View Full Version : How much did you pay for your ZHP - Data Collection/Consolidation

08-19-2015, 08:39 AM
EDIT (3/1/17): I'm obviously not on this site any more as I ended up buying an e90. I did realize today that my data collection chart was still being used by wasn't updating correctly. I fixed it and it should be working correctly again. If it screws up again you can find me on e90post.com

What I've done is created a way to catalog some key data from your ZHP purchases with the idea that it would help buyers and sellers know what ZHPs are going for.

So, rather than enter your data as a comment, simply fill out this:
form. (http://goo.gl/forms/2iW70BOs5x)

As an example of things you can do with the data, I will plot purchase price vs. miles at purchase for purchases made 2013 and later. The chart can be found here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Qa-IsFZg-R6xwzNLtjOnvJ8D5MAouVohCgncUqVUcRY/pubchart?oid=971723211&format=interactive).

If you want to see all the data collected, go here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Qa-IsFZg-R6xwzNLtjOnvJ8D5MAouVohCgncUqVUcRY/edit?usp=sharing).

Let me know if you think other data should be collect with the understanding, the more you ask for the less likely people are to enter it.

Updated links as of 4.9.16

Form: http://goo.gl/forms/tQRDd0wIkE

Chart of miles vs. purchase price since 2014: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FUWpdcPerF3UNTwj5AQoMDn-1MTfdhRaylJr7lGTmtw/pubchart?oid=289040793&format=interactive

All response data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FUWpdcPerF3UNTwj5AQoMDn-1MTfdhRaylJr7lGTmtw/edit?usp=sharing

08-19-2015, 09:03 AM
This should be very helpful, especially if it can be populated by older data as well.

EDIT: is there any way to add the purchase date to each data point on the graph? I think that would help give some historical perspective but I have no idea how powerful Google's graphing software is.

08-19-2015, 09:19 AM
EDIT: is there any way to add the purchase date to each data point on the graph? I think that would help give some historical perspective but I have no idea how powerful Google's graphing software is.

Awesome idea. This though would be a big factor in what the car is worth today. I mean... buying a ZHP with the same mileage today for the same price as what they went for 5 years ago is crazy talk, which I'm seeing a lot of recently.

Thanks for making this form. It definitely makes it easier to see than having to read through a huge thread that we have on here.

08-19-2015, 09:20 AM
This should be very helpful, especially if it can be populated by older data as well.

EDIT: is there any way to add the purchase date to each data point on the graph? I think that would help give some historical perspective but I have no idea how powerful Google's graphing software is.

Not that I know how. The features seem to be pretty limited. One of course could always copy the spreadsheet and remove the data they didn't care about.
I could probably figure out a way to only include the last 18 months or so in the plot. I'll have to thing of a way to automate that, but for now, it's time to go back to work.

08-19-2015, 09:28 AM

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

08-19-2015, 09:44 AM
Not that I know how. The features seem to be pretty limited. One of course could always copy the spreadsheet and remove the data they didn't care about.
I could probably figure out a way to only include the last 18 months or so in the plot. I'll have to thing of a way to automate that, but for now, it's time to go back to work.

Hmm. Thinking about it, if I was to input my data now, I'd have the only car with 75k on it purchased for $18k amongst the existing entries, which on the plot would make it seem like I way overpaid for my car, when in reality I bought it for average asking price. It was 5 years ago though, so that's an important data point.

Too bad the data plot can't reflect that. Otherwise, I love this idea.
If anything, the month/year purchased could just be a text only field on the main spreadsheet, so that if someone wants to see why a particular point on the plot is so far off, they could just look it up. :dunno

I didn't even know Google had this feature. Pretty neat!

EDIT: I just went to fill the form out and noticed the "what year did you buy it in" section... was that always there (did I miss it) or did you just add it?

08-19-2015, 10:28 AM
EDIT: I just went to fill the form out and noticed the "what year did you buy it in" section... was that always there (did I miss it) or did you just add it?

I think it was always there... I remember filling it out in the morning...

