View Full Version : Got my trans fixed today, car back home

09-10-2014, 04:21 PM
So after the long process of chasing trans leaks it is finally resolved. I had seal leaks, need a new water pump, radiator (does mishimoto m3 radiator fit?) and the trans mounts where cracked. Wonderful... 1147$ later. Getting a higher paying job soon, maybe I can fund the manual in a year or so. You guys have this many issues with chasing leaks etc? I don't know if this is typical, we have less maintenance on the 840ci.

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09-10-2014, 06:14 PM
Only leak I had was the OFHG. Come to think about it, the area under the shifter is a bit wet looking. I am ignoring it for now.

09-11-2014, 04:18 AM
I had seal leaks, need a new water pump, radiator (does mishimoto m3 radiator fit?) and the trans mounts where cracked. Wonderful... 1147$ later. Getting a higher paying job soon, maybe I can fund the manual in a year or so. You guys have this many issues with chasing leaks etc? I don't know if this is typical, we have less maintenance on the 840ci.

Things like the water pump, radiator, and trans mounts are preventative maintenance items. If they're taken care of on a regular basis, then they never have issues. There are specified intervals to replace cooling system components... every 60k is recommended, though many have gone longer (such as myself, on about 120k on mine). Age is a factor.

Leaks happen with age; your car isn't a spring chicken, so things like this happen as it gets older. This is all part of owning an older vehicle...

And that 840 is most definitely not light on maintenance. Be sure to stay on top of things...
Once the 840 gets higher up in mileage, your maintenance costs will probably double, maybe triple.

09-11-2014, 04:38 AM
Things like the water pump, radiator, and trans mounts are preventative maintenance items. If they're taken care of on a regular basis, then they never have issues. There are specified intervals to replace cooling system components... every 60k is recommended, though many have gone longer (such as myself, on about 120k on mine). Age is a factor.

Leaks happen with age; your car isn't a spring chicken, so things like this happen as it gets older. This is all part of owning an older vehicle...

And that 840 is most definitely not light on maintenance. Be sure to stay on top of things...
Once the 840 gets higher up in mileage, your maintenance costs will probably double, maybe triple.

Sounds good. The 840 has 110 on the clock. We always maintain our cars, so this was from when we got the car. On the bright side another ZHP is in good working order!

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09-11-2014, 08:26 AM
Sounds good. The 840 has 110 on the clock. We always maintain our cars, so this was from when we got the car. On the bright side another ZHP is in good working order!

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Ah, lingering issues from PO's. Gotta love it!
Gives you the warm and fuzzies knowing that when you replace parts, they'll be brandy new. :)

09-11-2014, 02:02 PM
Ah, lingering issues from PO's. Gotta love it!
Gives you the warm and fuzzies knowing that when you replace parts, they'll be brandy new. :)

True story, oddly it was a 1 owner car.

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