View Full Version : New member living in Seattle area

11-20-2014, 10:43 PM
Hey everyone my names Scott. I build jets for a living and have dreamed of owning a bmw since 1998 at my first car show in LA at the age of 17 and I've sadly never owned one. But I will soon enough. I also only recently found out about zhps from my brother who works at bmw Beverly hills as a tech. And I instantly fell in love. I'm stoked to be here. Thanks for having me.

11-21-2014, 12:46 AM
In addition, I realize this is a ZHP website but I am open to suggestions as to what I should eventually purchase. I've always loved M3's but I don't really want to spend 20grand on a car right now or in the next year or so. Has anyone driven a ZHP and an M3 and compared the 2? Or even compared it to a 135i? Ive only ever test driven an E92 m3 and a few different 135i's, among countless others when I used to repair wheels at a BMW dealership in Irvine CA.

imola red zhp
11-21-2014, 02:59 AM
Welcome Good luck finding your BMW

11-21-2014, 05:54 AM
Scott, welcome

11-21-2014, 06:50 AM
Welcome from a Landing Gear Guy.
As t your question about ///M cars, no I haven't driven any but, have had my ZHP on several tracks with BMWCCA HPDE and found it to be fully capable. And yes, every driving instructor was surprised and commented in one form or another about how well the car performed on the track.

Always wanted an ///M until I got my ZHP. Haven't looked seriously at one since I got my ZHP eight years ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-21-2014, 07:37 AM
I've always loved M3's but I don't really want to spend 20 grand on a car right now or in the next year or so. Has anyone driven a ZHP and an M3 and compared the 2?


First welcome to the "family" :)

I would recommend getting a ZHP first if you haven't owned a BMW before. Get used to how the car drives (ZHP) and then when you're able - get a very well maintained and cared for ///M. There are a few members here who have had ZHPs and are now driving an E46 ///M so they can tell you from their perspective between the two cars as well.... here's mine:

I think I'm the only one here who happens to have both the ZHP and ///M (I can be wrong though). Maintenance on the ZHP is much easier on the wallet compared to maintenance on the ///M. If you're willing to DIY some of the maintenance then getting either the ZHP or ///M is okay. I said to get the ZHP first because for someone who have never owned a BMW, I think it would be an easier introduction into BMW ownership and maintenance before jumping into the ///M. The ///M will require more attention, and money, than the ZHP does. I started out my BMW ownership experience with a '99 323i for my first BMW before jumping into my ///M.

The ZHP is, in my humble opinion, one of the best daily driving cars I have ever driven. In fact, it is my daily driver today and I tend to drive it pretty much 95% of the time over driving my ///M. I would also add that my ZHP is not what I would call a standard ZHP....I've modded the crap out of it ;) BTW my ZHP has passed my ///M in overall mileage with 165k on the odometer...:)

The ///M, in my opinion, is all about presence, raw power, and sound. There are a few people here who have seen both of my cars in person (reunion meets). As much fun as the ZHP is to drive, driving the ///M however is a dream in comparison. The outright power and sound is intoxicating! :drool I can say that I appreciate having, and driving, my ///M that much more because I daily drive my ZHP. Not that the ZHP is any lesser regarding the driving experience but the two cars definitely have different personalities. I like to say that my ZHP has a much more "refined" driving experience, whereas my ///M is more a "brute force" driving experience. Both are lot's of fun to own and drive :thumbsup

11-21-2014, 07:47 AM

11-21-2014, 07:50 AM
Welcome Scott! There's been several new 'Seattle' members recently, and I know of another member here who lives in Seattle and it on the hunt for a ZHP. Soon enough we might have enough people to have a Seattle mini-meet :)

Whatever you buy, good luck in your search, and welcome again.

11-21-2014, 07:50 AM
Nice comparison Charlie. You do it so well.

11-21-2014, 07:57 AM
Welcome, Scott. I had my first BMW when I was 36 y/o. I never had a ZHP, maybe one of these days I will buy an IR sedan. My current daily driver is an e90 330i and it has plenty of power for my needs. GLWS !

11-21-2014, 08:26 AM
Nice comparison Charlie. You do it so well.

+1, charlie!

11-21-2014, 10:06 AM
Nice comparison Charlie. You do it so well.

Thanks Guy! :thumbsup

+1, charlie!

Thanks Peter! :biggrin

11-21-2014, 02:05 PM
Thanks guys. And thank you for the welcome. Thinking about it practically a ZHP is the route Ill likely take because it just makes more sense and all the input from you guys is reassuring that I dont have to rush into buying or spending more than I need to. And odds are I probably will not leave it stock. Thank you for the advice CakM3. I recently sold my 2006 limited 4runner and bought a cheap 99 civic to save up some cash. Im in no rush.

11-21-2014, 02:30 PM

11-22-2014, 10:13 AM

11-22-2014, 01:24 PM
Welcome from Vancouver, BC.

11-23-2014, 08:00 AM
Welcome. Tons of discussions on which people prefer, ZHP or M3. Really they are 2 totally different cars so it depends on what you want. Good luck with your choice, hard to get it wrong with either as long as you get a good one.

11-23-2014, 08:08 AM
Welcome sir. And Charlie is 100% on the money. He is my source of infinite wisdom. I'm in the process of transforming my zhp into a street/track dual threat car. And if you plan to mod your BMW (either ///M or ZHP) I will assure you that the zhp is much easier on your wallet.

11-23-2014, 02:43 PM
Welcome to the forum. Good that you are looking into a ZHP, I didn't know about it and got a 325 but love it still after 4 years.

11-23-2014, 02:49 PM
Welcome Scott....

11-24-2014, 11:50 AM
Thank you again guys. I test drove another 135i this weekend but this time it was a manua and oh man that car is a blast to drive but I can see myself getting in a lot of trouble. Especially in the Seattle area due to the high number of state troopers littering what few highways we have. $29000 is out of my range at the moment as well. Waiting for the right ZHP to come along when I'm good and ready is probably the wisest thing to do. In the mean time I'll save lots of money and drool over your guys' rides. :P

12-02-2014, 12:06 PM
Welcome from a fellow Seattle-based new guy! I just bought my new-to-me ZHP a few months back and it's been fantastic so far. I agree with what's been said, that the ZHP is a terrific daily driver. It's not a rocket (in fact it's kinda slow by today's standards) but it's a great driver. I started cackling maniacally the first time I hit an on-ramp after leaving the office.

ZHPs pop up on the Seattle Craigslist pretty regularly. Some are pretty ratty but there are plenty of nice ones. If you're willing to take your time you can find a keeper. I don't know if this trend extends broader than Seattle, but the coupes seem to sell for a little cheaper than the sedans. Auto cars are definitely cheaper if you're into that.