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08-19-2015, 11:02 AM
very handy.....added my info

08-19-2015, 11:42 AM
Ok, I modified the link in the original post to only plot purchases from 2013 to present. Hopefully this will make the data more relevant. If we get more data points, I can restrict the plot to only 2014-2015 purchases.

I think it's fully automated but won't know for sure until someone else adds a recent purchase.

08-19-2015, 01:00 PM
the car's condition will invariably affect it's price - i got a great deal on mine, but i've also put a lot into it to bring it up to where it should be. can we add a column for "what did it cost to make it 100%" or something like that?


08-19-2015, 01:22 PM
I agree with the previous poster's comments and suggestions. My price paid is an extreme low data point. I bought a convertible with an inoperable top, so it was a low price. The downside is the convertible repair and overall maintenance expenditures when added to the original price now puts the car well into the high range for its mileage. I went into the process knowing this was a likely scenario and, sure enough, the expected worst case happened. It may be good to have an additional column where we list initial maintenance expenditures.

08-20-2015, 04:27 PM
Nice idea, it reminds me of the market analysis cargurus.com does for used cars.
Except the axes on the graph are reversed so that mileage is on the X axis.

Of course though, that carguru analysis is not restricted to ZHPs, it does all 3 series. But you get a good idea if you limit the years to the ZHP production and do an unlimited search (miles away from you).

Like Here. (http://www.cargurus.com/Cars/inventorylisting/viewDetailsFilterViewInventoryListing.action?sourc eContext=carGurusHomePage_false_0&newSearchFromOverviewPage=true&inventorySearchWidgetType=AUTO&entitySelectingHelper.selectedEntity=c22255&entitySelectingHelper.selectedEntity2=c22261&zip=40503&distance=NATIONWIDE&searchChanged=true&modelChanged=false&filtersModified=true#listing=121502547) Need to click View Anlysis to see the graph.

08-23-2015, 05:29 PM
Bump for visibility.

08-25-2015, 06:32 AM
Did you use the prices in the "what did you pay" forum?

08-25-2015, 08:06 AM
Did you use the prices in the "what did you pay" forum?

The spreadsheet he has set up looks like the data entries are pretty much all purchases in the last 3-4 years so I don't think he's gone back and put the data points in from the "how much did you pay" thread (http://www.zhpmafia.com/forums/showthread.php?376-BMW-330-ZHP-Prices-How-Much-Did-You-Pay). I'd be willing to go through and input it once I have a little time.

@Shenanigans, I think the graph isn't updating automatically. A handful of the newest data points haven't inserted themselves even though they're in the last year or two.

08-31-2015, 01:32 PM
Added my info.

09-18-2015, 06:30 AM
Data Added. :helicopter

11-04-2015, 10:41 AM

12-03-2015, 12:51 PM
Bump for new members.

Go Horns!
12-31-2015, 11:42 AM
This is going to be awesome if anyone ever has to make an insurance claim.

I was looking at a new car, so I let the dealer appraise it. The salesman knows I'm an enthusiast, so he apologized befoe even giving me the number. He also told me not to take it. $5,000 for a 92k ZHP sedan with a 6MT.

12-31-2015, 03:38 PM

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

02-05-2016, 04:25 PM
Bump for the handful of new members with recent purchases.

02-25-2016, 06:29 AM
I think I got the best deal on here. :roundel

02-25-2016, 09:14 AM
I wish Shenanigans could update the graph, but he hasn't logged on since late October.

I think I got the best deal on here. :roundel

Which was yours?

02-25-2016, 10:59 AM
Which was yours?

2600 out the door with TTL, 119k, 6mt, 05, 1 owner

02-25-2016, 11:33 AM
2600 out the door with TTL, 119k, 6mt, 05, 1 owner

HOW!!?? Lol

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02-25-2016, 12:00 PM
HOW!!?? Lol

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Probably gave him an offer he couldn't refuse.

He is in the Mafia, after all.

02-25-2016, 12:03 PM
I work at a dealer. A lady that took exceptional care of it since new with documentation came in to trade it. My manager looked at going rate for a 330 at auction and it needed lots of PDR that I completed and a ton of detail work that I did as well.

