View Full Version : Gauging interest for o2 Simulators

04-29-2017, 01:45 PM
I have an old o2 simulator module I bought off a member that was made quite some time ago. It seems they aren't made anymore. If there is interest, I could reverse engineer the circuitry and start selling these again. It would require splicing your existing post cat o2 sensors into the unit as a heater circuit. This can be explained more in depth but I'm interested to see what people think. It currently works on my MS45.1 just fine. Should work on older e46s, but I don't know about Ms

I foresee there being 3 different options.

1. You ship me your post o2 sensors or a set from a similar year and model
2. I provide the o2 sensors myself for a cost
3. I ship you the simulator unit by itself and you will have to splice your connector onto it as well as your post o2 sensors

04-29-2017, 06:57 PM
interesting. i'd be interested in option 3.

04-30-2017, 09:00 AM
I've had a few people interested. Next week Ill start production and keep everyone updated. Let me know what you think reasonable pricing would be