View Full Version : Rear windshield tint removal

05-30-2014, 08:09 AM
Has anyone ever had to remove the tint from the rear windshield? I'm getting my windows tinted right now and the shop is saying they can't get it off clean with stream and need to put a razor to it, destroying the defroster and antenna... I've been looking around and found many people had luck using a clothing steamer. Has anyone tried this, or have a better method?

05-30-2014, 08:26 AM
I use a clothing steamer before to remove my old tint. Works great. I bought one from wallyworld . But I haven't try the back windshield yet . Wondering the same . But I think it should work without stripping the defroster lines

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05-30-2014, 09:45 AM
Well, at least the sides look good.


05-30-2014, 10:15 AM
Long time! Good to see you around. Car looks good... did the rear work or did you just do the sides while you're waiting on a solution for the rear.

05-30-2014, 11:03 AM
Try the steamer , dosent work return it

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

05-30-2014, 03:05 PM
Long time! Good to see you around. Car looks good... did the rear work or did you just do the sides while you're waiting on a solution for the rear.

I just had the sides done for now. I assumed a tint shop would be able to remove the rear tint, so I didn't think anything of it until I was already there and they told me they couldn't take it off without taking a blade to it. I may try the steamer and return it regardless :)

05-30-2014, 05:45 PM
So, here is a really good way to remove it.

Keep the car out in the sun as long as possible. It is going to be hot as hell inside, but it will make life much easier.

Start in a corner, and work your way over the top of the window and down...slowly pulling.

You will leave glue, however if it is the right temperature it should only leave near the defroster lines. If the tint is kinda skipping and jumping off the window when you pull...it is not hot enough.

Get some aerosol window cleaner....like Invisible Glass. DO NOT get a spray bottle, you need stuff that foams up.

Grab these sponges. It isn't a brite sponge, but it is like a plastic guard around the sponge material. Basically a scrub sponge

Kinda of looks like this:


Spray your foam window cleaner and COAT the glass, it might be a smart idea to tape up your rear speakers and cover the decklid with a garbage bag.

Start scrubbing with the plastic sponge type thing. It will take work, but you won't damage your rear window.

05-30-2014, 06:45 PM
Thanks M0nk3y! Getting the car nice and hot will not be a problem. It's rolling around to summer now in FL, 90+ daily. Black car with black interior = heat magnet. So the tint should come off with nothing but heat and then I scrub the remaining glue off with invisible glass + those sponges. Should I worry about how hard to scrub around the defroster lines or will it be ok to just go to town on the whole thing?

05-30-2014, 06:58 PM
Thanks M0nk3y! Getting the car nice and hot will not be a problem. It's rolling around to summer now in FL, 90+ daily. Black car with black interior = heat magnet. So the tint should come off with nothing but heat and then I scrub the remaining glue off with invisible glass + those sponges. Should I worry about how hard to scrub around the defroster lines or will it be ok to just go to town on the whole thing?

Go to town on the whole thing.

I've worked at a tint shop where we used this method only. No one came back complaining of issues.

05-30-2014, 07:23 PM
Excellent, thank you! I will try this out when I have time. Installing the GM5150 comes first, I think.

06-01-2014, 08:59 AM
I tried to remove the tint today, isn't going so well. It seems that there are 2 layers of the stuff. The first layer is coming off really easily, but it's leaving a second layer still stuck to the window. The second layer is being very stubborn and only peeling off in very small sections, if at all. Any thoughts on how to get the second layer off?

06-01-2014, 09:20 AM
I tried to remove the tint today, isn't going so well. It seems that there are 2 layers of the stuff. The first layer is coming off really easily, but it's leaving a second layer still stuck to the window. The second layer is being very stubborn and only peeling off in very small sections, if at all. Any thoughts on how to get the second layer off?

Not besides more of the same (steam, heat, and window cleaner). I need to have the 15% stripped of my son's new Golf TDI and may just pay the man --estimate was $100-150 for removal.

Thumbs, iPhone, Tapatalk.