It also needed a VCG which was visually leaking and a wheel bearing. All said and done I have a perfect ZHP for about $4,600 including an alternator, all the idlers, oil pan gasket, rtabs, VCG, Wheel bearing front control arm bushings and a few other things.

I absolutely love it and when/if I do decide to sell there will be a special Mafia member price.

02-25-2016, 12:11 PM
Man, you can't beat that deal ... congrats !

02-25-2016, 12:24 PM
2600 out the door with TTL, 119k, 6mt, 05, 1 owner

Man, you can't beat that deal ... congrats !

that's not a deal - that's a steal! :)

seriously, though - D1ESEL/chris was in the right place at the right time. good job, man!! :)

02-25-2016, 02:26 PM
2600 out the door with TTL, 119k, 6mt, 05, 1 owner

Wow that is a steal...I think my deal was probably about the best until yours. Mine was $3500 for a '04 330i with 128k miles, all records, and in the same family since new.

Congratulations on your deal!

02-25-2016, 03:00 PM
Just added my info in. I feel like I got a pretty good deal. I forgot to minus the $150 the dealer sent back to me in a check. The dealer actually sent me money back! I had two problems that neither of us identified during the test drive and he comped the prices of the parts. Neither of us ran the heater nor the windshield fluid sprayers.

3rd owner of mine. First owner leased it for a year, ~12,000 miles. Second owner had it since up to 104,000. I've put on around 1,500 so far

03-01-2016, 10:10 AM
I recently picked up a 2005 silver gray 6MT 330ci with 90k for $12,000. It has the Alcantara cloth interior.

03-08-2016, 07:34 PM
My 04ci (Imola/tan) with 68,000 auto from California was $9300. Fair price, I think.

03-09-2016, 05:32 AM
My '04 CiC had 47k miles, SBG on NBL, auto. All original paint. Paid $9,000. It was a trade-in where I work and was too old for us to sell.

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03-09-2016, 08:13 AM
Post your data in the survey if you haven't already: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14XdrAhidun45ur4E8LJGeyaC-YFYo2cqYWLTCh0OJ1Q/viewform?c=0&w=1

03-09-2016, 08:24 AM

04-07-2016, 10:31 AM
Added mine.

04-07-2016, 04:05 PM
Added mine.

Good stuff!

Sadly, Shenanigans, who originally set up this thread and the spreadsheet and so forth, hasn't logged in since last October. I've sent him a PM to try and see if he can clean up the stuff a bit, but he hasn't responded. I'm contemplating trying to do my own spreadsheet/graph that I'll populate with his info and then any additional info, but it'll be more up to date since I'm a lot more active.

04-08-2016, 08:28 PM
So I went ahead and remade the survey and input all the original data so I can work to keep it more up to date since Shenanigans hasn't been active. Not sure if an admin wants to put in the links into the original post, (or if that's possible), put them below the original post, or do nothing at all. At any rate, but here they are:

Form: http://goo.gl/forms/tQRDd0wIkE

Chart of miles vs. purchase price since 2013: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FUWpdcPerF3UNTwj5AQoMDn-1MTfdhRaylJr7lGTmtw/pubchart?oid=289040793&format=interactive

All response data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FUWpdcPerF3UNTwj5AQoMDn-1MTfdhRaylJr7lGTmtw/edit?usp=sharing

04-09-2016, 08:00 AM

Sent from an S6 Edge

04-09-2016, 09:13 AM
Awesome, appreciate it. I didn't want to overstep on Shenanigans' great work, but he hasn't been around for so long, not sure if he'll be back.

04-09-2016, 10:32 AM
Posted two of my purchases.

04-09-2016, 01:04 PM
Sweet, thanks! :thumbsup

05-02-2016, 10:50 AM
Bump for the new members. I'll update the graph soon.

