View Full Version : ECS Tuning - FREE SHIPPING?!

07-19-2016, 10:16 AM
I was just on ECS' site grabbing some parts, and noticed the same parts I looked at a couple days ago, which had ~$15 in shipping costs, now had no shipping charges. Great, I thought! I also noticed the same free shipping listed for all eleventeen billinonty items on my saved "wishlist", double great! Then I notice at the top of the page in huge green letters...


Now I'm not sure how long this is going on, or if it's their new thing, but it's amazing! This is my favorite parts site, the only drawback was their sometimes ridiculous shipping charges. I just did a big smash & grab job, spent way over the budget just because the shipping was free. Anyhow, just thought I'd let everyone else know about the savings. That is all, please carry on

07-19-2016, 11:12 AM

07-19-2016, 01:06 PM
I will be using this. Thanks for the heads up!

07-19-2016, 03:08 PM
Nice, thank you! I hope it stays like this.

07-19-2016, 05:08 PM
ECS' shipping seems to be hit or miss...


07-20-2016, 04:45 AM
ECS' shipping seems to be hit or miss...


Then that person should have contacted ECS and dealt with it. While I agree their shipping prices are high, I have never had an issue with their packaging. That said, I do choose to shop over businesses, as I do not care for the way they have handled several incidents for myself.

Honestly, I wonder if their shipping costs are actual costs, and other companies are subsidizing these costs.

07-20-2016, 07:00 AM
I have never had an issue with an ECS order.

07-20-2016, 08:17 AM
I have never had an issue with an ECS order.

Same. Orders or returns...no issues.

07-20-2016, 09:14 AM
Honestly, I wonder if their shipping costs are actual costs, and other companies are subsidizing these costs.

Overall I think that ECS' pricing is lower than most, but high shipping costs unless you buy $200+. Whereas other sites have higher parts prices, but cheap/free shipping. You don't see the extra cost as much when it's built into the COGS, but ECS' extra shipping cost always seems to loom large at checkout. Shipping is expensive, even with negotiated carrier rates. It's possible that ECS has some % margin built into their shipping costs, a lot of companies (including mine) do it. I've always wondered how companies ship huge boxes of parts for free, and still make money. The markup on parts must be huuuge

Same. Orders or returns...no issues.

Agreed 100%! I personally love ECS, never had any issues and I've bought a S-load of stuff from them. Naturally there will be some instances where things don't go right, that's the nature of shipping (my field), but I'm sure ECS would happily replace damaged goods. Once upon a time I ordered some shocks and wasn't happy, so I returned them and got a second set, still not happy, so I returned them a got a 3rd set, which I was finally happy with. In the end they sent me 3 different sets of shocks because I wasn't happy with the ones I chose, no questions asked. I'd say that's great customer service.

Perhaps the afore mentioned "Milla Bimmer" and her VW parts should concentrate more on her collection of Ed Hardy hats and bedazzled jeans than her bf's R32 suspension packaging. Did I miss the part where there was any actual product damage?? Or was her gripe more with the packaging not being pretty? It's unfortunate that it's usually those type of people who write bad reviews

07-20-2016, 01:12 PM
I'm in no way ripping on ECS, I've never had a problem with them either. I have however seen more than one post regarding ECS' shipping on larger items where the packaging wasn't very good, which might not matter to some people. Either way free shipping FTW!