View Full Version : Is it too loud?? **Sound Deadening Project**

05-22-2016, 04:21 PM
I mean your road noise...

I decided to take up an offer from my friend help my car with his sound deadening skills as he has done multiple BMWs with success on each of them. He'll go all out on every panel while keeping weight down.

My goal was to control the exhaust resonance that my Eisenmann Race muffler gives off at 2,500RPM to 3,000RPM under load.

What I did:
First, we started with the door panels. They are somewhat easy to access panels which are large and not broken up by folds and creases. When you tap on the exterior door panel you will hear a slight echo after like hitting an empty tin can. That slight "post tap" echo will happen whenever the panel receives a vibration.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7620/27177129525_472c0cb4df_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HpxTLH)

Since it's a place you don't access all the time my friend said we want to give dynamat a surface that it can hold onto without falling off because the last you want is a piece of loose dynamat rattling on the bottom of the door. We used a simple degreaser to clean the inside surface.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7165/27177130965_075a1dda26_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HpxUcx)

After letting it hang out for a couple minutes we agitated it with a rough sponge and rinsed it all out which also helped in clearing all the dirt collected at the bottom of the door thus cleaning out the gutters and opening for water to evacuate in wet conditions.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7789/27177132515_2073245ef7_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HpxUEg)

We towel dried the panels as much as we can and let it air dry while the dynamat cutting happened.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7217/27177134365_01be3a1e5b_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HpxVda)

My friend has had good success in using 3" squares which are NOT exact. He said not to worry about it being exact as different sizes will reduce different frequencies so you'll end up targeting a higher dynamic of sounds with uneven sizes.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7666/27177136265_c5f8a29724_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HpxVLV)

On the panel, you pick around the middle of it and place a square there. You then tap with your fingernail on the outside he head how solid that tap sounds and you work your way away from that zone until the sound changes back to the tinny echo. That seemed to be 3" so we put another square after 3" and so on until you got as much as you can go with the limited space your hands can reach in. We used a tennis ball to press the dynamat onto the panel by either rubbing or rolling it around on it for a solid adhesion.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7341/27082063892_8c27162e98_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Hg9E55)

After dynamat was done my friend measured out strips of foam dynaliner to put over the panel and dynamat. This stuff is really light.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7341/27177140895_228a14dcbc_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HpxX9K)

You can see we just covered the panel taller strips. My friend cut them longer lengthwise so we didn't need as many pieces to fit it in the panel but small enough to manage so it doesn't flop around and stick everywhere else. The method to attach without the sticky side controlling our peace was to fold the non sticky side over and pull it off after we get the piece mounted right.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7148/27180968045_fe4056452c_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HpTyQ6)

Once that's done, put everything back together!

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7165/26576557073_55db9b34fa_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/GutNvg)

We attacked the rear fenders and trunk in the same way as the door panels. A lot less dynamat was used in the trunk because there are so many creases that minimize vibration already. The rear fenders are smooth and large so you'll need more dynamat to reduce the vibrations since there are few creases to minimize those sounds.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7497/26576557353_583d2b3341_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/GutNA6)

My results:
More of "other" things I wanted by in a positive way

When I tap on the panels that were dynamatted/lined it was just met with a solid THUD rather than a ping. Opening and closing the doors are followed with a deep bass with no post vibration so it sounds more like a safe but not quite like a bulletproof vehicle which I get to travel in when I'm on my Central America mission trips.

High frequency road noise is minimized. Running over small rocks, sand kicked up into the fender liners, sharp shock absorbed impacts are reduced and met with a solid feel. You may think your car is solid sounding already since there are no squeaks but this just damps it even more without losing any connection to the road that we love so much.

Low frequency exhaust drone is still there (maybe reduced a tiny amount) but anything high frequency on my setup, S54 rasp...is dramatically reduced so inside the car I hear mostly mid to low tones. WOT past 4,000RPM sounds even better because the engine induction sound has been greatly defined inside the cabin.

What I learned:
Sound deadening panels with dynamat and dynaliner seems to work best for minimizing mostly high frequency vibrations. Resonance (my exhaust tone) is more of a low to mid tone which is birthed and builds up over a larger areas of metal so it's much more difficult to localize compared to getting rid of a rattle or a quick high frequency "ping".

How much weight did I add?
I think I might have used one to two pounds at most. Heavy dynamat is used sparingly but enough to damp vibrations. Dynaliner is much lighter so is is used in larger sized pieces. I'm not sure exactly how much was used currently because my friend has loads of it in bulk at his place to do many cars.