Dr Dynamite
05-02-2016, 02:17 PM
2005 Mystic blue 330i ZHP with 229k miles...... paid 8,000$

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

05-02-2016, 06:18 PM
2005 Mystic blue 330i ZHP with 229k miles...... paid 8,000$

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

Put it into the survey below if you haven't already:


Dr Dynamite
05-03-2016, 09:45 AM
Put it into the survey below if you haven't already:

Sweet! It is registered now. Thx Curves

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

05-03-2016, 12:01 PM
2005 Mystic blue 330i ZHP with 229k miles...... paid 8,000$

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Isn't that kind high for a car with that many miles ?

Dr Dynamite
05-03-2016, 12:39 PM
Isn't that kind high for a car with that many miles ?
Yes, yes it is. [emoji28] [emoji592]

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

05-03-2016, 11:12 PM
Sweet! It is registered now. Thx Curves

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

Updated, thanks!

Anyone know how to make the output interactive graph larger in a browser?

08-22-2016, 11:13 AM
Bump for new members

08-22-2016, 11:16 AM
I looked for this thread the other day, but didnt find it. IMHO, this could be a better place for it :


08-24-2016, 11:07 AM
Just realized that mine isn't on there:( lol
2004 TiAg Manual Sedan
Bought in 2016
Odometer reading at purchase: 99,949mi
Purchase price: $10,000
Travelled from Chicago to Ashburn, VA to get it, so 500+miles

If I'm missing anything let me know
Thanks :)

08-24-2016, 11:53 AM
Just realized that mine isn't on there:( lol
2004 TiAg Manual Sedan
Bought in 2016
Odometer reading at purchase: 99,949mi
Purchase price: $10,000
Travelled from Chicago to Ashburn, VA to get it, so 500+miles

If I'm missing anything let me know
Thanks :)

Cooil! You can go ahead and stick it in the survey if you haven't already: http://goo.gl/forms/tQRDd0wIkE

08-25-2016, 07:59 AM
Cooil! You can go ahead and stick it in the survey if you haven't already: http://goo.gl/forms/tQRDd0wIkE

Oh awesome thanks, didn't realize there was a survey

08-25-2016, 09:49 AM
Oh awesome thanks, didn't realize there was a survey


08-25-2016, 10:31 AM
I added my info. I didn't know that it exists.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

10-14-2016, 10:16 PM
Bump for the influx of new members

10-19-2016, 03:27 PM
Hello! I posted mine the other day on the old thread-- didn't realize it was old.

2006 330ci ZHP 6MT silver gray metallic. It has the premium package. Not the cold weather, however it does have the xenon headlights and heated seats. Harman Kardon system as well. Bought it with 67,300 on the clock. The exterior I would rate it a 8/10, only because there is two small nicks on the bumper and a few barely visible on the door pictured. The interior I would say 9/10 l, normal wear and tear but no rips or tears anywhere. Used leather conditioner regularly so it's held up rather nicely (the interior has no alcantara; full leather. Not sure if this is all 2006's). I paid 13,000 in September 2016. May have overpaid by a bit.

Tried to be detailed in my description to accurately add to your guys' numbers. :)

10-19-2016, 04:06 PM
Hello! I posted mine the other day on the old thread-- didn't realize it was old.

2006 330ci ZHP 6MT silver gray metallic. It has the premium package. Not the cold weather, however it does have the xenon headlights and heated seats. Harman Kardon system as well. Bought it with 67,300 on the clock. The exterior I would rate it a 8/10, only because there is two small nicks on the bumper and a few barely visible on the door pictured. The interior I would say 9/10 l, normal wear and tear but no rips or tears anywhere. Used leather conditioner regularly so it's held up rather nicely (the interior has no alcantara; full leather. Not sure if this is all 2006's). I paid 13,000 in September 2016. May have overpaid by a bit.

Tried to be detailed in my description to accurately add to your guys' numbers. :)

That's a fair price. My 06 looks identical to yours, full leather & HK, but minus the xenon and heated seats. 76K miles for $11,791 plus shipping, back in February........

