09-29-2014, 04:22 AM
My name's Vic and I've lived in the DFW Metroplex since 1989. Used to be a Volvo guy until the mid 90s when I acquired my first BMW, a 1985 E24 635CSi. Quickly became hooked and thereafter went through several cars - E34 535i, E39 528i, E36 325i, E46 325xiT, E36 M3/4/5 (shoulda kept that one), E38 740iL Sport (ate my lunch in six months), and current E46 ZHP Coupe that I will be posting FS soon. I have contracted the dreaded Gottahaveone Syndrome, E39 M5 strain.http://s1001.photobucket.com/user/vsorlie/media/2004%20ZHP/001.jpg.html