How to improve?
I am going to work on the trunk and rear fenders a bit more. The rear passenger seating surface hasn't been touched and I haven't tried pulling off the interior rear side panels to access the middle of the car which I want to do. Hope some of my new found experience and knowledge helps. I can say for sure that everyone will get different results. Not everyone's car setup is the same and not everyone's geographical location and road conditions are the same.

05-22-2016, 04:39 PM
Coo idea! It's already pretty muffled and buttery in there for me.

Wonder if the greater intake sound is there because you may have muffled the sound of the engine more?

05-22-2016, 04:45 PM
The engine is more low and mid frequency. I still hear all the mechanical sounds of the engine. Because nothing extra is deadening the sound of my engine bay and front firewall. The S54 makes a lot of high frequency rasp which can get loud and overwhelm mid tones versus an M54 which is smooth all the way. I feel S54 induction is louder than M54 intake induction probably from the individual throttle bodies.

05-22-2016, 04:54 PM
Nice write up. Adding a link to a product I've been using on most of my cars for the last 6-8 years.
Here is their how-to guide.


I tend to be a bit more heavy on the mat material and get as much on the surface (inside of door, etc. as I can). This does add more weight.

I all just did under my rear seat.
The OE dampening material is pretty thin in the doors and under the rear seat. And by this point the under seat stuff is pretty brittle. I did not cover over the two fuel tank access ports with the mat, but left the OE rubber. I did however cover them with the liner but cut a circle out in case I need to access it later.




05-22-2016, 04:57 PM
I want to for sure do that with my car when I have more time. When I had to do fuel pump and jet pump diagnosing, my car's OEM rubber liner crumbled like dried up chewing gum!! So most of it is in the garbage.

05-22-2016, 05:04 PM
I want to for sure do that with my car when I have more time. When I had to do fuel pump and jet pump diagnosing, my car's OEM rubber liner crumbled like dried up chewing gum!! So most of it is in the garbage.

Same here. I left the crumbs there until today.... I wish I'd thought to do my rear deck while I had it out to paint it a few months ago. I saw a guy on the FB page did his (but didn't paint it)...

I need to do my trunk next.

05-22-2016, 05:12 PM
Looks like Amazon carries several flavor sod mat, etc. (use the affiliate link if you buy)



05-22-2016, 05:23 PM
Thanks for posting this, Trevor!

Definitely will do this when I finally commit to either keeping my ZHP interior or swapping over to my M3 interior.

When you pulled back the foam liner on the doors to access the sheet metal itself, did you reseal it with anything or did you just use the same stuff that was already there? Also, what's up with the tennis ball?

05-22-2016, 05:25 PM
Thanks for this! when I added dynamat I just applied it to the door cards, I think I'm going to get some more and apply it to the actually doors like you did, as well as under the rear seats like Shawn did.


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05-22-2016, 05:26 PM
Just used the razor blade to cut it free so there is some black stuff on the door and the vapor barrier. Then just press it all back down when closing it back up! My passenger size was not even sealed up at the bottom but no water leaked in so I just duct taped it back along with whatever black sealant that stuck. In hindsight you should have new sealant ready to go to replace if the existing sealant if dry and can't stick anymore.

Tennis ball was to massage the dynamat onto the panel!

05-22-2016, 05:41 PM
Thanks for posting this, Trevor!

Definitely will do this when I finally commit to either keeping my ZHP interior or swapping over to my M3 interior.

When you pulled back the foam liner on the doors to access the sheet metal itself, did you reseal it with anything or did you just use the same stuff that was already there? Also, what's up with the tennis ball?

I've had good success with butyl tape.


05-22-2016, 06:46 PM
I've had good success with butyl tape.


Just bought some of this too! Seems to hold quite nicely.

05-22-2016, 07:03 PM
Wonder if that works good for falling coupe window trim. LOL

das boots
05-22-2016, 07:52 PM
I'm probably going to need this on my E30 M3 on the back and seat bench and trunk area. It has a Billy Boat exhaust muffler.

05-22-2016, 07:57 PM
Do it! :) The friend that offered his service has an E30 wagon with Rogue Engineering exhaust and an E30 vert. Both of them are hardcore sound deadened and are amazing to be inside when on the road!