10-19-2016, 05:05 PM
That's a fair price. My 06 looks identical to yours, full leather & HK, but minus the xenon and heated seats. 76K miles for $11,791 plus shipping, back in February........
Well that's good to hear, I was quite afraid I had overpaid but so far no problems. All I'm finding the more I drive and look at it is that the previous owner really was meticulous.

10-20-2016, 04:43 AM
Well that's good to hear, I was quite afraid I had overpaid but so far no problems. All I'm finding the more I drive and look at it is that the previous owner really was meticulous.

I paid $14k for an 06 coupe with 95k miles 2 years ago, you did well...

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10-20-2016, 10:30 AM
I paid $14k for an 06 coupe with 95k miles 2 years ago, you did well...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again, great to hear. He was asking 15.5k and maybe rightfully so, but he needed the money for a house so I guess my gain.

11-03-2016, 06:42 PM
Bump for the handful of new members. Survey link is here:

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe96fFgo6zGD27BXd9yegPlK29DrAK_yAmV8s5MQOnJ AS6Wsw/viewform?c=0&w=1

12-06-2016, 09:15 AM
Just picked up a new one... and I added it to the doc.

05 330ci Titanium Silver on Dove Gray leather
6 Speed Manual
67k miles, this thing is pristine

I'm confused by the headlights - they seem to be halogen, yet they have projectors... did the halogen headlights have projectors in the E46? (this is my first e46 that I believe does not have xenon lights)

12-06-2016, 09:39 AM
Found this an interesting spread.


Sent by the Pixel XL

12-06-2016, 10:11 AM
Close to 50% found them within 50 miles, damn...

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12-06-2016, 10:35 AM
Close to 50% found them within 50 miles, damn...

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That is surprising to me even though I found mine less than 10 miles away. Then again, my father is on the other end of the spectrum and found his 500+ miles away.

12-27-2016, 06:22 AM
Added my data to the survey... 2004 - $7,750 - 119k miles

FWIW - that's considerably less $$ than my die-hard BMW friends told me it was worth. Two good sources told me it was a $10k car. Not sure if values are rising on this car, but I think it was a fair price.

That said, I found the original window sticker for the car in the owner's manual; 2004 MSRP was $46k! :eyetwitch

12-31-2016, 03:19 PM
Just added my data to the survey. 2005 Orient Blue/Gray auto convertible with factory wind screen and factory iPod adaptor. 80K miles. Drove 975 fun miles to bring it home to San Diego, where a convertible can live a happy life. Close to mint condition, paid $9,000, maybe a tad high but a sweet ride.

12-31-2016, 03:33 PM
Found this an interesting spread.


Sent by the Pixel XL

Where is this data coming from ? BTW, I found mine less than 50 miles far.

01-02-2017, 07:15 AM
Where is this data coming from ? BTW, I found mine less than 50 miles far.
You can use the data in the Googledocs form to create a pie chart.

BTW - I think it would be interesting so see how much owners have spent on repairs / maintenance since purchasing. For example; D1ESEL only spent $3,500 for his '04, but did it need a bunch of work? And those who paid a higher price;was the car solid and didn't need any work because it was well-maintained?

It's an important data point because the value of these cars (or the price we all paid - thence the value) is dependent on more than just its physical appearance. I only paid $4,200 for my '03 530i with 107k miles, but it wasn't well-maintained. I ended up spending around $3k over the following 2 years on a neglected suspension and a few other things.

I guess it's too late now because the survey is complete, but it would be interesting to know...

01-02-2017, 08:09 AM
I've spent $4,500 in almost 2 years. This includes cosmetic stuff (silver cube trim, A and C pillars, fog lamps, front signals, Khoalty lenses) plus some parts that I didn't install yet. I'm not a DIY guy, so a good amount is from labor.

On a positive note, the last time I put money on this car was on 7/30/2016 : alcantara steering wheel.

01-19-2017, 09:02 AM
Any updates on the data since April of 2016? That seems to be the newest entry in the document I saw.

01-19-2017, 10:05 AM
Any updates on the data since April of 2016? That seems to be the newest entry in the document I saw.

