View Full Version : 'Tail of the Dragon' Multi- Chapter Fall Drive

09-17-2015, 06:41 AM
I received this Email from my BMWCCA chapter last night and thought some of you might be interested. If you are interested and a non-member, you will need to join BMWCCA before the event. I'm personally interest but, haven't made the commitment yet.


November 13th - 15th; Old Hickory BMW CCA is joing up with 6 other BMW CCA chapters for a HUGE multi-chapter event in the North Carolina and Tennessee mountains!

All club members are invited to come and drive the infamous, 'Tail of the Dragon' for our fall drive.

River City Bimmers has contracted a group rate for 16 rooms in the main lodge of the Fontana Village Resort, the group rate is $99 a night and to be able to use this rate you will need to call the main number to make your reservation and mention you are with the River City Bimmers - Bmwcca Chapter group. These rates will only go for a month, so keep in mind that you need to do this before October 13th!!!! After this date, the non-booked rooms will be released. You can still book rooms if they are available after the cut-off date at regular rates.

Fontana Village puts you in the heart of the 'Dragon', Cherohala Skyway, and other great drives for the weekend. This is also a great social meet/greet with (hosted on Friday night, not just ourselves, but for the other clubs as well. Driving will be done Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon is open for those interested in doing some shopping. Then Saturday night, a social-dinner hosted by River City Bimmers. Sunday, drivers can return home at their convenience (or do some other fantastic roads!)

Please call the number below to make your reservation: 828-498-2211
You can also check out the resorts website at http://www.fontanavillage.com/ (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YPuQ1kKb2NiHtoI82iXEHEP2EhLVkeH5X2P3-x4fCa9boKZ_R_OdhLxUjAETquOKjf5-NZgJk9fHoHd7Ut57LKm3qLv1pjRr0fcle965yj9DWByVz-rUC5AcSVgV904KOUUm-q-34BhqPvHMr0SEQiXYdv_YbhYZXpfQwSF5lTOrn16uuMkReg==&c=hI3RoawqTNzsGowh2WdC1pGrTclKU0ubAIb9V2VT5PMIzFdX D7M-Bw==&ch=RRrLzkMWuvRUoEZUZuRXCk6M4WNIrBnkeMK9j5O6NBkehKI IKuL-Rw==)

To view the events Facebook page, you can go to www.facebook.com/events/1464629340515195/ (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YPuQ1kKb2NiHtoI82iXEHEP2EhLVkeH5X2P3-x4fCa9boKZ_R_OdhLxUjAETquOKLfbURd23KVRMAthYxMbXAqV xpgmqKiRwXOEAwOL3Ya0LcP3X24zpd6romb188uTOPRr4a3XGk 0GF-TG4dhd560ED171KcPCEM_W4WF2gWDW6dfWcGZwTdIzORAlURpk w_QS222g381lbjpWci3f_Dw==&c=hI3RoawqTNzsGowh2WdC1pGrTclKU0ubAIb9V2VT5PMIzFdX D7M-Bw==&ch=RRrLzkMWuvRUoEZUZuRXCk6M4WNIrBnkeMK9j5O6NBkehKI IKuL-Rw==)

Some of the other clubs in attendance will be - Heart Of Dixie, Cho Choo Bimmers, Peachtree Chapter, Sandlapper, Tarheel, and Mountain State.

If you are planning to attend, please RSVP with Joe Questel as soon as possible so that we have an accurate count of how many members will be attending. Joe can be reached at president@oldhickorybmwcca.org (president@oldhickorybmwcca.org;joe@questel.net?su bject=I%20am%20RSVP'ing%20for%20the%20%22Tail%20of %20the%20Dragon'%20Multi-Chapter%20Fall%20Drive) or by phone/text at 615-714-6662

11-20-2015, 06:01 AM
Here is a link to a bunch of pix from the ride. Looks like they had a blast, and there were a few ZHP's in attendance. Unfortunately, we didn't make this one. Definitely would like to attend next year.