05-22-2016, 09:01 PM
Thanks a lot Trevor. I will be using this guide in the future.

das boots
05-23-2016, 07:26 AM
Do it! :) The friend that offered his service has an E30 wagon with Rogue Engineering exhaust and an E30 vert. Both of them are hardcore sound deadened and are amazing to be inside when on the road!

Could you ask him where else he installed them in the E30 aside from back and seat bench? I know the trunk area is also a must do.

05-23-2016, 06:33 PM
Awesome write up. I did this for my BRZ as it was way to loud. Catless headers with a 3" exhaust. The drone made my brain go numb after awhile.

For those on a budget, here is a tip to help the wallet(and weight savings). I've had great success with Butyl based products. I ended up using a construction product meant for roofing and flashing. I was researching sound mat material when I came across a product by Protecto. I had used their construction material before, and was wondering what the difference was between their acoustic mat and their construction product, which came in rolls 6" or 12" wide.

The main difference was the thickness of the product, with the construction mat being half as thick. The construction mat also did not have an aluminum face. Both were butyl based. I ended up finding a butyl product with an aluminum face for about 1/3rd the cost of a sound deadening mat. Also, being half as thick, i ended up saving some weight. I did double layers in a few areas and having it in a 6" wide roll really helped for applying it.

Anyways, a few pictures from the BRZ. I used 4 rolls total, each rolled weighed 4.5lbs. Made a world of difference!

05-24-2016, 05:29 AM
Wonder if that works good for falling coupe window trim. LOL

do you mean the rubber seal around the rear side windows?

awesome job, trevor!! :cheers

05-24-2016, 10:27 AM
So my next project was to clean up the rear passenger seat area since it was a little messy from last time I serviced the fuel pump under the rear seats. This is what happened...

I came to this mess. The rubber could have been use on Grandma's apple crumble...that's how broken down the rubber insulation was. It also weighted a lot!

https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7788/26616519754_fd6b73fe97_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Gy1C21)[/url]

Fortunately, Grandma's apple crumble was spared and all the rubber was thrown out, saving for a sweet dessert. This is the look after the rear was vacuumed clean:

https://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7130/26616518524_c6d6dc3e03_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Gy1C21)

Since the dynamat is nowhere near the weight of the OEM rubber lining that was thrown out, larger pieces than the 3" square door panels were used to lay over the seating area. Since pressure is put onto this surface, the black goo that holds everything on could squeeze out. Be sure to use something to shield the goo. Aluminum ducting tape was used to line all edges to keep things clean.

https://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7367/26616517684_1c4ac8194e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Gy1BDN)

After that was done, dynaliner was layed over in sections to clean up sections that weren't covered by dynamat and to provide a difference frequency of noise reduction.

https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7417/26616516794_36c2ac7278_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Gy1Bpj)[url=https://flic.kr/p/Gy1B8Y]

How much extra weight did this section add?
The OEM rubber lining was probably 10lbs. The added dynamat and dynaliner was probably just over 1lbs.

What changed in ride quality?
At first I didn't notice because it is subtle. After a while of driving with my friend in the car for 30 minutes, I noticed how I could speak to him in a normal relaxed volume without fighting the sound from road noise and suspension travel. This car is starting to feel more refined without adding any weight.

05-24-2016, 11:36 AM
Great info, thanks for posting.

When you say you used tape on the dynamat, do you mean just around all the exposed edges of the mat?

Also, how much dynamat/liner have you used for the doors and seats in total? Where did you source it from?

Finally, any plans to do up more locations such as the rear quarter panel behind the passenger door cards and in the trunk?

05-24-2016, 11:48 AM
The only two places I've not gone is the rear passenger side fender and the roof. I just got rasp terminators welded onto a new section 1 that I need to install so I can further what I want in sound so that will probably be more of the priority to change the exhaust gas flow rate through the muffler to reduce some deep toned drone. I wanted to do the rear siding just so it doest sound as hollow as the rear fender and side door. I couldn't find a decent DIY to remove that quickly so I didn't bother yet. I don't want to pull my front door inner trim off and total my job in 3M taping it...LOL.

I used the aluminium tape to mask the exposed edges, yes. I haven't used very much and I haven't really measured. I'm guessing about 12 - 3" squares were used in each door panel and maybe 4 used in each rear quarter panel. The trunk is all you see in the picture since there are a lot of creases and bends to silent resonance already. The back seat is as you see, 3 big panels on each side.

My friend sources it out locally when a parts place has a convention and fire sale on it so he buys case loads. His garage seems to have a large supply of it!