Updated to the most recent entry on 12/31/2016. I should clean it up a bit since the chart is from purchases from 2013 on, but if we're keeping in the spirit of "the last three years" I should eliminate 2013 and make the cutoff 2014 now.

01-21-2017, 04:27 AM
Yeah I added my new zhp bought in December 2016. The repair data would be interesting but hard to have accurate because some people do their own work instead of a shop.

01-28-2017, 06:40 PM
Adding my data for the survey:

2004 Imola red with black leather interior
6 speed manual
No cold weather or premium package
52,054 miles at time of purchase

Traveled ~600 miles for it

03-01-2017, 04:21 AM
Hi, I'm the guys that made the spreadsheet. I'm obviously not on this site any more as I ended up buying an e90 (please forgive me). I realized today that my data collection chart was still being used by wasn't updating correctly. I fixed it and it should be working correctly again. If it screws up again you can find me on e90post.com

03-01-2017, 09:31 AM

03-01-2017, 09:58 AM
I updated my set of links with new entries as well as changed the graph so it is for ZHP purchases made in the last three years i.e. from 2014 onwards.

03-01-2017, 11:41 PM
Just completed survey. :thumbup

Go Horns!
03-04-2017, 04:41 PM
I just sold a ZHP. It had 108,900 miles. 2004 Sedan with 6MT. I had the carbon fiber strut bar and performance air intake. I sold it for $8,000.

I had all the maintenance records and receipts. It had cosmetic issues, the aftermarket stereo would turn off sometimes when you pressed it, and the sideview mirrors could not be moved with the controls (could be moved manually). My plan was to fix all those issues and ask $9,500. Buyer was willing to accept all issues, so I lowered my price.

03-13-2017, 10:32 AM

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04-22-2017, 09:55 AM
Bump for new members.

Updated to 4/21/17

04-22-2017, 11:23 AM
Done! Thanks for the reminder :)

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04-22-2017, 04:28 PM

04-22-2017, 04:52 PM
Done! Thanks for the reminder :)

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06-02-2017, 03:52 PM
2004 vert, steptronic, alcantara. 34K miles. Stock. From a Toyota dealer. Nice, not perfect. Needs about 800.00 to correct all identified issues and change fluids. (parts, I do the work). A couple scratches on the front and rear bonnet. $11K. No maint history but the miles were low.

06-08-2017, 06:18 AM
Updated and bump for new members.

06-08-2017, 10:22 AM
Updated and bump for new members.
Thanks for the bump. I need to add info about my second ZHP.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

06-08-2017, 10:56 AM
Thanks for the bump. I need to add info about my second ZHP.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

No problem!

Mods: can one of you edit the sentence in the original post to say the chart is from purchases since 2014, not 2013, please? I changed the chart to keep it relevant by limiting it to purchases in the last three years.

06-08-2017, 05:30 PM
No problem!

Mods: can one of you edit the sentence in the original post to say the chart is from purchases since 2014, not 2013, please? I changed the chart to keep it relevant by limiting it to purchases in the last three years.

Sent from my S8+

06-08-2017, 05:56 PM

07-05-2017, 03:58 AM
Just added my info. Looks like I paid a fair price, maybe a bit of a premium for oxford green. Hard to put a price on a documented full service history tho.

07-05-2017, 07:21 AM
Just added my info. Looks like I paid a fair price, maybe a bit of a premium for oxford green. Hard to put a price on a documented full service history tho.

Yup, the graph/data is meant to just be a sort of guideline to prices over the past three years. The data is pretty simple and doesn't account for a lot of factors. Prices are all relative to geographic location, condition, maintenance history, color combination, transmission, packages, options, etc.

07-05-2017, 07:34 AM
Yup, the graph/data is meant to just be a sort of guideline to prices over the past three years. The data is pretty simple and doesn't account for a lot of factors. Prices are all relative to geographic location, condition, maintenance history, color combination, transmission, packages, options, etc.

Totally. There's a big gap between similar cars just factoring in different transmissions. I guess color was a personal preference so that's going to be all over the place. While imola is one of the more common colors, the fact that it is an M-specific color adds a bit of value for the future.

