it Shawn. And be sure you have a save place to pull over (school on the weekend, shopping center, etc). Those miles will literally fly by... I missed my target by a few miles.
05-11-2017, 09:06 AM
Made a video
woo hoo its working. drove 1.2 miles to work and went from 72k to over 80k lol. will do the rest later after work but its crazy how ni real time the mileage in creases like that.
Thanks so much Terra, I cant believe the stuff we have to go through to get this stuff to work, i guess having a swap just confounds it even more in some areas. i would have never thought about changing a coding index let alone where the value was stored in the BIN file down to the exact offset.
05-12-2017, 07:35 AM
end result finished yesterday with mileage back to where i need it to be. thanks soooooo much Terra for the help and wealth of information. you the real MVP! ( ( by Shawn Robertson (, on Flickr
06-13-2017, 01:26 PM
Glad I found this. Haven't had PA Soft recoding access to my M3 cluster since I've thrown it in. Cant stand the cluster beeping anymore
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