05-24-2016, 01:04 PM
I don't see the need for the tape as you will never be in there again accept perhaps for fuel pump replacement.

05-24-2016, 06:04 PM
I don't want that goo squishing out and sticking to the foam underside of the rear seat. It could make for a messy experience and that black stuff is very stubborn to remove once it gets on any surface. I had to cut of off my fleece because it was permanent sticky.

05-24-2016, 07:01 PM
I don't want that goo squishing out and sticking to the foam underside of the rear seat. It could make for a messy experience and that black stuff is very stubborn to remove once it gets on any surface. I had to cut of off my fleece because it was permanent sticky.

I ended up with a long scrap strip stuck to my leg. Good god it hurt coming off. Looked like i waxed my shin.

I can see the extra step to cover u the edges. That goo will stick to any and everything.

05-25-2016, 02:47 PM
I don't want that goo squishing out and sticking to the foam underside of the rear seat. It could make for a messy experience and that black stuff is very stubborn to remove once it gets on any surface. I had to cut of off my fleece because it was permanent sticky.

Ahh. Ok. The RAAM has a grey sticky side and I covered it with the foam material.

"ZHP is a garbage option anyway- just some cosmetic upgrades with a different cam and diff to claw back some of the performance lost fitting those hideous and heavy wheels. Any 330 with a 3.46 diff will smoke a ZHP every time. The whole Mafia thing reeks of childish behavior." - anonymous

05-25-2016, 04:39 PM
Could you ask him where else he installed them in the E30 aside from back and seat bench? I know the trunk area is also a must do.

He said that the most noticeable changes are door panels. Then rear seat bench. He also did fenders and trunk. He hasn't needed to do the roof.

05-26-2016, 05:49 AM
Good work Trevor! I would like to do this as well. The Dynamat is so dam pricey. [emoji51]

das boots
05-26-2016, 06:10 AM
He said that the most noticeable changes are door panels. Then rear seat bench. He also did fenders and trunk. He hasn't needed to do the roof.

Ok. Thanks.

05-26-2016, 02:11 PM
Good work Trevor! I would like to do this as well. The Dynamat is so dam pricey. [emoji51]

I haven't looked how does it compare to the RAAMat or stuff on Amazon?

05-26-2016, 02:30 PM
There must be a much cheaper alternative. I don't see it being super scientific about material used.

05-26-2016, 02:48 PM
Good work Trevor! I would like to do this as well. The Dynamat is so dam pricey. [emoji51]

I just bought some of this stuff. 18 square feet for 35 bucks. Seems slightly cheaper than dynamat. I'm sure 18 sq feet is plenty.


I also bought some dynaliner equivalent by the same brand. 35sq feet for 50 bucks. Im going to try to use this stuff for tackling a few rattles I have near the dash as well.


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05-26-2016, 03:35 PM
I used that $35 stuff in the Prius. Was very impressed considering the price.

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das boots
05-26-2016, 06:56 PM
I just bought some of this stuff. 18 square feet for 35 bucks. Seems slightly cheaper than dynamat. I'm sure 18 sq feet is plenty.


I also bought some dynaliner equivalent by the same brand. 35sq feet for 50 bucks. Im going to try to use this stuff for tackling a few rattles I have near the dash as well.


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Let us know how this comes out especially with a 157 mil thickness. I don't know how much sound insulation a 80 mil thick would do. Kinda thin.

05-27-2016, 06:27 AM
Interesting. I tried dynamat in my trunk to remove the exhaust drone but just went back to a modded OEM muffler to remove it. I don't believe I hear any intake like I did on the M54 since the metallic sounds of the S54 overwhelm and at WOT it is a pretty even mix of exhaust and engine. Maybe I'm hearing the intake but it is just not what I'm used to hearing from the M54.

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05-22-2017, 09:08 AM
Just came across this thread and wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your method/results.

Also confused as to why there isn't an update about the change in acoustics with the CSL trunk lid?????

05-22-2017, 09:15 AM
Just came across this thread and wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your method/results.

Also confused as to why there isn't an update about the change in acoustics with the CSL trunk lid?????

An ass that thicc has to muffle exterior noise to some extent.

05-22-2017, 10:10 AM
Just came across this thread and wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your method/results.

Also confused as to why there isn't an update about the change in acoustics with the CSL trunk lid?????


CSL lid isn't made of metal. It's sound resonance is controlled and sporty with a bit of a lip. But you can't hear it, you can only see it. [emoji23]