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08-29-2017, 06:44 PM
Bump for the handful of new members

10-24-2017, 08:41 PM
When I purchased mine in April 2016 from dealer, it was $8900 with 120k miles and very clean. Original asking price was $10,500.

10-25-2017, 03:43 AM
Congrats. Sounds like a great deal. :roundel

11-01-2017, 11:50 AM
Added my data: 2004 ZHP convertible, silver grey, manual transmission, 42,431 miles for $10,900 bought from over 2,000 miles (!) away. :roundel

11-01-2017, 06:50 PM
Added my data: 2004 ZHP convertible, silver grey, manual transmission, 42,431 miles for $10,900 bought from over 2,000 miles (!) away. :roundel

Will update soon.

Congrats again on the purchase!

02-27-2018, 02:23 PM
Hello guys, new to the forum. What is an average price for a silver 2005 ZHP sedan Auto with 47,000?

02-27-2018, 03:32 PM
Hello guys, new to the forum. What is an average price for a silver 2005 ZHP sedan Auto with 47,000?

Definitely worthwhile to research prices on nadaguides.com and kbb.com.

02-27-2018, 03:44 PM
Of course, I agree. That is why I ask though, I found that those websites pricing is a lot lower because it would only show pricing for a regular 330i. Compared to the prices I see low mileage ZHPs being sold its nowhere close. Hence my question, I figured you guys would have better idea of what pricing for these cars are right now more or less.

02-27-2018, 04:37 PM
Of course, I agree. That is why I ask though, I found that those websites pricing is a lot lower because it would only show pricing for a regular 330i. Compared to the prices I see low mileage ZHPs being sold its nowhere close. Hence my question, I figured you guys would have better idea of what pricing for these cars are right now more or less.

NADA allows you to select Performance Package (=ZHP) as an option so you'll get relevant data. Don't recall if KBB has that option listed though.

ZHP pricing is wide-ranging because some sellers don't know what they have, some buyers don't appreciate the difference, and a whole assortment of niche preferences (alcantara interior, sunroof delete, manual v. step, etc.). I think it is fair to say that the price comments you'll see on this forum ranges too: some members value and will pay for the ZHP, some members are what I'd call "tight" if you get my drift. So, the more info from more sources you can gather, the better.

I'm not opining on ZHP sedans with 47k miles because I haven't shopped for them. Ask me about ZHP convertible 6speeds with 44k miles and I can offer an opinion! Good luck with your search and I'm sure folks here will weigh in with more substance or reaction to any specific cars you find.

02-27-2018, 05:14 PM
Oops, double post.

02-27-2018, 07:28 PM
Hello guys, new to the forum. What is an average price for a silver 2005 ZHP sedan Auto with 47,000?$17K....depending

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02-27-2018, 07:31 PM
Wow, that seems high.

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02-27-2018, 07:40 PM
Wow, that seems high.

Sent from my SM-G955U using TapatalkMaybe. If it's flawless, and has great maintenance history.... All day long.

$21K at EAG for sure.

If not, maybe $15K.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

02-27-2018, 10:07 PM
NADA allows you to select Performance Package (=ZHP) as an option so you'll get relevant data. Don't recall if KBB has that option listed though.

ZHP pricing is wide-ranging because some sellers don't know what they have, some buyers don't appreciate the difference, and a whole assortment of niche preferences (alcantara interior, sunroof delete, manual v. step, etc.). I think it is fair to say that the price comments you'll see on this forum ranges too: some members value and will pay for the ZHP, some members are what I'd call "tight" if you get my drift. So, the more info from more sources you can gather, the better.

I'm not opining on ZHP sedans with 47k miles because I haven't shopped for them. Ask me about ZHP convertible 6speeds with 44k miles and I can offer an opinion! Good luck with your search and I'm sure folks here will weigh in with more substance or reaction to any specific cars you find.

Thanks, I appreciate the input!

02-27-2018, 10:15 PM
Maybe. If it's flawless, and has great maintenance history.... All day long.

$21K at EAG for sure.

If not, maybe $15K.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

Thanks Dane, Safe to say you know a thing or two about these cars so I’ll take your word for it. :cheers:

02-28-2018, 12:22 AM
Hello guys, new to the forum. What is an average price for a silver 2005 ZHP sedan Auto with 47,000?

Average is no longer a thing with these cars being a minimum 12 years old. It can vary widely depending on miles, maintenance, condition, and just dumb luck on who's buying. That said, the low miles is offset somewhat by the automatic transmission which usually decreases the value. Furthermore, Titanium Silver (if that's the silver your car is) isn't the most sought after color ZHP, but that's sort of a wash. If it's in pristine condition I'd say if you were patient you could get $15k, but again, that's highly variable.

02-28-2018, 07:33 AM
Average is no longer a thing with these cars being a minimum 12 years old. It can vary widely depending on miles, maintenance, condition, and just dumb luck on who's buying. That said, the low miles is offset somewhat by the automatic transmission which usually decreases the value. Furthermore, Titanium Silver (if that's the silver your car is) isn't the most sought after color ZHP, but that's sort of a wash. If it's in pristine condition I'd say if you were patient you could get $15k, but again, that's highly variable.

Gotcha, thanks BMWCurves :)

02-28-2018, 10:09 AM
Gotcha, thanks BMWCurves :)

Meant to ask - are you selling or buying?

02-28-2018, 08:40 PM
Updated the graph to match only cars purchased in 2015 and onward

Gotcha, thanks BMWCurves :)

You're welcome.

02-28-2018, 10:17 PM
Most of us on here do. Smh

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03-01-2018, 03:22 PM
It's a 14-year old non-collectible BMW. Take that as you will.

Consider how much BMWs that are less than 6 years old depreciate. Mine was worth 17k 7.5 years ago (6 years old) with 75k miles on it. The youngest ZHP sedan is 13 years old. It's not always about the mileage.

In the end it's realistically only worth what insurance companies are willing to pay for a total loss.

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03-01-2018, 03:30 PM
The youngest ZHP sedan is 13 years old.

13 years old last month big boyyyyy

In the end it's realistically only worth what insurance companies are willing to pay for a total loss.

I'd say it's only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it.

03-02-2018, 05:17 PM
Updated the graph to match only cars purchased in 2015 and onward

You're welcome.Why?

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

03-02-2018, 05:41 PM

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Keeps purchasing prices semi-relevant to current prices by being within the last 3 years. I did the same last year.

03-02-2018, 05:43 PM
Keeps purchasing prices semi-relevant to current prices by being within the last 3 years. I did the same last year.Copy

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

03-06-2018, 10:06 PM
Meant to ask - are you selling or buying?

I just recently bought an 05 ZHP

03-06-2018, 10:18 PM
I just recently bought an 05 ZHP

Congrats! I bought mine in September. Also silver gray 2005. Turning out to be a really fun project car.

04-17-2018, 06:40 AM
Just purchased an 06 Vert 6mt with 101k for $7200

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

04-17-2018, 04:10 PM
Just purchased an 06 Vert 6mt with 101k for $7200

Sent from my SM-N950U using TapatalkCongratulations!

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

11-01-2018, 03:06 PM
Just a data point (not mine.)


$17k for an ‘03 with 31k miles! Amazing that there are still ‘03 MY’s out there with such low mileage.

11-01-2018, 04:16 PM
Just a data point (not mine.)


$17k for an ‘03 with 31k miles! Amazing that there are still ‘03 MY’s out there with such low mileage.The winner's username sure looks familiar... Illirep

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

11-02-2018, 08:56 AM
Yup. After I posted that I saw his post in this thread...http://www.zhpmafia.com/forums/showthread.php?21938-2003-ZHP-sedan-black-black-MT-with-31k-miles-on-BaT

01-12-2020, 09:39 AM
Finally found my car, 04 sapphire, 6mt, slicktop @198000 miles.
P/O was meticulous. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200112/a3f1763d8f5ab23bb73a31ad7bd722b6.jpg

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